On Monday, May 27, 2024 is Memorial Day in the US.
The day set aside with ceremonies to honor the memory of our fallen wno were sent to war and did not return.
We have parades
We have ceremonies
We have the inevitable bar-b-ques that come with every holiday
Thus it is a day of solemn mourning, quiet and demonstrative appreciation, and celebration.
I leave the grand speeches to others.
As for me, I salute you, my fallen brethren.
Peace to all
Fortunately I only went to virtual war, war on ignorance and despite efforts to recruit me for Jihad, rebirth as a warrior etc, I have remained alive.
Long live the alive (remember them).
I like the Mexican idea of a Dias de los Muertos. Kinda egalitarian, do all the dead in one sweep. But it sounds like a good party!
Hmm speaking of the dead....
"One hour and then another.
Inexorably march, step by step.
Whenever I meet you, we each smile.
But who is it who drags your corpse around?"
~Chan Master Hsu Yun (Empty Cloud)~