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Where Angels and other angles Fear to thread... or tread

lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

As a Bourne never again Falling Angle, or Angel ascending (never quite sure which):

  • From Christianity and Trolls I have learned, "Fear of the Buddha (or similar) is the beginning of Wisdom". On a deeper than super-fiscal or superficial level, wot does this meanie mean? It is the equivalent of 'Be Prepared for the unexpected' (good luck with that). Do not dwell in the mind now passed or mind yet to be. Simple really.

  • Many of us are guilty of a X-tian down-bringing, as opposed to a potential upbringing. Shame on US.

  • As a mostly Buddhist x-ponent I use as mantras; Our Father, Islamist chants, Hindu mantra AND anything I can glean from the New Age money spinning franchises.

It is why I provide Dana (alms) to the un-bless-able. Feeding stations to the imaginary beings and emergency rescue picnics to Heaven or Hell on Earth, as it is.

I heard today that it has been mathematically proven that 3 angels can dance on the head of a pin. In FAQs we can-can probably fit more.

Am I going wrong again? Ah well nothing and no one is perfect. Not even [insert preference]



  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    I think you should start a religion, @lobster…

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