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Anger Management

edited June 2010 in General Banter
Yesterday I took my car out to go get gas. First I noticed when I walked into the garage that it was filled with gas fumes. Not a good sign. But optimistically I got in and headed for the station. At a major intersection it died. I started it again and it got me across the intersection. My fear was rising. Everybody knows that kind of fear from their car dying. Then it died again. "O no"

I'm like only one block from the gas station. I prayed and then I started it again. It started again and I coasted my way into one of the pump stations. Relief flooded. So I get out my credit card and do all the crap then picked up the pump hose, stuck it in and began to fill it. I got about a cupfull and it quit.

Now my anger and disgust began to rise. I grabbed my purse and ran into the store to tell the poor girl that pump 2 didn't work. So she ran my card for 15 dollars. So she said she had reset it. so I ran outside and tried it again. Nada...Not nothing.

GRRRRR.....Then a couple pulled in on the other side and couldn't get it to work either. So she sent her husband in to the store for help.

Here the poor counter girl comes running out to the pump station with him. She comes to mine first and asks what grade do you want. I pointed to the cheapest unleaded. So she walks over and lifts the handle.
I'm like DUH! I look over at the girl on the other side and...just as I suspected.....she's a blond too. (lol)

So I got all filled up and my purse was sitting on the trunk of the car. I reached over and picked it up and didn't notice that the zipper was open and it was upside down.

Everything in it fell around my feet. AARRGGGG! I was seething mad now. So I squated down to pick all my crap back up and stuffed it into my purse.

Only when I got in my car did I have time to think about it. It took me awhile to calm down. So I decided "Ya know....the way this day is going I think I'll just go home before somebody rearends me at a traffic lifht.

So defeated....I went home.....and was glad of it.


  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited June 2010
    That dollar you picked up was mine.

    Any time you're in the neighbourhood, pop it through my door.....;)
  • patbbpatbb Veteran
    edited June 2010
    budhabee wrote: »
    I got about a cupfull and it quit.
    Now my anger and disgust began to rise.
    Why anger appeared here?
    were you in a hurry to get somewhere?
    if so did anger made you get there faster?

    or you just wanted things to all work and it wasn't?
    so you wanted the weather to be sunny but it was cloudy.
    Did anger made the weather change?

    not being sarcastic;
    just realizing the absurdity of our emotional reactions can help put them in perspective.
    When you can look at them with perspective, we can observe the sensations with equanimity.
    When you do so, the sensation will eventually dissipate... and so will the emotional reaction will never reappear again :)
  • edited June 2010
  • patbbpatbb Veteran
    edited June 2010
    budhabee wrote: »
    what don't you understand?
  • edited June 2010
    ok ok I'll be serious. hmmmm...I'm thinking...ok...good mood good mood good mood.....horrifying fear....horrifying fear....relief...relief....disgust...anger....rage....disgust....furious....livid...(livid is when the stuff inside my purse all fell out of it)....rage....tired....more tired....supersticious....itty bitty fear....home....defeat....glad...glad.

    vodka tonic

    good mood...good mood

    heh heh :lol:
  • patbbpatbb Veteran
    edited June 2010
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited June 2010
  • edited June 2010
    hee hee WOO HOO.....good mood
  • edited June 2010

    However, to be serious, I think Anger Management is a major task, which at times is more successful than other.
    Last week, in the night from saturday on sunday, my girlfriend had a serious car accident. She called me up at 03:30 AM, from Mannheim (Germany). She and one of our friends, returned from Italy, but had this major crash.
    The first thing I thought, was: *why couldn't you just pick a hotel, when you know you're not that well in driving at night?" and "your accountable for the life of our friend as well, do you realize that!?!". I really got angry about this seemingly (that is: in my mind seemingly) irresponsible behaviour. However, my girl was still on the phone and I succeeded very quickly to let the anger go and focused on their needs. I wouldn't be helpful by letting her down and just stick to my negative emotions. I really learnt a lot that day, by constantly contemplating my thoughts, feelings and actions. It made it less hard to have compassion.
    However, each and every single event its a challenge to successffully undergow this process.
  • edited June 2010
    wow that's good Atisha, it is so hard to bite your tounge sometimes. Smooth move.
  • TreeLuvr87TreeLuvr87 Veteran
    edited June 2010
    The more mindful I've become of my emotions, the more I'm realizing that all my anger stems from simply not getting what I want. From expecting something to go one way and it goes another. As soon as I can let go of control and craving, my anger becomes something I can look at objectively and let pass.
  • edited June 2010
    @ budhabee: thank you! I notice more an more faith in controlling my anger in other situations, as I've managed to it in that particular situation. It gives some kind of grip.

    @Treeluvr87: it's a good thing to recognize your 'ego' and try not to be judgmental, like Sogyal Rinpoche likes to say. Changing start with getting to know yourself. Its a good thing.
  • edited June 2010
    wow. you definitely need anger management.
  • lightwithinlightwithin Veteran
    edited June 2010
    For me, anger comes in sudden bursts and not rising slowly over some time, so I can't seem to contain it once it starts. I always have to deal with it after the fact. I try to calm myself down in any way I can, but sometimes the anger lingers a bit. My anger is explosive and too strong and quick for me to even be mindful of what causes it.

    Luckily, I think I've been "mellowing out" a lil lately.
  • patbbpatbb Veteran
    edited June 2010
    For me, anger comes in sudden bursts and not rising slowly over some time, so I can't seem to contain it once it starts. I always have to deal with it after the fact. I try to calm myself down in any way I can, but sometimes the anger lingers a bit. My anger is explosive and too strong and quick for me to even be mindful of what causes it.

    Luckily, I think I've been "mellowing out" a lil lately.
    it's always there even if it appear to come out in bursts.

    the faucet pourring fear into the cup open when certain situations present themselves (or you imagine these situations, makes no differences).

    Dealing with the water overflowing (bursts) is necessary when it happen, but turning off the water supply of the faucet (digging up the root) is what will fix the problem.

    perhaps try to be mindful of the more subtle sensations in your body when you think about certain things, or when certain situations arises... so you can eventually recognise the root of the anger, observe it, and be equanimous to it...
  • edited June 2010
    Learn from Master Venerable Wu Ling who is an American Buddhist nun.
    The art of transforming anger.
  • lightwithinlightwithin Veteran
    edited June 2010
    patbb wrote: »
    it's always there even if it appear to come out in bursts.

    You are totally right about this. I feel like the anger is just buried beneath the surface, waiting to re-surface in moments of stress. It's always there. It's very deep seeded.
    Dealing with the water overflowing (bursts) is necessary when it happen, but turning off the water supply of the faucet (digging up the root) is what will fix the problem.

    Good analogy. I think there are lots of reasons for my anger to be there, so I really wouldn't know where to start if I wanted to somehow fix it.

    Buddha Bee, I've had those days where everything seems to go wrong, and let me tell you, it's not easy to remain calm, focused and present, when those days happen, so I don't blame you for feeling relieved when you finally had the chance to get to the safety of your own home.

    I hope next time will be better and easier when you venture out.
  • patbbpatbb Veteran
    edited June 2010
    Good analogy. I think there are lots of reasons for my anger to be there, so I really wouldn't know where to start if I wanted to somehow fix it.
    there is not many reasons, if it's seem complicated, it just mean you haven't figure it out yet. Just keep studying Buddhism and one day the answer will become obvious.

    Being mindful and recognizing the feeling inside of you and seeing it for what it is (a sensation, a feeling, like your kitchen table, it's not you) is a very good start.

  • edited June 2010
    Ty Lightwithin, I gotta go to the library today hope it goes better. What about those darn pumps. It seems as they all work so differently, you think you have it all worked out and blamb....they switch the word pattern. On that one they had left out "Lift Handle and begin fueling." One simple little sentence. what goads me most is I know that. I'll wager the other blond on the other side of the pump knew that too. Yet somehow we couldn't remember it unless they had it worded in their dialog. WEIRD!
  • edited June 2010
    does anyone throw or break things when you are angry? I do that and regret later especially when it's something that I really like.
  • edited June 2010
    For me, anger comes in sudden bursts and not rising slowly over some time, so I can't seem to contain it once it starts. I always have to deal with it after the fact. I try to calm myself down in any way I can, but sometimes the anger lingers a bit. My anger is explosive and too strong and quick for me to even be mindful of what causes it.

    Luckily, I think I've been "mellowing out" a lil lately.

    same for me... something is not going on right and I suddenly get very angry.
  • edited June 2010
    I'm an excellent door slammer. I threw a brush at my sister when I was about 10 or so and it missed my sister and hit my other sister...(the one that I was trying to protect.) Doggone. Man blood started squirting everywhere. Scared the piss out of me. We ran up the hill and crossed the road and up another hill to get the lady on the hill...she was a nurse. I think I got big time punishment on that one.
  • lightwithinlightwithin Veteran
    edited June 2010
    daveysmith wrote: »
    does anyone throw or break things when you are angry? I do that and regret later especially when it's something that I really like.

    I have thrown some things in anger over the years, but it's not something I do often.
  • edited June 2010
    budhabee wrote: »
    I'm an excellent door slammer. I threw a brush at my sister when I was about 10 or so and it missed my sister and hit my other sister...(the one that I was trying to protect.) Doggone. Man blood started squirting everywhere. Scared the piss out of me. We ran up the hill and crossed the road and up another hill to get the lady on the hill...she was a nurse. I think I got big time punishment on that one.

    poor girl. I haven't physically hurt anyone yet and am not planning to do it.
  • edited June 2010
    well only one time when I was a kid I used the toy air gun on my sis.
  • edited June 2010
    I have thrown some things in anger over the years, but it's not something I do often.

    well I'm also trying to control this... cause breaking stuff isn't fun.
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