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You Just Got Drafted - Kill or Be Killed

MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
edited January 2011 in Philosophy
Lets say your country enters a war. It is required that all able-bodied men ages 18+ are to be sent overseas to war. You will be forced to kill and will have little time for any sort of religious practices. You cannot weasel your way out of it, you're forced to. They don't care if you're a Christian, Buddhism, Muslim, or a damn Amish: you're going.

So, do you go to war? If so, how do you act during it? Will you kill? Etc.

Or, do you try to smuggle yourself out of the country?

Hmmm? I've been thinking about this for a while. I'd probably run and hide to Canada. Eh?


  • MG, would you happen to know if the Amish got a deferment the last time the US had the draft, or were they forced to serve? (Good online research project.)
  • LincLinc Site owner Detroit Moderator
    Hypothetical situations are quaint, but I think rarely match reality. You'd need to closely examine your reasons. It seems to me it would be easy to use Buddhism as an excuse rather than a belief in this context. I also think context is important. Is this a defensive war or an offensive one?

    I'm not sure how I'd deal with it.
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    Its not too hypothetical. I don't know much about the Vietnam war, but I know there was a draft (I think.) I'm pretty sure that you couldn't get out of it just by saying I'M A BUDDHIST.
  • CamCam
    edited January 2011
    "A conscientious objector (CO) is an "individual [who has] claimed the right to refuse to perform military service"[1] on the grounds of freedom of thought, conscience, or religion"

    It's not in the military's interest to recruit people whom may hesitate on the front line. That's my understanding, at least.

    I know you gave the example of your country not caring, but most do. There's always a way out of being drafted.
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    What if the moon were made of green cheese? A mouse would not know until s/he got there.

    What if ...
    What if ...
    What if ...
    What if asking what-if questions were just filling the time that might otherwise be spent on practice?
  • We must be the change we wish to see in the world.

    If they told me I must, I'd tell them I must not.
    If they are going to hurt me for not helping them to kill and maim inocent men, women, and children (who's government does not represent them any more than this one represents me), that is within their power. I will not give my concent.

    If we have to go to jail, we will have pleanty of time to meditate. So its not realy "kill or be killed." Its kill and maim or stand on principal.

    It surprises and saddens me that so many normaly peaceful people would even consider joining the war machine. Who would the Buddha kill and maim?

    I haven't yet finnished reading Tolstoy's "The Kingdom of God Is Within You" but I'm already thinking I'll need to buy a case. One can find it online for free.
  • I'd dip.
  • There was CO status during at least part of the Vietnam war, but it was difficult to get. And not all countries have that, if I'm not mistaken. Sweden is among the most liberal; it has an alternative service program that allows CO's to spend 2 years serving their country by participating in projects at home.
  • I'd go to Canada and live with my best friend until the heat dies down.
  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    refuse and see what happens
  • Some conspiracies include the North American Union. My chileno friend has told me things on the news in South America typically parallel the facts on the net's free press. Often the conjectured, melodramatic conclusions are bogus, but the facts are solid.

    The bankers have been bailed out. The treasury is bankrupt. China is buying dept, even taking our freshwater to refill its depleted aquifers. The concentration camps and man-maid diseases. The Patriot Act. The Codex Alamentarius. Hoaxed hi-jackings.


    Will it happen again? Is it part of a bigger plan? Will that plan, much like the sinking of the Lusitania and the attack of Pearl Harbor, lead us to another World War? Is the world becoming over-populated? Will they kill two birds with one stone?

    The Argentine Economic Crisis of 2001 will be a good reflection of whether or not we'll be drafted.
  • It's not as if, even in time of war, your draft number comes up and you're on a bus two hours later. It doesn't work that way. There are always administrative delays, I don't care whose army you're talking about. At least in the US military, there has always been a way to register as a conscious objector (at least in modern times) and be exempted from direct combat service. Many CO's were still drafted, but in roles such as medical technicians, cooks, etc. Not in direct combat roles.

    In any event, this is a purely hypothetical exercise...
  • LincLinc Site owner Detroit Moderator
    edited January 2011
    Its not too hypothetical.
    Unless you've just been drafted then yes, it's completely hypothetical.
  • What if I put a gun to your head and told you to lie. That would also violate a precept.
  • I am not certain how strong I am, and what I would do.
    Let's say that I am brave enough, and politely refuse.
    What if I say; “Please, I am committed to not hurting anyone and I ask you, please do not hurt me. I ask you, please do not hurt anyone.”

    Will you actually pull the trigger? I'm pretty certain that most people threatening this level of violence are actually not wanting to be that violent.
  • I'd just drop a nuke on the country we were going to war with and avoid the whole situation.

    srsly tho, proly go to canada.
  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    Lets say your country enters a war. It is required that all able-bodied men ages 18+ are to be sent overseas to war. You will be forced to kill and will have little time for any sort of religious practices. You cannot weasel your way out of it, you're forced to. They don't care if you're a Christian, Buddhism, Muslim, or a damn Amish: you're going.

    So, do you go to war? If so, how do you act during it? Will you kill? Etc.

    Or, do you try to smuggle yourself out of the country?

    Hmmm? I've been thinking about this for a while. I'd probably run and hide to Canada. Eh?
    If it came to it Id rather serve as non violent role, Militaries always need cooks and cleaners the Karma generated from killing people out of anger is seriously negative that leads toward birth in the hell realms, Generally if there is no anger we are creating lesser negative karma but its still sever and leads to great misfortune in the future.

    Our future lives have an almost unseeable end and we do not know our destination of migration, most of the times in the past we have spent it dwelling in the lower realms for unfathomable aeons, Having finally found this qualified human life now with which to study and practise the methods toward liberation and Great enlightenment we should not waste it and we should take great care to avoid committing negative actions that will cause us to loose this and other
    similarly qualified vessels in our future lives. This life can be unbearable at time but future lives are far more numerous and more painful knowing this avoid causing negative actions !
  • JakbobJakbob Explorer
    Go to Canada I'm afraid since I have friends there. I would not like to be apart of such a system and on more realistic note. I'm thinking of moving to Canada or Australia someday because I find the American system we live in now is broken.
  • What if the moon were made of green cheese? A mouse would not know until s/he got there.

    What if ...
    What if ...
    What if ...
    What if asking what-if questions were just filling the time that might otherwise be spent on practice?

  • I have family in Canada. My dad is Canadian. I would respectfully refuse service and move north.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited January 2011
    I fear the enemy armed with guns and rocket launchers more than prisoners armed with fists. I would go to jail. Morals aside. I don't feel a responsibility to kill people to support my country.

    Of course I would be careful not to drop the soap. I would stop using soap! To keep the other prisoners away with my stench.

    The face of cruelty would be an opportunity to practice (jail). The face of death and due to uncertain rebirth you might be unable to practice for a long time.
  • Real courage involves doing what you think is right. If you believe in your country and think the war is justified, then fight. But if you think the war is just a money creator for the wealthy, then the real choice involves being either a coward who dons a uniform or a hero who resists. Gandhi is known for resisting the entire British empire without any violence whatsoever. That is the true power of the will. Power is not only waged in guns and bombs, oil and wealth, it's waged by the spirit, which is more powerful than any weapon.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited January 2011
    Lets say your country enters a war. It is required that all able-bodied men ages 18+ are to be sent overseas to war.
    Minor further problem with your hypothesis.
    you're 15, so you're asking adults on this forum to make decisions or show you their reasoning over something which doesn't even concern you!

    Why not wait until the schyt hits the fan, and THEN think about what you'd do...??
    You will be forced to kill and will have little time for any sort of religious practices. You cannot weasel your way out of it, you're forced to. They don't care if you're a Christian, Buddhism, Muslim, or a damn Amish: you're going.
    Oh, really?
    no civilised Western country would commit anybody into compulsorily joining the army with the view to putting them in the front line ONLY - to kill.
    Every civilised country (and that generally covers the whereabouts of most members here) have their ample share of pacifists and conscientious objectors.

    So... where are you talking about??
    So, do you go to war? If so, how do you act during it? Will you kill? Etc.
    I'd specify exactly what my father specified. "Please put me somewhere, where I won't have to kill anyone." They put him in charge of Communications and light entertainment.
    Or, do you try to smuggle yourself out of the country?
    Any country with this severe a lockdown and a compulsory military conscription programme, is not going to let anybody 'smuggle' themselves out of the country. Borders will be heavily guarded, policed and manned. They can't get in. You sure can't get out....
    Hmmm? I've been thinking about this for a while. I'd probably run and hide to Canada. Eh?
    Poor Canada. What have they done to deserve you??


    (That was a joke.... ;) )
  • edited January 2011
    from what ive heard, buddhists and seventh day adventists can easily register as concientous objectors and train in the medical field, and are not forced to carry a gun like all the other medics, from my understanding it is much harder to get a concientous objector status if you have no history of following a pacifist group. sincerely john
  • Wait...... Why does war exist?

    If you could create an existence where the expression of life provided an example that was so advanced that war become utterly foolish....... Would you? What is stopping us from doing so?

    I'm missing the understanding here of becoming a conscientious objector of war and I suppose being OK that war exists in the first place.
    So we act when it effects us, but remain passive until that time comes?
  • If I go to jail, I'll have lots of time to practice.
    If lots of us go to jail, they will have turned the jails into Sangha.
    If we all say no to war, war will be over.
  • SabreSabre Veteran
    edited January 2011
    I thought about this too. If I would be forced to be in the army, than I could only be a medic or ambulance driver or something like that. Other functions that have anything to do with or support the warfare I would not do. I'd rather go to jail.

    Luckily this scenerio will 99.9999% surely not happen.
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    Federica, it certainly does concern me. I don't foresee any major battles happening within the next three years, but perhaps after that one may occur. Of course, me picking what I want to do as an adult doesn't concern me now, but I choose anyways.

    I forgot about the fact you could ask to be a cook or something. Lets hope they'd comply.

    From what I've been told, you couldn't get out of being drafting no matter what your beliefs are. I suppose you wouldn't have to be in the front lines if you ask not to, but still I'd be anti-war (unless, ya know, we were fighting some kind of tyrannical force nobly) and I'd wouldn't even want to cook for them.

    Oh, and I'm sure you could smuggle your way into Canada somehow.

    And the whole "What did Canada do that was so bad to deserve me?" hurt real bad. It made me cry a little bit. :'(

    Just kidding. Canada should be thankful for me if I were to move there. :D

  • (unless, ya know, we were fighting some kind of tyrannical force nobly)
    Isn't that what both sides always brainwash the people to beleive? The family's who's houses get the bombs dropped on them might be thinking its not so nobel.

    Just 50 years ago, Eisenhower warned of the military-industrial-complex because what had gotten to him was the marketing of the war machine in advertizements aimed at the general public.

    What existed then is mere child's play when compared to today's endless conditioning of the population for wars. Just look around and see how many advertizements (including bumper stickers on cars) you see (every single day) that support the war machine.

    Which bumper stickers would the Buddha put on his car? Which countries would Buddha support bombing?
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    I believe that fighting Nazi Germany would be considered noble.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Hitler - the mind behind Nazi Germans - thought that trying to eliminate certain races/tribes was noble, in order to improve and perfect the human being. This is why he refused to marry Eva Braun and have children. Because he knew he himself was a 'mongrel of mixed origins', and not worthy of begetting offspring.

    How do you convince a mind like that his intentions were NOT noble?
  • If I go to jail, I'll have lots of time to practice.
    If lots of us go to jail, they will have turned the jails into Sangha.
    If we all say no to war, war will be over.
    Just say no and it will be over?

    Isn't there something deeper to war than the act itself?
    Why don't we look to the source of it's origin and deal with that?
    Why don't we demand that the aspect of our social adherence be changed at it's core?

    The passivity of saying no speaks to a boisterous truth about yourself, but when does it speak for another?
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    humour a 15-year-old's curiosity.... :rolleyes:

    it's not an in-depth study, he's just asking what we'd do.... ;)
  • edited January 2011
    Christianity addresses our failures in humanity by saying they are evil. They go as far as saying that they had a choice, when it is far beyond the realm of reason and logic.

    If you were born with an identical genetic makeup and experienced the exact influences, logic prevails that you would make the same choices and perform the same acts. Declaring otherwise would state that you were created different, with an innate quality of discernment..... This destroys the concept of perfection and/or equality by the very fiber of our being.

    The mind who is on the outside looking in, basically condemns this life through the adherence of their belief.

    Now what is the Buddhist example?

    Did this life choose this path through Karmic attachment?

    Concerning Hitler and the question.......
    "How do you convince a mind like that his intentions were NOT noble?"

    This could have as easily been your mind, the answer is clear..... You can't! It's not the mind we are speaking of, it's the conditions that developed it.
    Buddhism detaches itself from the act and the condition that produced it; if it is their Karmic attachment, what is there to be said about it?

    If Buddhism is correct, these are all necessary steps towards the progression of the individual towards achieving enlightenment........ IF Buddhism is not correct, it is just as condemning as Christianity; we can't identify the condition, nor can we identify without a purpose to the act, this life could be our own.

    Quite a leap of faith!
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    The question regarding Hitler was hypothetical, therefore didn't require an answer.
    you need to lighten up a bit.
    Your intensity is admirable, but must be difficult to sustain all the time. It's like the Buddha's lesson on the guitar strings being either too tight or too loose.....

    Intensity may be your right, but is not always appropriate.


  • This is what Buddhism deals with.... the mind!
    How do you convince a mind speaks volumes here...... You don't! You identify the physical nature that produced the mind or accept that it needed to exist......
  • I believe that fighting Nazi Germany would be considered noble.
    Is this hypothetical too?
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    are you actually talking to anybody in particular, or juSt having a ranting 5 minutes? because you're not making any sense at all, really.....
  • The question regarding Hitler was hypothetical, therefore didn't require an answer.
    you need to lighten up a bit.
    Your intensity is admirable, but must be difficult to sustain all the time. It's like the Buddha's lesson on the guitar strings being either too tight or too loose.....

    Intensity may be your right, but is not always appropriate.


    You know, Hitler wasn't the point.... Just a spring board..... Insert anyone who has committed an act of atrocity, nice and loose.... but direct in meaning

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    I believe that fighting Nazi Germany would be considered noble.
    Is this hypothetical too?
    I don't suppose so, but I didn't write it though. I think this is a belief, which is why the poster wrote, "I believe"... My response was hypothetical, and I know it was, because I wrote it.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited January 2011
    You know, Hitler wasn't the point.... Just a spring board..... Insert anyone who has committed an act of atrocity, nice and loose.... but direct in meaning
    No, Hitler wasn't the point. Have you actually read the OP's starting post?
    Are you actually paying any attention to the origin of the topic?
  • are you actually talking to anybody in particular, or juSt having a ranting 5 minutes? because you're not making any sense at all, really.....
    If I'm not making sense, perhaps we're missing in understanding..... It's very easy, find exactly where you believe I am not making sense and address it.
    You will either provide knowledge of your own where needed, or you will gain understanding of what I am posting.

    Misdirected criticism accomplishes nothing for anyone, nor does it provide knowledge for anyone!

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    If I'm not making sense, perhaps we're missing in understanding..... It's very easy, find exactly where you believe I am not making sense and address it.
    You will either provide knowledge of your own where needed, or you will gain understanding of what I am posting.

    Misdirected criticism accomplishes nothing for anyone, nor does it provide knowledge for anyone!

  • You know, Hitler wasn't the point.... Just a spring board..... Insert anyone who has committed an act of atrocity, nice and loose.... but direct in meaning
    No, Hitler wasn't the point. Have you actually read the OP's starting post?
    Are you actually paying any attention to the origin of the topic?
    </blockquoteYes, insert a soldier who kills another., the point being the same..... It's not about the choice but the social structure that perpetuates it.
    What would I do if?
    What are we doing now because it is even a possibility?

  • edited January 2011
    You know, Hitler wasn't the point.... Just a spring board..... Insert anyone who has committed an act of atrocity, nice and loose.... but direct in meaning
    No, Hitler wasn't the point. Have you actually read the OP's starting post?
    Are you actually paying any attention to the origin of the topic?
    Yes, insert a soldier who kills another., the point being the same..... It's not about the choice but the social structure that perpetuates it.
    What would I do if?
    What are we doing now because it is even a possibility?

  • Did you understand the relation I brought up concerning the condemning nature, whether direct or indirect?

    To me it seems as though Buddhists are on the fence.... I absolutely will not perform this act, but I am unsure whether it is OK or not that another does?
    It's not OK per se, but because it is the choice and design of Karmic growth of the individual, I can't unequivocally say we need to take steps in our own action to ensure that it doesn't.

    If I'm way outside the realm of understanding, this should be an easy exercise.
    Being rude, makes a statement all on it's own!
  • You see, the causes and conditions for your existing is very different from that of mine. Meaning how I react and response to the same situation can, and most likely will, be very different, yet we are following the same teaching.

    I live on an island where it is compulsory for all males to serve either in the Army, Police or Civil Defense for two years. And you do not have a choice where you go. So there are Buddhists who are crafted into National Service who are forced to carry a gun and are trained to kill. There is no such thing as an Active Objector in my country. The only way you could get around this law is if you had signed up with the Civil Defense or Police Force even before your papers are drawn up. Which is impossible because you receive your notice for a medical when you are 16.

    So if there were a draft in my country, yes I'll answer the call for duty, but I will not brag about it. For me it's for the survival of my tiny island country, and it's about the survival of my families and friends. And also the fact that I can't escape because I'm surrounded by water all around and the only way to reach to another county is to cross a bridge.

    So yes, it may not seem very Buddhist to accept the responsibility of killing. But I think it's also not Buddhist to resist and deprive yourself of whatever little freedom you have in times of war, because those small times of personal freedom is when you really can make a difference to both your life and the lives of others. That, and you have no idea how horrible prison is in my country.
  • Where are you, dorje, Sri Lanka?
  • edited January 2011
    You see, if the leaders, diplomats, armed forces generals would to know and understand and learn religions, there would never be war. For instance, Islam most controversial perspective is holy war or Jihad, it implies the jihad of self anger and discrimination away from love; while Jesus spoken the same perspective of love in all humanity such as God creates the world, literally and pragmatically speaking, the world is God in itself, how would God damage God unless it's selfish desire on materialistic, fame and power driven due to jealousy and staunch possession etc. In the understanding of world and religions from the perspective of Buddhism study. So, before the war decision is made, those supporting elements must "vote" him down or ignore him, because starting a war will bring devastating aftermath to its own citizen as it's historically proven fact. Anyway, a peaceful citizen never engage war and no war in the mind, this is the price of pureland that you wanna earn it. Henceforth, it is a must that leader to acquire pureland.
  • edited January 2011
    Do you realize that it is extremely irresponsible that the state of humanity and all the denial within it exists?

    It might be a bit extreme, but to me... The lack of action is equal to an action.

    A person that believes they can't do anything about the atrocities in the world is equal to a person who picks up a gun and pulls the trigger..... We are all equal in this, some choices are just a bit more distant from the horror.
    The distance speaks to an ability to change it, imagine the horror of being faced with the possibility that you could have changed it all within your freedom of expression.... I would consider it might be as terrible as placing a gun to another's head and pulling the trigger.
    Don't worry if you're Buddhist, we are not all equal in your belief.... Some have a better understanding of enlightenment and choose not to perceive suffering, therefore it doesn't really exist but in the choice of the individual.
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