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Kindle 3

CloudCloud Veteran
edited January 2011 in General Banter
Anyone have the newest model (v3) Kindle that doesn't use back-lighting, or have experience with one of them?
If so, what has your experience been and/or would you recommend it?


  • ShiftPlusOneShiftPlusOne Veteran
    edited January 2011
    As detailed as it gets...

    Regarding the issue with the covers without the light:
  • @ShiftPlusOne, Thanks a lot. Despite the minor issues it's apparently a great product. :)
  • It is, I've been thinking of getting one as well.
  • BonsaiDougBonsaiDoug Simply, on the path. Veteran
    Gave my wife one for Christmas. She uses it A LOT, and loves it. No problems at all.

    In fact, I installed the Kindle app on my iPhone 4 so that we could share books between the two devices.
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    I have one, it doesn't have a back light. I don't mind it. I think its great.
  • Actually just got the Kindle app for PC and started "buying" a lot of free Kindle eBooks online like the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Sayings of Confucius, Arabian Nights, Dracula, History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science... lots of stuff. The beautiful thing is when I get a Kindle I'll be able to sync all of these to it over USB, WiFi or 3G without searching for them again. :D So much free stuff to read before ever getting to paid content!
  • sweet just found the Dhammapada in the free books
  • I just bought one ha ha! I should get it tuesday.
  • Well after you play with it a while lemme know how it is; I can't order mine until tax money comes in. :)
  • Finally got this thing (the WiFi+3G one, 6") and it's absolutely beautiful... worth every penny. I didn't know you could get games for this thing! Got Monopoly, Scrabble, Texas Hold 'Em and some other ones and you can even do "pass-n-play" to play against real-life opponents. Oops, didn't mean to drool all over the forum there, sorry...
  • Lol, nice. I'll admit a tiny bit of craving on my behalf.
  • I'm curious what the big difference between a Kindle with WiFi/3G and an iPad is. Looks to me like an iPad with similar WiFi/3G connectivity would give you a lot more bang for the buck. I'm not that up to speed on the Kindle though... I'm trying to decide if I "need" an iPad for clinical use. I hate the thought of having to "need" one of these gizmos. My goal is to try to free myself of dependence on gizmology and "things", y'know?

  • The major selling point of the Kindle is the eInk display and battery life. It's easy on the eyes, just like a regular book. The iPad display (or any other lcd-type screen) is horrible for reading, 'cause it will strain the eyes a lot. Then there's the issue of daylight. You can't read LCD screens under direct sunlight. You have to charge the iPad too often, while you can just carry the kindle around without having to worry about the battery.
  • Yeah that's one thing. The thing with the Kindle is at every design point where they had the choice, they went with what made/kept the Kindle better for the displaying of books. That's its primary purpose and everything "additional" only came after. It's not meant to be anything like an iPad, so they aren't really competitors in the way most people think. The President/CEO of Amazon doesn't think so anyway; watched the interview with him on the page for the Kinlde, 'bout a half hour long if I remember.
  • I'm sorry cloud i did not see your post asking me to let you know how it was.

    I'm glad you like it! I truly do love mine. The e-ink screen is beautiful!
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited February 2011
    @thewalkindude, Yeah. A few family members incl. a visiting uncle saw it today, and they couldn't believe the screen. I told my uncle it lasts for about a month on one battery charge if the WiFi/3G is kept off when not in use, and he was "incredulous". Think I convinced him to buy one for his wife. :)
  • One thing I definitely didn't expect is how great the resolution/contrast is. I figured it'd be good for reading normal size text, but I got Monopoly and all the squares are really small and such since the whole board fits on the screen, but you can actually read the print. Same with opening webpages in the browser that are much too small, the tiny print is still readable if your eyesight isn't bad and it's close enough to your face (like a foot away). Even pictures that are supposed to be color look great! It's supposedly 16 shades of monochrome gray, but it renders color pics perfectly...
  • HI
    Kindle is pretty low spec when compared to
    the IQ cost more for less will NOT READ ALL
    book types,IQs Android OS also allows multi apps,
    kindle does not.

    I dont work for IQ just trying to give some
    friendly advice,I have used both and the IQ is
    a better reader and all round device.
    Thats just my opnion

  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited February 2011
    Already bought the Kindle and couldn't be happier. I made this thread for Kindle information, and now I have the Kindle so...
  • I have the new Kindle and LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I download free books from Amazon, many of them on Buddhism. I also listen to my audiobooks from on it, and I put MP3's of dharma talks that I find online onto it. The backlight isn't an issue for me. I have a handy little clip on light that I use in bed, otherwise I can see it just fine. I also use to text-to-speech feature a lot, so that I can just lie in bed and listen, no light needed.
  • @laurajean, I'd hate it if it had a backlight. That would mean the battery would drain fast and my eyes would get strained like staring at a computer screen. :) I've been loading my Kindle up. Have two editions of the Dhammapada, talks by Thich Nhat Hanh, the Encyclopedia of Buddhism, some sutras in PDF, and other stuff. Buncha free eBooks from Amazon also (the ones you buy for $0) like Sherlock Holmes, the Alice in Wonderland novels, Dracula, Jekyll & Hyde... not to mention games, other encyclopedias and other stuff. Having too much fun with it. :)
  • @laurajean, I'd hate it if it had a backlight. That would mean the battery would drain fast and my eyes would get strained like staring at a computer screen. :) I've been loading my Kindle up. Have two editions of the Dhammapada, talks by Thich Nhat Hanh, the Encyclopedia of Buddhism, some sutras in PDF, and other stuff. Buncha free eBooks from Amazon also (the ones you buy for $0) like Sherlock Holmes, the Alice in Wonderland novels, Dracula, Jekyll & Hyde... not to mention games, other encyclopedias and other stuff. Having too much fun with it. :)
    Yeah, Nook people always brag about the backlight, but I have no use for it at all. Like you said, it just wears the battery down faster, and since most of my books are audio, it doesn't matter anyway!

  • Also the new color nook does not have an e-ink screen. It is a normal IPS monitor similar to the Ipads. They seem to want to compete with Apple. The problem is that they based their device on a somewhat locked version of android so it cannot do as much as a normal android phone or any other android tablet.

    It seems like Barnes & Noble screwed up the nook.
  • I like it. It has very long battery life, and I can read obscure books I download for free off the internet.
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    At the risk of looking like a self-serving twit, I read this thread with a rueful grin. A while back, a cousin of mine told me to get my book on Kindle et al because that seems to be the wave of the future. Grudgingly (I'm old enough to have what amounts to too much affection for actual-factual books), I got an internet-savvy friend to help me through the coding ... actually, she did the work, I pretty much sat on the sidelines and bemoaned the passage of time. Now, with this thread among other sources, I can see that people actually do use these gadgets ... and coincidentally seem to read. :) It makes me happy to think that people do read and, to a lesser extent, happy that my friend's work was not in vain.

    The book, FWIW, is "Answer Your Love Letters: Footnotes to a Zen Practice."
  • He means this one I think

    (but in Kindle version)

    I'm open for Christmas presents early this year by the way :p
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