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What is Buddhism to You?

MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
edited February 2011 in Buddhism Basics
What does Buddhism mean to you?
What are the most important aspects of Buddhism, do you think?
What do you believe in a nutshell?

To me, Buddhism is sort of a way of life that can lead you to happiness. I believe it allows you to form your own beliefs on stuff, that its a framework.

I believe that the most important beliefs in Buddhism are (in no particular order):

4 Noble Truths (Which goes hand in hand with impermanence)
Eight Fold Path (Which leads you to skillful behavior)
Impermanence (Idea that everything is changing, that there is nothing to cling to)
Not-Self (Important part of impermanence)


  • Buddhism is the path to self liberation to me.

    The most important aspects is all of it in my opinion as each aspects plays an important role dependent upon inner location and my evolution of need.

    I believe in the power of the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha.
  • Buddhism is a set of tools that can be used to increase one's mindfulness, wisdom & compassion. IMO these three qualities embody everything that matters about Buddhism.

    @ Mindgate - i agree impermanence is v. important. For me it's the cornerstone wisdom of Buddhism. But it only becomes 'true' wisdom if truly embodied by compassion and mindfulness, ie not simply an intellectually grasping concept.

    @ Vajraheart - indeed the Buddha, Dharma & Sangha are powerful. The triple gem contains all of Buddhism (Buddha=mindfulness, Dharma=wisdom, Sangha=compassion).

    See how it all fits?


  • See how it all fits?

    Yes, I was going to elaborate, but I got into a discussion with my spouse.... I absolutely agree with you. I'm still talking with my spouse.
  • lol i hear you ;)
  • I may be somewhat simplistic in this answer, but to ME, it's about Compassion for all Beings, mindfulness, really being present in each moment, and understanding (or the quest for self understanding I should say). That's in a nutshell, to me.
  • Buddhism is a religion; many things to many people. It is not found without at least remnants of other belief systems. Even the scriptures of the Theravada school have heavy influences from the culture and beliefs of the ancient people of India. I don't assume that the Buddha is the author of any scriptures written after his death, but the teachings that are common to the various schools are indicative of the essential message that was his Dharma.

    I believe that the Buddha meant and taught only of suffering and the cessation of suffering, as described in the Four Noble Truths, and with the (included) Noble Eightfold Path as the way. I also believe that as much as we desire non-suffering/peace for ourselves, we should want the same for each and every mind that can awaken. And finally I believe that I could be wrong about all of it. :D

  • It shows me to myself, thus I am able to see the world as it really is.
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