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What should I do? Pack rat?

JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
edited March 2011 in General Banter
I have all this stuff from when I was a kid. Souvenirs and a bunch of trophies, I played sports, debate, academics, forensics. The dilema is that I don't really have space. I could use the drawers for things that I actually use that make a mess. And it does bring back some memories? Also I wonder if I could just take my name off the trophies and give them to a sports store? I know the production/consumption society might not accept recycling of such so it is confusing.

All in all I am confused and I wonder if someone can iron me out.


  • Jeffrey, hi. :-)

    i'd say: whatever you do, weigh it carefully first! once the artifacts of your personal past are gone, they're GONE. sure it's harmful to get too attached to your past. but it could also be harmful to discard meaningful chunks of it on impulse.
  • GuyCGuyC Veteran
    edited March 2011
    Hi Jeffrey,

    I think this kind of thing is symptomatic of the times we live in. We live in a "throw away" society which is perhaps not as agreeable to some as it is to others. Those who can't bear the thought of throwing away a perfectly good trophy (sometimes called "hoarders") are probably much more in tune with reality than those who have wouldn't think twice about it. There are finite resources on this planet but the way society acts is that we can keep on going the way we are going with no consequences..."this shit's gotta go"...

    excerpt from full movie:

    Worth watching...sorry to derail your thread.


  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited March 2011
    Rachmiel, Thats what I was thinking! I guess you are saying to sort out what is meaningful. Thats a doozy. Anyhow good advice on the goneness of the decision.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited March 2011
    Guy its confusing because they give a trophy to recognize someone, but maybe they should AND shouldn't. Should to recognize, but shouldn't because its a waste of resources. I feel sort of like they are anchors.
  • GuyCGuyC Veteran
    Hi Jeffrey,
    Guy its confusing because they give a trophy to recognize someone, but maybe they should AND shouldn't. Should to recognize, but shouldn't because its a waste of resources. I feel sort of like they are anchors.
    How about, instead of making a new trophy for the same game/league the next year, simply the previous year's winner hands the trophy on to the new winner. I believe this is somewhat Buddhist since the previous winner gets to practice letting go and generosity while being reminded of impermanence.

    Some sports clubs/leagues do practice like this.


  • Yeah thats cool, thing is I am not a coach. Or much of a socializer/organizer.
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    Do you have a basement or attic? I so, box those babies up and put them there!
  • @Jeffrey

    If you're into feng-shui, you can do some research on it and use them as ornaments to improve the energies in your life, based on their shape, color, etc.
  • edited March 2011
    Assuming your brain is working OK (no OCD) ask yourself this question, "What is the worst that can if I get rid of this item?"

    Usually the answer reveals very small teeny tiny consequences. Take some pictures of them, store the pics safely, rip off your name and give them to the nearest Good Will store.

    Good luck!
  • Dorje,

    I have noticed some self conditioned as opposed to schooled (other than school of ALL life) Feng Shui in how I already had it! But its time to pair it down a bit and remove some clutter. But thanks, I could probably learn something from formal Feng Shui. Can you suggest any general tips that you have learned? The problem if I study Feng Shui then I will forget about the room. :crazy:


    Thats awesome! Helps calm.
  • patbbpatbb Veteran
    if you decide to clean up the stuff that you are holding on (hoarding), perhaps you can take a picture of those things first.

    So you can have them preserved in a digital format forever (email the pictures to yourself, gmail will outlive us all).

    So your fear of not wanting to let go because they remind you of the good things of you past may be appeased.

    Also, the electronic format would be much more practical to show theses things to your relatives.
  • Good idea patbb. I can put them in my magic sleigh ie digital media is the magic of the 21st century.
  • @Jeffrey Much of the Feng Shui I know is pretty much basic common sense. Like eliminating clutter (allows for the free flow of good chi), having the headboard of the bed up against the wall (provides stability in a person's life), arranging your study in such a way that your back doesn't face the door (doesn't help in concentration when you're worrying about being watched).

    Then there are the folk beliefs like not having the foot of the bed pointing to the door or mirror (traps your "spirit when you sleep" ) and try to have meandering flowing lines of movement instead straight and direct ones (good chi flows and meanders like a river while bad chi flies straight like an arrow, the saying goes).

    Apart from that I don't really know much about Feng Shui.
  • if you decide to clean up the stuff that you are holding on (hoarding), perhaps you can take a picture of those things first.

    So you can have them preserved in a digital format forever (email the pictures to yourself, gmail will outlive us all).

    So your fear of not wanting to let go because they remind you of the good things of you past may be appeased.

    Also, the electronic format would be much more practical to show theses things to your relatives.
    I was going to suggest a similar thing. Taking pictures of the trophies and things that mean a lot but take up space, and make a scrap book of them. Take far off shots of them, then close-ups with the honor and your name, etc. And keep them all in a memory book.
  • TheswingisyellowTheswingisyellow Trying to be open to existence Samsara Veteran
    Off topic, I wanted to say thank you for posting Zeitgeist,I was just watching the trailers. Powerful stuff, I gotta get it. I love that old man.
    All the best,
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