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How to know if you are stream winner or enlightened?

hermitwinhermitwin Veteran
edited March 2011 in General Banter
How to know if you are stream winner or enlightened?
Only you know. If you think you are sotapanna what would you do? Just sit back and wait for enlightenment?
To me, enlightenment is sth you attain. You put in effort to get there.
And when you get there, you will know. Can you imagine an arahant wondering, am i enlightened?
Thats like Buddha wondering if he is already the Buddha or not.


  • If it was something you attained, Buddha would not practice after he was enlightened under the Bodhi tree. Instead he was seen to be practicing every single day till the day he died.

    I think for me whether knowing you are a stream winner or enlightened is realizing that the destination is the path itself. There is no finish line, because we're basically walking on a Mobius strip.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    You go find an actual teacher and let them determine your state of mind for you, otherwise just go with the flow and don't worry about pinning down what you "are", because you'd know by then what you aren't and would not rush to applying labels to yourself.
  • patbbpatbb Veteran
    edited March 2011"Mahasi+Sayadaw"&hl=en&ei=nnhlTYGUMYzAtge73KyqBg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CDoQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q&f=false

    read this as it describe the progress of insight.

    Stream enterer, once-returner, non-returner and arahant are technical titles.

    Stream enterer means you have experienced the first 16 insights (which are described in the book i linked).

    Stream entry means you have completed the first path (the first 16 insights).

    There are 4 paths and you are fully enlighten when you have completed the 4 paths.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    That whole Progress of Insight thing is also at, much easier to read there. :)
  • From moon in a dewdrop, writings of zen master dogen:

    Question 15: Can we attain realization if we practice, even in this age of decline?

    Answer: In the scriptural schools they explain various names and aspects, but in the true Mahayana teachings dharma is not divided into periods of truth, imitation, and decline. Instead, it is taught that everyone attains the way by practice. Particularly in this correctly transmitted teaching of zazen, you are enriched with the treasure of yourself, entering the dharma and leaving bondage behind. Those who practice know whether realization is attained or not, just as those who drink water know whether it is hot or cold.
  • dorje, I believe most members would disagree with you. Buddha definitely reached the finish line under the bodhi tree. Correct me if I am wrong.
  • patbbpatbb Veteran
    dorje, I believe most members would disagree with you. Buddha definitely reached the finish line under the bodhi tree. Correct me if I am wrong.

    Bodhisattva vows: May I attain Buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings.
  • The destination is the journey itself. That's why it's called practice.
  • Are you more concerned with semantics?
  • If there is no destination, what is the difference between an arahant and a non-arahant?
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited March 2011
    Thats a great question. I'll let you know when I know I am an arahant or a non-arahant.

    In my opinion a buddha is a buddha but endless buddha qualities emerge. So they still alive.
  • Are these stages mentioned in the sutras or is this something expounded by Theravadins? Just asking because I don't know.
  • patbbpatbb Veteran
    Are these stages mentioned in the sutras or is this something expounded by Theravadins? Just asking because I don't know.
    maybe try some search with the name of the stages in places like access to insight.

    like this search;NB:1&ie=UTF-8&q=sakadagami&sa=Search#1107

    you can search for
    Stream-enterer (Sotāpanna), Once-returner (Sakadagami), Non-returner (Anāgāmi), Arahant.

    or a combination of those... good reads.
  • I really have no interest in any research for myself. I myself have mostly been involved in TB, Ch'an/Zen, and Pure Land. I'm just asking for a yes or no. Is this in the Theravada Canon, the supposedly valid suttas, or not? Yes or no, and which suttas?
  • patbbpatbb Veteran
    I really have no interest in any research for myself. I myself have mostly been involved in TB, Ch'an/Zen, and Pure Land. I'm just asking for a yes or no. Is this in the Theravada Canon, the supposedly valid suttas, or not? Yes or no, and which suttas?
    The Dhammapada
  • Can you cite the specific sections of the Dhammapada which pertain to this, please?
  • patbbpatbb Veteran
    "178. Better than sole sovereignty over the earth, better than going to heaven, better even than lordship over all the worlds is the supramundane Fruition of Stream Entrance. "
  • Looks like this question was addressed here. The consensus there appears to be that the 16 stages are not described as such in the nikayas, but comprise an amalgam of material which genuinely does come from various parts of them.
  • zenffzenff Veteran
    Did the Buddha know himself as being enlightened?

    My guess is that he probably used Enlightenment only as way of speaking.
    He offered people a Path and a Goal, so that he would capture their attention.
    That gave him a starting point from where he could work on their liberation.

    The whole thing (the dharma) is a raft, a tool, a finger pointing at the moon.
    In his heart the Buddha just smiled. :)

    (As always in my humble opinion of course)
  • You won't know, you will simply just be here and now, you will simply be awake
  • patbbpatbb Veteran
    My guess is that he probably used Enlightenment only as way of speaking.
    He offered people a Path and a Goal, so that he would capture their attention.
    That gave him a starting point from where he could work on their liberation.
    pretty wild speculation.

    is this how you feel about the whole Buddhist religion?

    How do you feel about the Bodhisattva vows, and those who took them?
  • zenffzenff Veteran
    edited March 2011

    pretty wild speculation.

    is this how you feel about the whole Buddhist religion?

    How do you feel about the Bodhisattva vows, and those who took them?
    Yes, that's how I feel.
    The Bodhisattva vows?
    A raft, a tool, a finger pointing at the moon.
  • A bodhisattva smiles to somebody. Even his self.
  • VictoriousVictorious Grim Veteran

    pretty wild speculation.

    is this how you feel about the whole Buddhist religion?

    How do you feel about the Bodhisattva vows, and those who took them?
    Yes, that's how I feel.
    The Bodhisattva vows?
    A raft, a tool, a finger pointing at the moon.
    What do you suppose this raft is for? You mean the raft has nothing to do with liberation? I mean I am perfectly capable of a smile without being a buddha...

  • zenffzenff Veteran

    What do you suppose this raft is for? You mean the raft has nothing to do with liberation? I mean I am perfectly capable of a smile without being a buddha...

    When we talk about what the raft is for, we create another raft.
    It would be a finger pointing at another finger.

    So what about the moon?

    It simply can not be explained.
  • patbbpatbb Veteran
    It simply can not be explained.
    Don't you think it would solve your problem quite nicely to say that the moon is the end of suffering which come to a person who has destroyed greed? (Arhat)

    it doesn't have to be complicated or cryptic.
  • How to know if you are stream winner or enlightened?
    Who cares? Just keep practicing. Isn't it a manifestation of ego, this need to know? Isn't it irrelevant, in terms of how we live our lives and how we practice?

  • zenffzenff Veteran
    edited March 2011

    Don't you think it would solve your problem quite nicely to say that the moon is the end of suffering which come to a person who has destroyed greed? (Arhat)

    it doesn't have to be complicated or cryptic.
    “No suffering, no origin of suffering, no end of suffering, no path...”
    I recited the Heart sutra too often.

    But if it works for you, that’s wonderful.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited March 2011
    greed continues but it is transformed into buddha activity. Renunciation of the 8 worldly winds and wouldn't you smile then?
  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited March 2011
    Stream entry is a literal term

    Stream entry has the exerience of the mind or consciousness 'flowing'

    Its flows when letting go happens

    With each letting go, the meditation both deepens & clarifies

    In stream entry, all stages of meditation unfold by themselves, all tranquility & insight manifests by themselves, simply via letting go

    Stream entry is like opening the door of a cage which allows the bird (with its bird shit) to fly out

    Where as non-stream entry is like trying to keep the bird quiet in the cage, trying to clean up the bird shit in the cage and even trying to kill or starve the bird in the cage

    Even if the bird dies, it is still in the cage

    Where as stream entry opens the door of the cage and the bird flies out

    This "flying" is the flow of stream entry

    Through stream entry, the door of the mind is opened and negative formation flow out of the body & mind and at the same time clear consciousness flows in

    It is like opening the windows in a hot room or hot motor car. The heat streams out & the cool air streams in

    kind regards

  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited March 2011
    Oops I should relax at my dad's but its really confusing. Whats the difference between intoxication and letting it fly Dhamma Dhatu?
  • Oh I was regretting something at my dad's. But doesn't intoxication also feel free?
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited March 2011
    Hmm I am thinking that the free bird isn't necessarily speaking. I could have been free at my dad's just as I had felt the need, upon reflection I see.

    I don't know what is going on with his home. Stepmother, stepniece, stepbrother. A lot of signals. So I kept quiet and watched. Felt like I was going to blow.
  • FWIW, there's a bunch of folks over here trying to decide whether one of their number has experienced stream entry. The consensus appears to be "no."
  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited March 2011
    Intoxication certainly feels free because it the same but different. It is the same because negative formations cease. It is different because the negative formations do not leave the cage. The bird shit is still in the cage.

    As for families, they can be nut houses. So best we stay grounded in the Dhamma, grounded in breathing & emptiness, rather than get pulled into their often disfunctionality. When family pressure gets too much, we have to let it go & detach from it.

    With metta

  • Your bird shit analogy doesn't quite make sense to me. Could you give us a concrete example, please?
  • This whole idea just strikes me (this is just my purely subjective opinion) as far too formulaic, and almost another opportunity for grasping. It almost feels kind of elitist to me. I wonder (subjective opinion) if the scriptural sources weren't composed after the Buddha's death by a sort of elitist group. It has a whole "I'm-a-stream-enterer and you're not" kind of flavor to it.

    But what do I know?
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    This whole idea just strikes me (this is just my purely subjective opinion) as far too formulaic, and almost another opportunity for grasping. It almost feels kind of elitist to me. I wonder (subjective opinion) if the scriptural sources weren't composed after the Buddha's death by a sort of elitist group. It has a whole "I'm-a-stream-enterer and you're not" kind of flavor to it.
    But what do I know?
    I agree. But then...Mahayana practitioners have never heard of these catogories, so maybe that's partly why we can't relate. But it does seem like grasping, attachment, ego, to want to label oneself.

  • It could be just people describing their experiences. Like the actress from sleepless in seatle I forget her name was in a magazine saying "I realize there is no 'answer'". And she is just describing a realization she had which others can think about and of course others have had that experience as she.

    So stream entry could be a formulaic description.

    I'm sure that in monk talk in the temple or whatever they said 'dude its like....whoa (insert stream entry description of the moment)'
  • does seem like grasping, attachment, ego, to want to label oneself.
    Humans will use any framework to practice grasping, attachment, ego and self-aggrandizing labels. You could say the same thing about the tulku framework, for instance. :)
  • 'Who cares? Just keep practicing. Isn't it a manifestation of ego, this need to know? Isn't it irrelevant, in terms of how we live our lives and how we practice?'
    I care. And I believe many other Buddhists care.
    When you are enlightened, you have attained mastery of the path, the ultimate goal.
    Analogy; a brain surgeon who is certified to train other surgeons.
    If you prefer a path with no goals, all the best to you.
    The point is, you will know for yourself. An real arahant will definitely know he is enlightened. A person who is not yet enlightened may overestimate his own achievement. Just as a person who tastes honey everyday knows the taste of honey.
    As opposed to someone who has only read a description of the taste of honey, trying out different sweet liquid trying to determine what was described.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited March 2011

    the reply would be that we already have honey in our mouths just by our connection to the earth and the bees. The potential is there. And the relationship to the whole mandala.

    A hearer is when we start getting interested in honey including a few tastes. Some sudden. As a child I reached for my 'grape juice' and got a slug of my father's wine!
  • hermitwinhermitwin Veteran
    edited March 2011
    I find it strange that you will run a race not knowing where the destination is?
    Isnt that the purpose? All of Buddha teachings is about how to reach enlightenment.
    Why do you not care whether you reach enlightenment or not? I just cant wrap my mind around it.
  • Jeffrey, the question is would you like to, someday to be able to? Do you believe that day will come?
  • hermitwin,

    there is definitionly a path and fruition in vajrayana. I need to study harder :)
  • thank you, you just made my day.

  • I agree. But then...Mahayana practitioners have never heard of these catogories, so maybe that's partly why we can't relate. But it does seem like grasping, attachment, ego, to want to label oneself.

    Umm...please be careful of making sweeping statements like that, Dakini. When I was an offline Mahayana/Vajrayana practitioner I was familiar with such categories and so were others I knew. :)
  • It was encouraging on both ends.
  • edited March 2011
    But then...Mahayana practitioners have never heard of these catogories, so maybe that's partly why we can't relate. But it does seem like grasping, attachment, ego, to want to label oneself.

    There are, in fact, plenty of labelled stages for practitioners in Tibetan Buddhism. As I mentioned earlier in the thread, 'Stream Winner' is said to be the equivalent of the first of the ten Bodhisattva levels, and the first level, if I remember correctly, is known as 'The Joyful one'.

    However, as I also mentioned earlier, I couldn't give a hoot about what stage I'm at myself - its probably ' the Braingone One' !
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