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edited January 2012 in General Banter
Actually enlightened? Or fake? He seems genuine, but what do you guys think?


  • definitely enlightened. everything he says rings truth in my ears. will we ever know 100%? probably not but i believe he is.
  • Is it acceptable to take his words and use them? or only the buddhas?
  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    edited March 2011
    yeah man if it rings with your mind/heart then its good stuff.
    like we know when someone is speaking bullshit. we have good bullshit detectors. enlightened or unenlightened if they are speaking bullshit something just smells like bullshit. so trust your intuition and your logic.

    no one knows "exactly" what the buddha said. they wrote stuff after he died. so accuracy is arbitrary.

    do the words line up with your experience? if not drop them. simple as that.
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    Gautama suggested that we find out for ourselves rather than crediting words. That said, of course we can listen to any words we like and, if something sounds sensible, find out for ourselves if, in fact, it makes sense. Gautama's words, Tolle's words ... use what is useful.
  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    I'm skeptical if he's enlightened. And I think that's a good attitude to have. He teaches about stillness which is great of course.

    8 fold path is enough for me.
  • @meh-: It seems like you have taken on quite a lot to read and study. Maybe you could be sure you understand the basics of Buddhism first, and then see if thing ring true from Tolle after that.

    I myself have just seen no need to read modern thinkers like Tolle because IMO the Buddha has already covered it completely. And I am suspicious, rightly or not, of modern thinkers who appear to speak from their own authority or just their own experience. Buddhism, to me, is tried-and-true. I just don't feel I need to read Tolle. I just have no interest.

    Personal history says a lot. Perhaps if you could present us with some of his personal history it may speak to his writings.
  • try to figure out what "state" a person is in when they use words.

    for instance the phrase, "the sky is blue" can mean various things based on what state a person is at.
    for a normal person (say like ourselves/seekers) its just a relative saying. okay the sky is blue. doesn't mean anything to me because i haven't thought about it's implications.

    for someone who is awakened the phrase, "the sky is blue" can show their understanding of both the absolute and relative. the relative just being one fragment of the absolute but one realizes that truth has no hierarchy. either it is all truth or it isn't. so to say the sky is blue is describing both the absolute and relative.

    the implication is that the sky is all sorts of colors. so the sky changes in color. the sky is blue, red, orange, white, etc. thus the sky itself is constantly changing. thus it is empty of any inherent qualities, other than the one we overlay.
    so from one view, the sky is blue just is the sky is blue. now when a "realized being" says the sky is blue. he comes from the understanding that it is both the absolute/relative.

    this is just for future reference and not aimed directly towards you.

    what's important is to try to understand from where a person is saying something. once you understand that then you can understand if they are the buddha or not.
  • SabreSabre Veteran
    edited March 2011
    Don't think he is fully enlightened but most probably he's partly enlightened.

    You can never know for sure. In the time of the Buddha most enlightened people couldn't even tell if another was enlightened for sure, only the Buddha could do that.

    If he inspires you, does it really matter? You can follow his teachings, I find them very similar to Buddhism, especially his teachings about the mind consisting of an observer and doer. Some other things he says like "state of being" I don't know what that's about, but whatever.

    He's a cool guy anyway. :)

  • ZaylZayl Veteran
    I don't think it really matters if he is enlightened or not. If he speaks wisdom it is generally good to listen, and to not worry if he is enlightened.
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    edited March 2011
    Please! If someone is enlightened, how could we possibly know it? If someone is unenlightened, how could we possibly know it? Yes, we can talk, describe, dissect, hope, believe, read, quote ... but how can we know? And if we did know, what usefulness would it serve other than to encourage or discourage our own practice?

    Let's just keep up our own good practice and, as best possible, enjoy the ride.
  • Genkaku,
    You are always full of wisdom it seems. :clap:
  • He's definitely at least a high up. A straight up Buddha though? There are lots of high ups who are not as of yet fully Buddha. His words are quite useful and good, his voice is deep and calming as well. He's one of the good ones, that's for sure and that's good!
  • I really know little about him apart from seeing the name here and there. My wife checked out one of his books from the library but I don't think she ever bothered to finish it.
  • I don't think it really matters if we label him this or that. I agree that his words ring absolutely true, and touched me very deeply in many ways. He is someone who has truly "been there, done that" for a lot of us. He's been on the verge of suicide, etc. Regardless of what we call him, I think he's a very special person with very profound insights. He is one of the reasons I ended up turning to Buddhism.

  • upekkaupekka Veteran

    "been there, done that"
    from his words one can says it is like 'been there and seen that'

    he and he only knows whether it is 'been there, done that'

  • "been there, done that"
    from his words one can says it is like 'been there and seen that'

    he and he only knows whether it is 'been there, done that'
    Tolle's biography shows that he suffered from deep depression and yet overcame that and apparently arrived at profound insight while recovering from this depressive episode.

    So, even though I am not really ready to go much beyond Buddhism myself for now, I think Mtns's comment that Tolle has "been there and done that" is accurate and apt.
  • Irrelevant, but I love his giggle xD
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited March 2011
    I don't think anybody truly enlightened would do as much as he's done for so much money. His "the power of Now" was ground-breaking. Everything else has just been piling it on for profit.
  • beingbeing Veteran
    federica... I can't say you're wrong or right, but isn't that a bit of an unfair conclusion you've made there? An opinion, which is not based on factual information, but on your own fictitious thoughts. I would even go so far as categorize it as gossip and nothing more.
    For example how can you know, that his kindness is not being used by greedy people who work with him? Or how can you know, what's exactly been done with all that money the company receives etc...
    I see it very unfair to judge him like that, when we actually have so little known information.
  • SabreSabre Veteran
    Enlightened or not, doesn't matter, we can be friends:

  • I don't think anybody truly enlightened would do as much as he's done for so much money. His "the power of Now" was ground-breaking. Everything else has just been piling it on for profit.
    Where does it say it's wrong to make money, especially if you do so by helping others? I think Tolle's positive contributions are great. If he's able to make money by helping others, bully for him. By your logic Fede, I shouldn't get paid to be a nurse. Nice idea, but that's called Communism.

  • edited March 2011
    i steered way clear of tolle for years. he seemed faddish to me, a watered-down krishnamurti, a guru for the oprah crowd. but then i read The Power of Now and my opinion changed. (those of you who haven't read it, it's well worth the effort, particularly if you're a fan of simple and direct approaches to spiritual well being.) the online tolle forum also helped me change my mind about the man and his teachings: it's the most functional (helpful, kind, open) online spiritual forum i've ever run into.

    tolle "hits it" at times as clearly/directly as anyone i've ever read. i'd say he is either enlightened (whatever that means) or spends a significant chunk of his waking life in an enlightened state. but he'd be the first to tell you: those are just words ... the proof is in the pudding of presence. ;-)
  • Actually enlightened? IMO, yes or very close to it.
    To come out with the stuff he does, either you have done it or you are one heck
    of an actor/genius. Just like Buddha.
  • As for the money part, he says he does not run the business part.
    Also, I dont see anything wrong with it. You pay for what you think its worth.
    He does not promise to make you a millionaire or enlightened.
    Also, what he did on Oprah was free.
    Definitely, money well spent compared to going for a talk by Donald Trump.
  • He also said if you see him wearing lots of bling like a rap star,
    then you know his ego has taken over.
  • edited March 2011
    Actually enlightened? Or fake? He seems genguine, but what do you guys think?
    Hi meh_

    It is easy to get enlightened. It takes more to fully implement it or 'do the laundry'.

    Nowness is a powerful old hat. But 'new earth' suggests not all fetters are laid down.

  • It's the conditions. The kilesas come back without constant heedfulness.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    federica... I can't say you're wrong or right, but isn't that a bit of an unfair conclusion you've made there? An opinion, which is not based on factual information, but on your own fictitious thoughts. I would even go so far as categorize it as gossip and nothing more.
    For example how can you know, that his kindness is not being used by greedy people who work with him? Or how can you know, what's exactly been done with all that money the company receives etc...
    I see it very unfair to judge him like that, when we actually have so little known information.
    The question was whether I think he's enlightened.

    I gave my opinion.
    You may not agree.
    That's fine.
    But it's still my opinion.
    I don't happen to believe he is.

  • The question was whether I think he's enlightened.

    I gave my opinion.
    You may not agree.
    That's fine.
    But it's still my opinion.
    I don't happen to believe he is.
    But once again, does that matter? If his words (or anyone's words) have meaning and relevance for us, why do we care if they're "enlightened" or not? If we only listened to the words of enlightened beings, our choice of teachers and authors would be distinctly limited, no?

  • If he is enlightened or not, cannot help you or this world one bit! In Zen we have a saying, "If the Buddha appears in front of you, you must kill him!" This is not an advocacy for violence. Rather, it means that merely having a teacher that we believe to be enlightened won't help us at all. We need to do the work. We need to take what they are saying and put it into practice. If it works for us then we know they were speaking the truth. Don't trust someone or something just because what they say makes sense. Don't trust them merely out of respect. Put their words to the test. Then you will know for yourself. And once you know for yourself, then if they are enlightened, or if you are enlightened, doesn't really matter. We can all just have one great big laugh about it then. :)
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    But once again, does that matter? If his words (or anyone's words) have meaning and relevance for us, why do we care if they're "enlightened" or not? If we only listened to the words of enlightened beings, our choice of teachers and authors would be distinctly limited, no?

    Yeah, I agree, I don't really care. I was just answering the question.

  • xabirxabir Veteran
    Actually enlightened? Or fake? He seems genguine, but what do you guys think?
    Eckhart books are well written, practical, transformative and inspiring. I still recommend it to friends and family members.

    As for enlightenment, he is at the first two stages of

    Not enlightenment by Buddha's definition but a crucial insight nonetheless.
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