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Your last breath

zen_worldzen_world Veteran
edited February 2012 in General Banter
They did this survey among the people who are about to die and they asked them what are the things that they regret in their life?
The most common answer was: They lived their lives based on what others' said instead of their own way.

My question to you: If you know you are dying tomorrow,
1- Are you ready for it?
2- Do you have any regrets?
3- If you have any regrets, are you doing something about it?


  • Telly03Telly03 Veteran
    edited February 2012
    1 Yes... it was just recently though, within the last few months, that I recognized that I no longer feared the thought of dying, and I feel as though my Buddhism learning had much to do with this.

    2 The only regret I can think of is missed opportunities to bring happiness to others... my effect on others is the only thing that remains after I die.

    3 I am trying to be more helpful and kind, being more aware of how I affect others.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    My question to you: If you know you are dying tomorrow,
    1- Are you ready for it?
    I have a choice?
    2- Do you have any regrets?
    too late!
    3- If you have any regrets, are you doing something about it?
    ditto !

  • I would be ready for it, obviously I would be somewhat emotional but I would have that 'bring it on' attitude. It is something we all have to face at some point in our lives.

    Regrets, I tend not to regret much of where I have gone wrong in the past, if I did I would be one depressed idiot. However, I do regret treating my mother in certain ways when I was a teenager, I just hope she knows how much I love her.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    They did this survey among the people who are about to die and they asked them what are the things that they regret in their life?
    The most common answer was: They lived their lives based on what others' said instead of their own way.

    My question to you: If you know you are dying tomorrow,
    1- Are you ready for it?
    2- Do you have any regrets?
    3- If you have any regrets, are you doing something about it?

    1. I fear the process of dying.
    2. I'm not a perfect man, but on balance, I think I've led a decent life with reasonable accomplishments.
    3. I have mended bridges with a few people where things just weren't left well.

  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    A friend of mine summed things up nicely when he said, "I'd like to die with a smile on my face, but I guess I'll take what I get."
  • I have no regrets. Even if I have made choices that were poor at the moment they were made, they have led me to where I am today. I don't have much, but I am content and comfortable in my skin. I feel that even my 'bad' decisions were made for the right reasons and led me to where I am supposed to be. Am I ready for death? In the past I likely would have answered yes, but that was before I had my son. I want to see him grow and make his own mistakes and find his own way. So, as of this moment, no, I'm not ready. I have too much to do. :)
  • 1- Are you ready for it?
    I can't change it, if it's my time to go it's my time.
    2- Do you have any regrets?
    Not really
    3- If you have any regrets, are you doing something about it?
  • My question to you: If you know you are dying tomorrow,
    1- Are you ready for it?
    2- Do you have any regrets?
    3- If you have any regrets, are you doing something about it?

    Its bizarre, because I keep waking up and its today. I'll probably die tomorrow, but I haven't figured out how to get there yet.
  • Yes, I am ready to die, probably just as strongly as wanting to live and feel alive. I fantazise about falling out of a friends and I plan to go skydiving.

    Regrets...ah. well at 28, I feel more like a grown up then I did the past 27 years. I look at the past with much regret, not guilt. But if I didn't have those regrets and mistakes, I would still be stuck doing, I thank God for those painful, awful, wonderful mistakes.

    "You rise, you fall. You're down and you rise again. What don't kill you, makes you more strong. Dawn, death, fight,final breath...what don't kill you, makes you more strong..." -Metallica.

  • They did this survey among the people who are about to die and they asked them what are the things that they regret in their life?
    The most common answer was: They lived their lives based on what others' said instead of their own way.

    My question to you: If you know you are dying tomorrow,
    1- Are you ready for it?
    2- Do you have any regrets?
    3- If you have any regrets, are you doing something about it?
    1.My concern would be more about the nature of the death process: would I be in excruciating pain, or would it be peaceful? But I guess I can put up with anything for a day.
    2.Regrets? Me?? Nah. I've totally lived my life according to what's best for me. To thine own self be true!
    3. See #2

  • 1. Yes, starting........ now.
    2. Too late
    3. Hushing the chattering mind. brb
  • 1) Accepted my mortality some time ago - quite prepared to die while typing this... its strange to say but I'm looking forward to it as its a natural part of life and maybe just maybe there's something else...??

    2) Nope - I did it my waaaaaaay! we have a mind of our own so go to hell if what youre thinking is not right.

    3) see above...

    Ok... so I made it through the post...
  • 1- Are you ready for it?
    2- Do you have any regrets?
    3- If you have any regrets, are you doing something about it?

    1. Am I ready? Yes and No. Yes, I am ready because to deny it will happen is utter nonsense. So, I say "when it happens it happens." I live in the moment as much as possible and if I should happen to start "worrying about a possible future death" then I know I need to return to my awareness meditation of being in the here and now.

    At the same time, No. The finality of it is frightening. Rebirth or not being a seperate issue entirely.

    2. Regrets? Umm, yes and no here also. Yes, I have them. Countless ones too numerous to mention but dwelling on "the path not taken" is fruitless also. Thus my answer is no as well. They are just points of experience now and I cannot convince myself even now that I made "wrong" choices dictating a need for regret when other options not chosen could have been much worse.

    3. Am I doing something about my regrets? Strictly speaking, No. Some are beyond amending. Others I see no point in trying to fix as the karmic result is now coming to pass... I believe so anyway. As such, I am just "wasting daylight" worrying about past choices which didn't turn out as I had hoped.

  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    edited February 2012
    I've came close to dying twice in my life. Not the whew that was close way but the ER room kind of close. When up against it I think I've been able to face death with some level of acceptance.

    I think there's been some lasting effect but I'm not sure how much. If I ever imagine having a super power I generally imagine having spontaneous regeneration and immortality like Wolverine or Claire from Heroes. So I certainly have some kind of real aversion to death. Maybe because I tend to carry a lot of shame and guilt so I don't let go of regrets very well.

    I hope to improve my practice and state of mind to better deal with the inevitability of death. I don't think I'm there yet though.
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