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Bombings in gaza. What are your thoughts?



  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    Jason is correct, of course. There were a couple of Viking settlements in the Finnish mainland but they were Swedes (from what I recall, I haven't delved deeply into the topic) Vikings were mostly Norse. Finland had, for the most part, it's own culture and religion etc until they were ushered into the European age in like the 1300s.
  • BhanteLuckyBhanteLucky Alternative lifestyle person in the South Island of New Zealand New Zealand Veteran
    music said:

    This is very similar to what christian fundamentalists say about everyone, be they Vikings or incas or whoever. That's why I am tentative.

    Don't worry about it. They're an extinct culture. You won't ever be in the awkward position of being expected to chat politely with one at a dinner party.
  • Death toll.
    gaza= more than 100
    israel= less than 20.
  • Mmm... as always, I think most people believe a) they are both crazy or b) jewish are devil. But we must remember Jewish people have was hated and persecuted for centuries.
    After the holocaust, remember, the Jewish holocaust, they had an historical opportunity to have, at last, a land, offered by the United Nations. Where? Palestinian land was in British hands since 1920, mandate ended in 1948, so UN decided to partition Palestine, giving a part to Jewish people. But UN negotiated very bad with Arabs, they was always disagree to any partition, so a civil war was the result between Jews and Arabs in Palestina. To make matters worse, the surrounding Arab countries sent army forces to Palestina for helping Arabs, so the conflict crossed borders, degenerating in the 1948 Arab–Israeli so on until now.
    Nowadays, we tend to see the conflict on the contrary, as the Jews was the invader of Palestinian territories. But, If the Jews had not had a strong army, they had been ruthlessly destroyed by the Arabs.
  • Hi @jcuest, I think we should not see this as a conflict between two sides. The concept of having two sides is probably too simplistic, there is no such thing as "two sides", instead there is a population in which some groups of individuals think they should take up arms against other individuals. IMO the immediate question is how we can move to world in which justice is done, and then peace will come later. To state the obvious, if a jewish or palestinian family is not directly involved in war (they are just living their lives), then it is unjust if they get bombed. It seems also obvious that it is unjust make many palestinian victims to prevent a much smaller number of jewish victims. To me, the root problem is that most people (at least around me) are apparently not concerned with injustice in the world. They are not asking the question "why is there injustice, and what is my role in it?". As Ajahn Brahm mentioned in one of his talks: "whatever problem there is, we are in it together" (sorry, I cannot find the link). If we wait until the injustice done to others has reached us, then we have (without being aware) been building a system of injustice that will not go away in just a few years.
  • How many bombs has Obama dropped.
  • jlljll Veteran
    a history lesson, perhaps...
    jcuest said:

    Mmm... as always, I think most people believe a) they are both crazy or b) jewish are devil. But we must remember Jewish people have was hated and persecuted for centuries.
    After the holocaust, remember, the Jewish holocaust, they had an historical opportunity to have, at last, a land, offered by the United Nations. Where? Palestinian land was in British hands since 1920, mandate ended in 1948, so UN decided to partition Palestine, giving a part to Jewish people. But UN negotiated very bad with Arabs, they was always disagree to any partition, so a civil war was the result between Jews and Arabs in Palestina. To make matters worse, the surrounding Arab countries sent army forces to Palestina for helping Arabs, so the conflict crossed borders, degenerating in the 1948 Arab–Israeli so on until now.
    Nowadays, we tend to see the conflict on the contrary, as the Jews was the invader of Palestinian territories. But, If the Jews had not had a strong army, they had been ruthlessly destroyed by the Arabs.

  • jlljll Veteran
    judaism vs zionism
  • Well, all the mud slinging by right wing and left wing protestors are just making things worse by throwing their own personal issues into the flame, hard for them to admit alot of their anger are from attachment to the "self".

    All the angry protests etc just dilute the effect of peaceful activitsts both in Palestine and Israel trying to make real change.

    Frankly, it seems people who superficially practicing Buddhism choose to drop the Dharma and goes back to their own habit of leftwing/rightwing debate as soon as their is a real issue. It's easy to talk about compassion etc when you can hide in your good karma pedestal.

    Israel is the land that is in real danger, because their arrogance prevents them to really work with Palestinian authorities. Just because they are strong now doesn't mean they will always be. Even though their weapons are stronger and more Palestinian gets killed, their intentions are never purposely targetting civilians. However, Palestinian terrorist organisations consider all Jews as targets. Although giving the choice, I am more afraid of angry muslim than a Jew any day.

    Their behaviour and reactions are all VERY NORMAL given the circumstances. I hate to see how most of you will behaved living under the same conditions. However, just because it's normal doesn't make it right!

    Although getting all righteous and up tight over these global event just means that you do not want to honest practice the Dharma and help the people that closest to your first. Instead you still look for "wrongs" in the world to distract yourself and hide your own short comings.

  • @metallica, do you mean that for you there are no wrongs in the world? If there ARE wrongs, should we ignore them as distractions? I realize I am much more fortunate than many people in other parts of the world, so it makes me want to take advantage of this good fortune and do something useful with it. In a next life, I may not have the same possibilities. That does not turn me into a saint, but it makes a difference. Wouldn't this be a helpful way of thinking?

  • @ Sattvapaul. I like having allies in the thick of that region. Israel serves the West's purpose well in that it has our interests (mostly) at heart.
    If I were the Jews, I would move out and take it back in five or six thousand years..... What is the hurry with establishing the Jewish state. Recent history with homeland repatriation in South Africa after Mandela, may predict Palistinian success with their retaking of Israel . The Jews can survive elsewhere for the time being.
    This region was not a garden , @ zero, when the Jews came during the war, the garden was created by them. The desert the Jews took would return with Palistinian control.
    I am sick of the fighting there and would support Jewish evacuation. I fear a second Masada with a nuclear tinge.
    Perhaps the new owners of South Africa's farms might welcome a few million hard working farmers . I hope the high tech people come to the USA.
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