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Why is this what is?

Why is this life? Who or what are we? How are we alive and what does it mean? These questions and others have been on my silly mind recently and I'd be greatful for any words of wisdom ;-)


  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    The answer to all such questions is ...
    wait for it!...
  • oh - I wasn't told it changed from 42! :D
  • We are the sacred appearing as this individual body/mind. We are here to see what gifts we have to offer to the world and to others. Each moment is the expression of all of the universe coming together as a conclusion in its fullest expression, then gone. Birth and death appear right in front of us all. A constant flux with absolute no solidity. We grasp as this smoke and mirror charade. We fight for some ground, while not examining the obviousness of this reality.

    To be honest, I am not sure there are conceptual answers that can satisfy those questions. Though I am confident that practice and living life fully as a human and taking this precious opportunity to practice and study is probably the most rewarding thing we can do for ourselves. But then again that is pretty presumptuous of me to assert.

    The answer is your life at this very instant. Have far does your trust go?
  • GuiGui Veteran
    Why not?
  • edited December 2012

    Ahh cracks me up to this day.
  • BhikkhuJayasaraBhikkhuJayasara Bhikkhu Veteran
    ya know.. I know thats from a movie.. they ask some ancient machine or something and years later they come back and the answer is 42... but for the life of me I just can't remember where it's from.
  • howhow Veteran Veteran
    edited December 2012
    Hitch hikers guide to the Galaxy.
  • Jayantha said:

    ya know.. I know thats from a movie.. they ask some ancient machine or something and years later they come back and the answer is 42... but for the life of me I just can't remember where it's from.

    Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy ;)

    The humans build an almighty computer that calculates the answer to life for eons, when it finally calculates the answer, it says, 42.

    The humans get angry and ask what it means, the machine tells them they need to know what the question is to know the answer.
  • how said:

    42 became 43 because Genkaku adds his practice to be one with everything . It helps explains the 5 noble truths and the 9 fold path.

    That is great! :D I am relatively new to Buddhism (I was bitten by the spiritual bug a few months ago and I've been reading all the books I can get my hands on - I'm 17) and I am just learning about the concept of being one with everything. I realized that everyone is indeed the same consciousness, we are all the same one feeling of pure consciousness. As Ken Wilber puts it, every molecule in the ocean is equally wet. Am I understanding this concept correctly? I am still a bit confused by it!

  • GuiGui Veteran
    Mateeah said:

    how said:

    42 became 43 because Genkaku adds his practice to be one with everything . It helps explains the 5 noble truths and the 9 fold path.

    That is great! :D I am relatively new to Buddhism (I was bitten by the spiritual bug a few months ago and I've been reading all the books I can get my hands on - I'm 17) and I am just learning about the concept of being one with everything. I realized that everyone is indeed the same consciousness, we are all the same one feeling of pure consciousness. As Ken Wilber puts it, every molecule in the ocean is equally wet. Am I understanding this concept correctly? I am still a bit confused by it!

    I would just say that you are not one with everything.
    You are everything.
    There is only everything.
  • howhow Veteran Veteran
    Understanding the concept is great but being incomparable.
    Study a spread of the buddhist schools.
    If a particular form sings to you, check out if it has representation near you.
    Get them to give you meditation instruction.
    Be that meditative understanding!
  • Oneness is.......

    It just is.
  • You are intrically you i.e you are you unique and individual but you are always changing so the you never stays the same. To quote ye olde shaky' the purpose in life is to find a purpose and give your heart to it. Saying all this if you had all the answers would you be happy ? I suggest embrace all that is and that you know but still keep your curiousity just not so intense. Life is too short to be searching for answers that may never be answered.

    Hope this helps and much love.
  • BhikkhuJayasaraBhikkhuJayasara Bhikkhu Veteran
    Cole_ said:

    Jayantha said:

    ya know.. I know thats from a movie.. they ask some ancient machine or something and years later they come back and the answer is 42... but for the life of me I just can't remember where it's from.

    Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy ;)

    The humans build an almighty computer that calculates the answer to life for eons, when it finally calculates the answer, it says, 42.

    The humans get angry and ask what it means, the machine tells them they need to know what the question is to know the answer.

    ahh! yes now I remember, thanks ;)
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    Mateeah said:

    Why is this life? Who or what are we? How are we alive and what does it mean? These questions and others have been on my silly mind recently and I'd be greatful for any words of wisdom ;-)

    Don't know! Hope this helps! :D
  • Mateeah said:

    Why is this life?

    Spiritual evolution. But you knew that already. ;)

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Waste of time pondering the imponderable... time is better spent concentrating on how we can strive to be the best 'me' we can be.
  • Any perception can connect us to reality, properly and fully.
    What we see doesn't have to be pretty, particulary; we can appreciate anything that exists.
    There is some prinicple of magic in everything, some living quality.
    Something living, something real, is taking place in everything,
    Chogyam Trungpa
  • Cole_ said:

    The humans build an almighty computer that calculates the answer to life for eons, when it finally calculates the answer, it says, 42.

    The humans get angry and ask what it means, the machine tells them they need to know what the question is to know the answer.

    Humans were only the 3rd most intelligent species on the planet - 2nd were the dolphins (so long and thanks for all the fish) and 1st were the mice, a pandimensional hyper-intelligent race.

    Deep Thought was a computer commissioned by mice to calculate the ultimate answer to life, the universe and everything - the answer is 42 but what is the question? Deep Thought designs an even more intelligent computer which is built by the megrathians - it will take millions of years to calculate the question.

    Meanwhile on a distant planet a plan is hatched to eject all the 'useless' inhabitants who end up crashing on Earth which is in fact the planet sized computer built by the megrathians - these aliens turn out to be humans, a race whose very presence on Earth is a disharmony and who ultimately mess up the calculation.

    After millions of years the mice don't have a question to return to their people with so rather than tell the truth they make up a spoof spiritual question and cash in.
  • Could it be that the answers to your questions are questions themselves?

    I am often overtaken with such questions. I find it useful to really reflect on them-- not try and figure them out mentally (impossible task) but rest in the uncertainty of them and contemplate the urge and the feeling that brings them forth. Sometimes interesting things happen when I do that :)
  • Mateeah said:

    Why is this life? Who or what are we? How are we alive and what does it mean? These questions and others have been on my silly mind recently and I'd be greatful for any words of wisdom ;-)

    If you are a student, worry not about these since these questions would not appear in your exam questions. If you are already working, worry not about these questions cause they would not butter your bread.
  • sovasova delocalized fractyllic harmonizing Veteran
    Mateeah said:

    ... I am just learning about the concept of being one with everything. I realized that everyone is indeed the same consciousness, we are all the same one feeling of pure consciousness. As Ken Wilber puts it, every molecule in the ocean is equally wet. Am I understanding this concept correctly? I am still a bit confused by it!

    insight itself is before language, Prelanguage if you will, but consider this

    if you have a giant quilt -- a never-ending quilt made of nice square patches, where does the quilt go when you take one patch out?

    where does the quilt go when you take all the patches out?


    Cut different sized patches out of the quilt, so what was just a single patch is now made of parts of many. What is a patch?

    What is a quilt then?

    reality and its outlines blur -- much like fish in water

    one can dissect it many ways

    "A bucket fills drop by drop" ~ Buddha

    Welcome to Buddhism. =)
  • As the rule of dukkha goes...we would not be satisfied with the answer(s).
  • DavidDavid A human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First Nations Veteran
    edited December 2012
    Mateeah said:

    Why is this life? Who or what are we? How are we alive and what does it mean? These questions and others have been on my silly mind recently and I'd be greatful for any words of wisdom ;-)

    It seems to mean what we make it mean, meaning, it's really meaningless but full of potential meaning. See what I mean?

    On another note, everything seems to be information of one kind or another and when two streams collide, there is a sharing of information and a result... Life tends towards beings that can manipulate information and use it to further an ingrained tendancy towards exploration and reproduction.

    Putting one and one together, it seems to me like we are trying to explore ourself.

  • Wow, so many interesting answers to think about - I love it! :D many thanks!
  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    Mateeah said:

    Why is this life? Who or what are we? How are we alive and what does it mean? These questions and others have been on my silly mind recently and I'd be greatful for any words of wisdom ;-)

    I don't have any, but you might find some words of wisdom in Ajahn Chah's A Taste of Freedom.
  • I love it!
    Keep up the good work :clap:
  • BhikkhuJayasaraBhikkhuJayasara Bhikkhu Veteran
    federica said:

    Waste of time pondering the imponderable... time is better spent concentrating on how we can strive to be the best 'me' we can be.

    no fair you stole what I always say :P
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