What Temple/Monastery/Meditation group/Sangha do you attend? IRL...and/or online.
It comes up here sometimes in casual conversation...but I realized we dont have a thread. It could help those that are looking for local groups and maybe a reminder to us who have been here awhile who is affiliated with who...
NB is my group online....IRL I attend a TNH Monastery, Magnolia Grove, in South, US :
Shout out to Brother Rick ...and all the Sisters!!!!
My local Temple is : http://www.buddhistmemphis.com/
Shout out to my Temple Brothers....Hi Cedric!!...stop lurking, and c'mon out....hahahaha
I am a long distance member of the awakened heart sangha. http://ahs.org.uk
This is the only Sangha I have had for pretty much since I joined. I think I have managed to attend a temple twice, for just one day.... No actual physical teacher either.
I'm frankly astounded that I am so advanced....!
(Yes, I AM kidding....)

NB and http://thubtenchodron.org/ are my online sangha's.
My local temple (about 1 1/2 hours from Melbourne for anyone who lives there) is http://www.drolkarbuddhistcentre.org.au/
I'm also a huge fan of http://thubtenchodron.org, and I watch the Bodhisattva Breakfast Corner YouTube videos put on by Sravasti Abbey on a regular basis.
I've also recently found a Tibetan Buddhist group open up in my home town!
I just emailed them regarding attending their weekly meditations.
I'm going to go give it a shot, atleast to be around like minded people will great. Bit sceptical about the Tibetan tradition but hey I only know what I've read so I better go see what it's all about!
I've been part of the Portland Friends of the Dhamma group off and on since late 2008, although my attendance has been spotty as of late. I also spend a lot of time at St. Philip, a Catholic church that's become a sangha of sorts for me, as well.
@Rowan1980, small world. I've been going to the Tuesday evening classes at Tashi Gatsel Ling.
Here is my online sangha. When I get the chance I attend the Tibetan Society in Sydney - tibetanbuddhistsociety.net.au/
I've also attended the Vajrayana Society which is literally four streets away (four longish streets :P ) - vajrayana.com.au/
_ /\ _
It's really nice that there are all these Buddhist centres in various parts of the world!
This is really the only online Buddhist place that I participate in. I was recently given a recommendation for a vajrayana-based site that I will check out once the stomach bug has left our house, lol.
My real life sangha is based in Minneapolis, Minnesota:
My teacher is a Vajrayana teacher, but only for those who wish to study it. Our group is full of people from all levels, some already in vajarayana and some who aren't even Buddhists. His focus is helping people learn how to meditate and how to generate bodhicitta. Everyone is welcome and people can take part in what they are comfortable with.
The Minneapolis Sangha also operates out of a few small "satellite" offices in northern Minnesota-Duluth, Hibbing and Ely with those centers having local leaders who run the groups based on suggestions from the teacher in Minneapolis. Our meetings mostly center on group meditation and discussion. Sometimes we do readings and discuss them, but mostly right now we are focused on bringing the Dharma into our daily lives and the questions/struggles we have in doing so. Our teacher comes to each center a couple times a year to do retreats as well as doing retreats and weekly teachings in Minneapolis. From June to December other teachers take over (some visiting monks/teachers, others are senior students) while Khenpo is in Asia.
I'm a rather ecumenical Buddhist, but as of several months, I have been attending a Dzogchen sangha, Shenpen Suisse:
@DhammaDragon ...... ecumenical. Vocab word for today. I had to look it up.
Of course we had it tough. We used to dream of attending . . .
I pop in here and there if I am passing through.
You had dreams?! Sheer luxury.
Oh, yes! I have this obnoxious habit of sending people running for dictionaries, probably because I read so many antique books that I sound and write like a Victorian dinosaur
Hey...don't stop! Universities charge high dollars for this kind of education...hahahaha...I love learning new words...bring 'em on!
As usual, I'm late to the discussion... My local temple is the Indiana Buddhist Vihara in Hoagland, IN.
Any other midwesterners here?
I've been considering joining Buddhist Geeks for their online sangha and meditation sessions, anyone have experience with them?
Hello, everyone!
I'm new to this online sangha.
My "brick and mortar" sangha is:
I look forward to meeting others here.
Welcome @Gateless Nice to meet you
HI @Gateless ..... welcome. I like your Peanuts avatar
Hi everyone. I am also new here.
I live fairly far from the one and only sangha I was able to attend, http://blueheronzen.org was a year ago.
My spiritual teacher in the last several years (since moving north from So. Cal) has been mostly long distance, and Advaita.
I am looking forward to deepening my Buddhist practice here.
The Middle Way sangha here in Victoria BC. Affiliated with Norman Fischer's Everyday Zen.