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Venerable Thubten Chodron
So I have decided I am going to fly to Singapore in December to see Venerable Thubten Chodron for a few days. She is teaching over there for a week.
As my wife said (rather ironically) "you only live once".
So what tradition is she in? Is it like a retreat situation?
PS James Bond said you only live twice.
She is an American Nun in the Gelug Tibetan tradition. I have been following her as my primary teacher for a couple of years now.....
@Bunks I have fond memories of the Singapore of the early 1970s, exotic. exciting, dirty, street markets, open sewers, and rats galore...Now it's a modern well kept concrete jungle city...
Are your whole family going ?
Sounds wonderful.
... in a completely detached sort of way of course ...
How exciting ...
No. Just me @shoshin.
I spent a few days there on my honeymoon and actually didn't particularly like it. Especially after ten days in beautiful Phuket!
Hee. I see what you did there.
That's awesome @Bunks! I love her. I follow her on youtube and she is one of my go-to people when I need advice for dealing with the state of the world.
So happy for you my Southern bro _ /\ _
Thanks guys!
Oh I can't wait to hear how your trip went! What a wonderful opportunity for you! Will you be able to speak with TC one on one at all?
I hope so @RuddyDuck9. I have been corresponding with one of the nuns at the Abbey and she said to make sure I come and say hi to them after a teaching!
I just hope I don't end up like these guys
Thubten Chodron's Buddhism for Beginners was my first "real" Buddhist book. It was a great introduction to the religion, and cleared up many questions and misconceptions. I hope you have a wonderful and fulfilling visit.
Thank you.
The Abbey have said that given I am flying all the way from Oz they'll organise for me to be able to offer lunch or tea to Ven Chodron and spend some one on one time with her.
I know she is very busy so I appreciate it!
^^. Maybe get an initiation to do a sadhana or similar?
http://opcoa.st/0S5gH is one she offers. You'll be a Buddha in no time.
Such a meeting can inspire and motivate you for years.
Give her a bit of choccy and money, you'll be fine. Long live the Sangha!
I hope your meeting will be on Youtube.
Ooooh, yeah, that would be something!
Hopefully it would be a little clearer than some of my earlier YouTube ramblings back in my drinking days! My wife is a patient woman.