If anyone recalls/remembers my posts (which are all self-centered) I am here to report I am playing/practicing drums... after 40 years of playing without feeling what I was doing I am FINALLY getting it! I am reading music, taking lessons and struggling to focus. Then WHAM I am in a zone. This is amazing. Many drummers are very spiritual, Tony Williams was Buddhist along side Herbie Hancock. I created an area where nothing external can touch me. I refrain from iPhone or any tech interruptions. I study the masters and how they practiced. Gavin Harrison (King Crimson/Porcupine Tree) was locked in a studio 5 day a week for 5 hours with no interruptions. The owner of the studio said Gavin could use the studio but it had to be locked until it was used at night. What this means is I found a way!!! Doing my Happy Dance-PEACE
Sounds good.
Drums are good, but my ears can't handle it very well. It has become the ukulele for me. Be it uke, drums, sax, oboe, zither, song,...music is magical. Once you open to it, it floods in and out, filling with such wondrous peace and joy and unity with our being and the world around us.
Peace to you
Peace to all
I am trying to start each day with a lesson or rudiment over and over. It takes time to get all the crap out of my head to keep in time and follow the chart. I will then go back several times a day. At this point my concentration is the snare only. Once I can play fluidly with snare charts I can move what I have learned to the rest of the kit. Music has always been the soul of my existence.
Yeah! Music IS magical to our spirits...I've always felt that, as well.
Reminds me of this old standard:
I don't want to work
I want to bang on the drum all day
I don't want to play
I just want to bang on the drum all day
I can do this all day
This post made me laugh. I've been playing the guitar for years, but just lately I've really wanted to start playing the drums. For some reason I've always seen myself as more of a drummer than a guitarist. Anyway, last night I cautiously approached the subject with my husband about whether I could maybe learn. I then suggested I get a second hand drum kit for Christmas. I suspected he would not be keen but he said yeah! I was thinking he'd say that he wasn't keen due to noise and where it would go, but he's up for it! I'm so excited!
SO, when I logged into NB (for the first time in weeks) and saw a post about drumming, I smiled and just knew it was the confirmation I needed
Drums. The first musical instrument. The unsung heroes of the band.
About the intersection of drumming and guitars... I always thought these two were very cool
I'm a bass player and drummer so rock on.
My daughter plays Taiko drums. Simply awesome but I'll be buggered if I'll buy her any for home
And of course no discussion of drummers can be complete without mentioning some of the greats, like Neil Peart who jammed with many a band.

How many drums ?!!!
You'd think he'd have a swivel stool....!
Yeah, I imagine the stage crew responsible for setting him up is a bit overworked.
I don't work and do bang on my drum all day.
I added a 4 piece to my drum set up. Made it on the cheap to play harder things. It also helps to focus on less and do more...
So... How close ARE the neighbours, exactly....?
I keep the doors closed and installed bass traps in all 4 corners. It can get loud but most time is spent on snare lessons. When I get frustrated during a lesson I do put on some James Brown of Manfred Mann's Earthband and release tension...Ha Ha
Neighbors are not that close. I actually met my new neighbor one day when he knocked on the door to tell me he liked my playing... (He is an old classic rock guy )
Good for you @33_3. Always good to find something you're passionate about to focus on. Keep it up! I am happy for you.
People say I do not smile enough. Here are shots with some drummers I know. All big name

Joe Farnsworth with McCoy Tyner
The "Jeff Hamilton" Diana Krall's go to drummer
Dave Turncranztz, Drummer with Russian Circles (Amazing Post Metal)
Besides taking gig photos (mostly drumporn) I play a bit
Thanks for sharing.