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[Video Thread] Post Only Videos Which Are Empty Of Independent Nature
Let's post our favorite YouTube videos about emptiness in this thread. I'll kick it off...

Trust @lobster to bring an empty pot.....
I love how TNH says the flower also has our consciousness in it. Awesome!
You're ruining my video thread, @Bunks !!
He doesn't say it in this video but I like when he says the entire cosmos is within a single hair on your head.
Robina 'pull no punches' Courtin on Emptiness
Plus Shunryu Suzuki Roshi
For some reason I have the hardest time understanding emptiness when taught by Tibetan Buddhist monks.
Check out this TED talk from a western philosopher for a modern scientific view of no self.
This would be one of my favorites...if I had favourites

I can recommend Seeing Yourself as You Really Are by HHDL. That got it for me.