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I love Monday mornings

MingleMingle Veteran
edited January 2017 in Philosophy

For everyone else they are hell but for me a delight. I am doing a one day a week course at college so Mondays are actually pretty much a day off work. I'll admit getting out of bed early is a drag but once I'm up it really is a lovely time of day.

I get to town, grab myself a Starbucks and enjoy a nice mindful gentle walk to college. I love it, its so foggy and mysterious looking. Walking is great, especially through town. I enjoy walking past all these people just going about their day. I find that in itself is a kind of meditation, just realising how meaningless (in a good way) my life is. I'm just one person amongst billions.

I try not to listen to music as I like the sound of my footsteps on the ground, I hear my gentle breathing in and out and taste the sharp sweet flavour as I sip my coffee. I feel the cold on my fingers and watch everyone else stuck in their minds wondering which goal to accomplish next. I try to imagine myself from the point of view of someone in a hot air balloon, all my feelings, thoughts and beliefs, insecurities don't matter. I am just one "ant" walking around amongst the others.

I find for most people I know a trip to town is something that needs to be brief. They park somewhere and they grab what they need and get on with other business. For them they are always thinking of the next thing and there has to be a reason behind everything. I wonder how people can be happy always constantly in a rush. Does there have to be a point to everything we do? Can we walk not to get somewhere but for simply the act of walking?

I believe we should strive to accomplish in life but I also don't see the point of being so focused you cant just stop and enjoy what you have. Do goal obsessed people get to a point in their lives where they wish they weren't so goal obsessed? Do they ever wish they ever took the time to just stop and smell the roses so to speak?



  • Sorry if my grammar is off (ironically) posting In a rush.

  • KundoKundo Sydney, Australia Veteran

    I fell and split my head (no stitches thankfully) so......

  • JaySonJaySon Florida Veteran

    Do goal obsessed people get to a point in their lives where they wish they weren't so goal obsessed?

    Not as far as I can tell.

    They strive and have success after success.

    Then they die.

  • JaySonJaySon Florida Veteran

    @Mingle said:
    Sorry if my grammar is off (ironically) posting In a rush.

    No worries. The grammar police doesn't patrol these parts.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    @Mingle said:
    Sorry if my grammar is off (ironically) posting In a rush.

    I actually read 'bush'. Which would have been funny.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    @JaySon said:

    No worries. The grammar police doesn't patrol these parts.

    I'll wager they do.... ;)

  • JaySonJaySon Florida Veteran

    Then we should start a gang of grammar thugs to oppose them.

  • @JaySon said:

    No worries. The grammar police doesn't patrol these parts.

    Perhaps not today

  • @federica said:

    I actually read 'bush'. Which would have been funny.

    Who says I'm not?

  • @JaySon said:
    Then we should start a gang of grammar thugs to oppose them.

    They should fight for free speach, no matter how hard it is to understand.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited January 2017

    (Speech). Don't stop me, I'm on a roll.

  • TiggerTigger Toronto, Canada Veteran

    @Mingle said:
    For everyone else they are hell but for me a delight. I am doing a one day a week course at college so Mondays are actually pretty much a day off work. I'll admit getting out of bed early is a drag but once I'm up it really is a lovely time of day.

    I love Monday's too @Mingle, I am usually well rested and peacful from the weekend.

    I find for most people I know a trip to town is something that needs to be brief. They park somewhere and they grab what they need and get on with other business. For them they are always thinking of the next thing and there has to be a reason behind everything. I wonder how people can be happy always constantly in a rush. Does there have to be a point to everything we do? Can we walk not to get somewhere but for simply the act of walking?

    That can be difficult since most people, including yourself have somewhere they need to be but I get your point. I think people put too much value in what they achieve or what they own and not enough in the simple things in life like your nice walk to school.

    I believe we should strive to accomplish in life but I also don't see the point of being so focused you cant just stop and enjoy what you have. Do goal obsessed people get to a point in their lives where they wish they weren't so goal obsessed? Do they ever wish they ever took the time to just stop and smell the roses so to speak?

    These people are conditioned to be obsessed with their achievements so I imagine they are just happy to coast through life with the purpose of reaching their next goal whatever that may be. Being reborn over and over and suffering with their rebirth.

    Glad you're having a great day! =)

  • @federica said:
    (Speech). Don't stop me, I'm on a roll.

    Ah ffs, come on that was just a typo lol

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    @Tigger said:

    I love Monday's too @Mingle,...

    (No apostrophe in Mondays. Love, the resident grammar nerd. <3 )

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    @Mingle said:

    Ah ffs, come on that was just a typo lol

    Typos are part of grammar, el buddy-o!

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Ahem! * Her *

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Au contraire mon ami, I'm having the time of my life! Being a grammar nerd is where I'm happiest.

    And I will say that on this forum - and I'm being serious for a moment - the term 'Nazi' is both inappropriate and highly offensive.

    However light-hearted the discussion, it's a term that is not welcome.

  • TiggerTigger Toronto, Canada Veteran

    Oh federica, what would we do without you <3

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited January 2017

    Gee, I dunno, @Tigger, it'd be total mayhem. :D

  • JaySonJaySon Florida Veteran

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    @JaySon, you see that naughty corner, over there.....?

  • JaySonJaySon Florida Veteran

    Yes ma'am. hangs head

  • @Tigger said:
    Oh federica, what would we do without you <3

    I can't imagine what a hard to read forum this would be.

  • TiggerTigger Toronto, Canada Veteran

    How do you leave a pic? I have been trying but it's not working for me

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited January 2017

    see the little 'page' with the folded over corner? Try that....!

  • TiggerTigger Toronto, Canada Veteran

    I did. Maybe my pic wasn't a good one. It just disappears

  • TiggerTigger Toronto, Canada Veteran

    it says the file failed to upload

  • TiggerTigger Toronto, Canada Veteran
  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator

    I am totally grammar police, but I bite my tongue most of the time. It's like fingernails on a chalkboard to me, :lol:
    I enjoy Mondays as well. I like family time on the weekend, but I like the return to my routine when everyone leaves Monday morning. Today, the kids are off school so we are going to my dad's for the day, which is nice, too.

    I find it really sad and unfortunate that so many people dislike their jobs so much that they suffer through 5 days only to look forward to the weekend. That's a lot of time to not at least somewhat enjoy what you spend those 5 days doing. My husband actually really enjoys his job, but even he hates having to go back on Monday. When he has more than a few days off at a time, he's a totally different person. I dont' think he, and many others, even realize how much their jobs affect them on a regular basis.

  • TiggerTigger Toronto, Canada Veteran

    That is very true @karasti and sad to say the least. A lot of people dislike their jobs and see it as only a means to make money so that they can buy groceries or pay bills and suffer through their 9-5 day. I really like my job and enjoy coming to work everyday but I know not everyone is as lucky. Some are even forced into jobs they hate or are very hard so that they can survive and that's when it really gets sad....I see a lot of people suffering in their jobs when I am out and about.

    You know what they say **"find something you love to do and you never have to work a day in your life" **

  • JaySonJaySon Florida Veteran

    @karasti said:
    I dont' think he, and many others, even realize how much their jobs affect them on a regular basis.

    My career gives me a headache almost every day, so I concur!

  • shep83shep83 wisbech, cambigshire, uk Explorer

    It really is the small things in life that make you appriciate living..

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