I thought it would be cool to make a list of Monasteries/Centers with great reputations and that are examples of intensive practice.
Additional benefits we get to learn from each other, know places to support for positive karma, and learn about excellent teachers.
Ones I can add to the list:
I wish I could add more from Mahayana but I am not knowledgeable enough
Ajahn Chah monasteries are great because when staying one has a lot of free time to do an individual practice and yet a lot of time also for group meditation (morning and evening) and one or twice a week staying up till midnight or all night in a meditation practice based on the moon calendar.
Sayadaw U Pandita's Panditãrãma Center is incredible for intensive mindfulness practice as described and teached by the legendary Mahasi Sayadaw.
Venerable Pa-Auk has his Forest Monastery which is very intense and based on heavy Jhana practice. (I have known a monk or two that visited there and thought the experience very beneficial.
Insight Meditation Society is a great place for intensive practice with varying teachers.
I've heard some very positive things about Abhayagiri Monastery in northern California, which is part of Ajahn Chah's Thai Forest tradition. They have a nice website and people can stay there and enjoy the monastic life.
One of our lurkers runs http://www.treeleaf.org
An online zendo.
Need to hear talks without a monastery visit?
Need an inspiring community?
and now back to real places ...
Without being too negative about it, did it ever occur to anyone that the greatness of anything relies as much on what is unknown about a place or person as on what is known?
Caveat emptor. Whether great or sullied, other people and places can inspire. But only the student can do the work.
Genkaku, don't worry about coming off as a bit to negative. I think you raise a very good point It is very true that a lot of times what is in most need is the aspirants attention, duty, and conviction/inner resolve.
However I think that is one side of the coin and the other side is most definitely a monastery, temple, or practice center that has great conditions for learning, studying, and practicing and with very qualified and realized teachers.
The Pali Suttas make note of this, the Mahayana tradition is very strong on this, and in general when one visits a Monastery and or Practice Location in which true dharma is being actively attended to by the fullest capacity of all those involved it is evident and the benefits apparent
Great reply, best part of forums is having that kind of counter stance that helps everyone remember other factors