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Zen in ye anciente arte of Photos
For various reasons no photos. Just click on the photo icon (far right) add a url or better still choose files from your computer/phone/tablet etc ...

Close up of barge on Thames, low tide
No it's[k]not...
Don't mistake the finger.....
Thanks guys. My tablet where I store and edit images are now photos again. They were inaccessible whilst I foolishly involved myself in beta testing Apple software.
I feel @federica and @silver have conveyed the style/spirit of Japanese Zen. The pictures have an emptiness and simplicity to them and speak for themselves. Another example might be this ...
This morning I watched the sun rise. Staring at the early or setting sun or 'sun gazing' has a long history. Zeniths tend to favour the moon ...
Don't go blind.
Zenith as a young Egyptian dukkha/goose, taken today ...
Outside the local art centre...
Giant cone shell ? Or just a load of flip flops? Or neither or both?

Flip Flop Zen....
What buddhist practice has done for me.

Iron Bird Brush Strokes Across The Sky....
thanks . enjoying the pictures.
Taking pics, (have phone, mind aware) is a great practice. I used filters to bring out this fallen angel hidden behind a gravestone ...
What am I seeing? Why is it meaningful? What are my preferences?
Very pleased with my new bridge camera. I can link/download to my ipad with wifi. 60x time zoom. Touch screen menu. At the moment just using the cameras auto mode, auto focus, auto colour etc.
Photo by Dorthea Lange
Thanks @wojciech evocative image
I love taking photos. When I see a top professionals efforts, it inspires me to try and be a better amateur.
... however being a zen amateur I feel professionally disqualified to offer an opinion ... which I will ignore
Sure thing @lobster
professionals are just amateurs who stayed with it
Thanks @possibilities
It is interesting to find the Aesthetic that works for us. Some of are impressed with the contrived simplicity of Zen or the bewildering overwhelm of Tantra World. The mundane can offer insight. Thanks again
sort of similar...
I love the sea, and being near it, no matter what the weather. (Under most circumstances, that is....)
"True at First Light" is the title of a Hemingway novel. Those words came to mind when I took this photo.
Tried to take a pic of some dappled light beams this morning. Sadly my camera has decided it is a koan
Its so called AI+ was zooming in automatically, could not overide it and zoom out. I think the settings were interfered with by an idiot (that would be me). Luckily I had my old familar camera as backup. Unfortunately some novice forgot to replace the memory card - me again
After much struggle, undharmic wrathful swearing and disciplining the Artificial Stupidity, I finally achieved equinimity
... and took a pic ...
Worth the wait, Lob-(David Bailey)-ster...
@Tosh photograph intrigued me. He now makes a partial living from photography. So why this blurred image of his wife with a cropped elbow from a mobile phone?
Tee Hee.
Now Zen? Now then ...
From Emptiness

comes Form

We were both running and I took this shot while we were moving; which is why it's all blurred. But I like the colours; the green background particularly.
And the sense of movement.