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The Remains of Childhood

JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matterNetherlands Veteran
edited March 2021 in General Banter

It seems to me that part of what it means to be child is to trust, and be true. You attach yourself to your parents with love and cuddles, and you resolve to be true to them, and this creates a warmth between you. And later in life, though the character of that bond changes, some of the feeling remains. And although you arrive at a point where your parents are old, and you care for them, you still carry within you some of that warmth.

How you cope with preserving that warmth, whether you transfer it to a loved one and to children of your own, characterises your journey through life. It kind of depends to what archetypes you owe your allegiance in this life. Although of course in the end you need to realise your own freedom, you can’t stay caught up in love forever.

Feeling rather emotional after watching that short film that @shoshin1 posted...



  • DimmesdaleDimmesdale Illinois Explorer
    edited April 2021

    I believe in an old-fashioned thing called "loyalty." It's only been a few weeks since my mom's quintuple bypass. I've been taking care of her ever since. A part of me definitely wants to shirk my responsibility. I am a after all a grown man in my 30s now (though, it actually feels like I'm in my 20s), but I know that, among other things, I do not have anything more substantive to do. It takes effort, it takes a certain constant "reorientation" of priorities, and sufferings part of the deal. But I know I am serving another human being, and can set aside my own interests. This type of service changes you, I've discovered (rather than just read about).

    Still, this bird is going to fly one day. But I'm not going to do so with any animosity towards my past, which has been a complete gift/learning experience for which I am eternally grateful. I want warmth to permeate every pore of my being - past, present and future. Sometimes you have to simply initiate warmth, and it thus comes naturally.

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    Ah ha! I knew we had a master plan ...

    @Dimmesdale said:

    ... I want warmth to permeate every pore of my being - past, present and future.

    As we know the heart of spirituality is the mind/heart grounded in this very life/samsara/nirvana.
    As we advance into maturing we give this our full attention/service/action.

    We are broken buddhas but we travel with giants. Parents, kids, siblings, saplings, animals and even the very ground of our eventual dust/being.

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    @Dimmesdale said:
    Sometimes you have to simply initiate warmth, and it thus comes naturally.

    I know that kind of getting older experience, it has beautiful aspects. As our parents become less capable it is natural that we care for them.

  • dramaqueendramaqueen USA Explorer

    @lobster said:
    Ah ha! I knew we had a master plan ...

    ... I want warmth to permeate every pore of my being - past, present and future.

    As we know the heart of spirituality is the mind/heart grounded in this very life/samsara/nirvana.
    As we advance into maturing we give this our full attention/service/action.

    We are broken buddhas but we travel with giants. Parents, kids, siblings, saplings, animals and even the very ground of our eventual dust/being.

    That is beautiful @lobster

  • dramaqueendramaqueen USA Explorer

    @Kerome said:

    I know that kind of getting older experience, it has beautiful aspects. As our parents become less capable it is natural that we care for them.

    I thank all parents who love and take care of their children and I love all children who love and look after their parents

    Thank you @Kerome @Dimmesdale @lobster

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