I have too many favourite things. In fact more and more becomes in favour … (it's a Tantra benefit)
Do you love to hate Christmas?
@federica is trying to freeze herself via modified tumo. I personally am hoping to have a family sit down meal for Santas birthday.
I must say so many things are enjoyable when you relax beyond them …
Cue Neo Julie Andrews …
Happy Christmas!
I always love Christmas… though I tend to celebrate it in miniature…
These I bring out every year and I put them on my windowsill.
But celebrating Christmas in the Netherlands is different, the gift giving is done at St Nicolaas on the 5th of December, and Christmas itself is more a religious holiday.
I am leaving for Edmonton today. Mrs Walker and her dad have a few more things to do here, and will come in a few days. He's going to spend a bit of time with us, including Christmas, and come back after New Year to get some things done around the place to get it ready for sale in the spring. They had both planned on moving back to Alberta, and now it will be just Dad.
Christmas will be different this year without Mum. The last difficult and hectic six or so weeks, we've kind of bonded as a trio. I'm hoping that we have a good Christmas together, enjoying each other's company and having good memories of past holidays.
I'm baking ginger bread cookie people and having a decorating party today or tomorrow with Michelle and Mom.
Favorite things:
Fur Babies
Each new moment
I am happiest not celebrating commercial consumer xmas. However my tribe likes to pretend Satan Santa is real, like bugs bunny at Easter.
Here is Baby Jesus
Hi Jeffrey,
Look forward to seeing those flying squirrel turned into gingerbread women …
Sounds magical.
More favours:
Some of my favourite things…
… the look of chilly mist out the window while I am drinking my coffee
… bicycle rides through the forest
… the quiet of the early mornings when I have accidentally awoken
… cooking a meal from a recipe which I have not cooked before
… the feeling of echoing silence in a deserted church
A few favorite things:
Faking it on my uke
being with my granddaughter
Each new day
Each new evening
mug of coffee or chocolate
Being alive
Peace to all
Sunset on a Maine river...
I know it's not a material thing, but they can be pretty special.
Nice photo @shak
Favourite Things …
Hmm These are a few of my favourite things..

Ah ha!
Many thanks @Lionduck 💗
My favourite things for today