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Our personal quotes

marcitkomarcitko Veteran
edited January 2023 in Philosophy

Hello everyone,

We all know and admire many quotes written or said by others.

But sometimes we also ourselves "invent" a quote after making an observation. I open this thread for the sharing of such personal quotes. They need not be perfect, they just need to be ours.

Two of mine that I've recently been mulling over:

"Help yourself diligently to help others automatically"
When I become a better version of myself others are automatically and instantly helped by my better state. I also have the capabilities to help better. So, diligently helping myself is integral to helping others well.

"Happiness requires a lie"
This one might be contentious and honestly it's not quite clear to me either. But this is how I see it: happiness rests on the assumption that a certain course of action will produce an excellent and/or permanent positive result in the future. I will exercise and permanently lose all my excess weight, I will study and get that perfect career, I will meditate and be enlightened, having fallen in love my relationship will be this perfect until I die, etc. This rarely, at least for me, actually happens. Or if it happens, over time it changes. But on the way, believing this lie, I am happy. And while I am sad for a while when I notice that things did not play out as I imagined, I am happy and grateful that the road was lighter for a while.

What are some of your personal quotes?



  • "It's always the humans who make it interesting."
    My work career was in a very technical field.

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “Healing never ends”
    Maybe more an aphorism than a quote, but it seems to be so that we always carry on getting better if you’re on a healing path, first you cope with wounds and trauma, then you share socially, then you become healthier and more spiritual, and you start looking at the virtues.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    "I awake in the morning and ask myself:
    Do I have something to be happy about?
    Do I have something to be UNhappy about?
    If the answer is 'no' to both, then it's far better to be happy for no reason, than unhappy for no reason!"

  • @federica said:
    "I awake in the morning and ask myself:
    Do I have something to be happy about?
    Do I have something to be UNhappy about?
    If the answer is 'no' to both, then it's far better to be happy for no reason, than unhappy for no reason!"

    First post I ever wanted to give all three "likes" :) Need to remember and put into practice myself. So true.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Food for Thought
    "I am" just a thought that thinks "I am thinking"...When (in fact).. "I am".... just a thought"...

    For thought itself is the thinker of thoughts and "I am" just a figment of thought's imagination...

  • I liked @federica answer (she now has all three likes)
    I also likes 'headonism starts with a lie down' … think that is what it was …
    Happiness does not require a lie, it requires reframing. For example, Silence is not a lie even though it may cause discomfort …


    • Get used to dukkha before it uses you
    • Imp perfection is a fairy long tale
    • Eeling ever ends for well now …

    Anyways hoping for moorish eh morish wisdom 💗🫡🪷🦞

  • DavidDavid A human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First Nations Veteran
    edited February 2023

    "As far as moral reasoning goes, only beings that can display a more inclusive outlook are capable of proper logic."

    Context: AI and whether a pure logical being would take the most compassionate path. Not sure if it really works, lol.

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “Truth is only ever recognised, never learnt.”

    I’ve found recently that coming across truth happens when there is something that you recognise, you already knew it deep inside but it is a shock of recognition to come across it. The process of learning about yourself is uncovering the truth, paying attention to your thoughts when it happens.

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    “Beauty is the short path to truth.”

    In a spiritual sense maybe.

  • -Truth has many partners but only one outcome
    -Ignorance rots more quickly
    -Pray you are not religious

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    -Pray you are not religious

    Hmm or "Thank god I'm an atheist" ;)

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Kind of a quote...about me, myself and I AKA the ego pie...

    "Me, myself & I,
    are the three ingredients of an ego pie...
    An ego pie which is on display
    in life's shop window both night & day...
    But alas as one will eventually see
    that the pie itself is quite empty...
    No substance to get ones teeth into
    just an empty shell through and through...
    One is often fooled by what one sees
    tis just a symptom of Samsaric dis-ease..."

  • Relationships are like an orbit. People-meteors and planets and moons and stars in a balanced dance among ourselves. Some gather together like an asteroid belt, others orbit on the fringe. Those who are at the center of a lot and those who are just passing through and may come around again. They pass each other with each revolution or travel together for some distance synchronously or asynchronously. All on some trajectory to interact with something based on something interacted with before.

    If they were to ever wake up then.. Good Morning Starshine

  • Trying to memorize these three in a concise and relatable way.

    "A gardener knowing weeds from seeds (panna) goes into the garden and is presently working (sati) pulling the weeds and nurturing the seeds (sampajanna)."

  • -pushing mountains is like faith, wait till they come to you
    -clever is not clearer
    -quote a quarter of goat

  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran

    You don't kill time, time kills you!

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    A life which is lived according to plans is not really alive.

  • In zero reaction to whatever is occurring,
    there is the non fabrication of what is.
    this shining forth is exactly what is to be seen.
    the seen is it's own nature, which is clear-light.
    finally one can relax the whole subjective sphere. Ah!
    into itself as itself. boundaries blur, and there is supreme rest without
    ever denying the reality of otherness or selfness.
    precisely this color, this sound, this smell, this sensation.
    knowing itself, it liberates itself and is free itself.
    nothing to produce, nothing to figure out, just this clear recognition.

  • The eyes take a sight, the mind's vision becomes that sight,
    The ears take a sound, the mind's voice becomes that sound,
    The nose takes a smell, the mind's scent becomes that smell,
    The body takes a touch, the mind's sensitivity becomes that touch,
    The tongue takes a taste, the mind's flavor becomes that taste,

    The mind becomes the signs of the other five, nothing there but still alive.

  • lobsterlobster Veteran
    • Directed is not the root route
    • Beeing is not a buzz
    • Not is a knot

    etc. add infintum or ...

    • Stop the train I want to get on
    • On a gain
    • How far is Here?
  • LionduckLionduck Veteran

    two word shared by children, dreamers and scientists:

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    A wife is a natural zenmaster — sometimes.

  • The problem with playing in the mind is forgetting you're still doing it.

  • There is no wisdom in an anxious mind.

  • Let go of who, the how is what to do.
    Now, Here, This. Escape.

  • LionduckLionduck Veteran

    What goes on between the inhalation of one breath and the exhalation of another breath is one's perceptive existence.
    Choose your path

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