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Hey Tom. I'm poking around, and realized there is this private activity thing here that I missed. If you're still interested in trying to self publish something, I can answer a few questions. How ya doing, anyway? It's hot, hot summertime here and global warming has people over 100 degrees now with bad storms.
Another thread about the things kids pick up from listening in reminded me of this little episode from the past. Many years ago we used to have our grandson stay with us about every weekend, when he … (View Post)
@lobster that looks exactly like the Buddha I had in my front garden for many years, but it disappeared one summer right about the time some Jehovahs Witnesses starting knocking on my door and I had … (View Post)
The wind and the flag. Two monks were sitting in front of the temple doors, arguing. "Reality is what it appears to be," the first monk said, then pointed to the flagpole in front of them. … (View Post)