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Blinking and swallowing

JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
edited April 2011 in Meditation
Anybody have anything to comment on these. I can observe them with rapid blinking and swallowing. I can resist and blink and swallow when needed. Both sometimes mindful. I have started noticing them recently and it seems I am near constant blinking. When I am at a computer I need to look at something and don't blink much. Swallowing is ok but I thought I'd mention because its similar.


  • HawkinsHawkins Explorer
    What is this for? Are you trying to become mindful of your blinking and swallowing, or stop it? lol. This is a new practice to me
  • I have a problem with swallowing during meditation, but I had never had that problem until I meditated in group where I could hear others swallowing, which in turn causes me to notice how much I want to swallow. So I spose these problems are related to the time in which you notice them. For instance don't watch it, and it arises normally, notice it, it arises more often.
  • It's OK to blink. It's OK to swallow. Just relax :) .
  • Hi Jeffrey

    There is a need to swallow, but no need to fill the mouth. You can adjust the posture. Pull in the chin, as if smiling while holding the roof with the rear top of your head. This should prevent the spit from accumulating. The blinking will happen on its own, no need to pay attention to it.

  • These are not a problem unless you want to see them as a problem.

    With Metta
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    I don't know about blinking, but swallowing when sitting in a meditation group (and later alone) ... well, I always found it a useful reminder that my mind was wandering.
  • The blinking is annoying, when I meditate I blink like once every second. Doesn't happen normally.
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    Jeffrey -- The best I can think is to keep up a focused practice (counting exhalations, watching the breath, whatever) and let the eyes blink as they will. I imagine they will slow down as the mind slows down.
  • Thanks I might experiment. I have tried resisting the blinks and its actually a fantastic sign to pull me back to the breath. I notice the blinking easily and the resisting is sort of like paying attention to walking in walking meditation, which I find easier to maintain awareness. Not that length of time steady means anything in particular.
  • I don't fear it ruins the meditation, but its kind of like taking an aspirin when sick. I want to prevent something annoying :)
  • I have a problem with swallowing during meditation, but I had never had that problem until I meditated in group where I could hear others swallowing, which in turn causes me to notice how much I want to swallow.
    Me too! When I was in elementary school the orthodontist said I swallowed wrong--tongue thrusting which caused my front teeth to buck! So he put this contraption in right behind my front teeth called a tongue crib for about six months. It didn't work. When I think about swallowing, I do it without thrusting, sliding the tongue back across the roof of my mouth but don't know what I do when I'm not thinking about it. I've tried every possible way of positioning my tongue so to prevent saliva accumulating during my sits but it never works. I have allergies, sinus problems, and a deviated septum too, none of which helps. I've tried mouth open, closed, teeth floating etc.... Gil Fronsdal (IMC/audiodharma) says he just swallows if he feels the need, but this just leads to more swallowing for me. This was not much of an issue before I started meditation with others, but now it's starting to bug me during my "private" sits.

    :buck: :buck:
  • WhoknowsWhoknows Australia Veteran
    Hi Jeffrey,
    I've experienced something weird in relation to blinking in meditation, occasionally I would blink in very rapid succession around 3 or 4 per sec. This still happens occasionally both in meditation and post-meditation. Now I don't really pay a lot of attention to it, I just acknowledge it and continue with the task at hand just like an emerging thought, it's neither good nor bad.
  • Blinking, like most body functions is natural and does not require an act of thought, it is automatic. However, I have before noticed this act of blinking and once I notice it, it begins to annoy me because every time I blink my mind is focused on that and I think, 'what if for my entire life I am mindful of my blinking'? I would rather have my eye balls taken out tbh
  • beingbeing Veteran
    Unfortunately, what we resist persists. :o
  • FenixFenix Veteran
    I dont have a problem with either or probably will have now. I do have a problem with my eyes, they seem to have some kind of epilepsy when I trying to look forward. they just keep moving and can' focus on any point.
  • IMO it would be more beneficial to notice and be mindful of the breath and let all other things follow after.

    with metta
  • WhoknowsWhoknows Australia Veteran
    I dont have a problem with either or probably will have now. I do have a problem with my eyes, they seem to have some kind of epilepsy when I trying to look forward. they just keep moving and can' focus on any point.
    This is normal, just keep practising. :)
  • Add farting, belching, throat clearing, nose whistling, stomach rumbling and squeaking, muscle twitching, itching, muscle cramping, dogs licking your face, dogs farting, dogs barking - not to mention one's mind running amuck - and you have the veritable symphony that accompanies mindfulness meditation - is there any other way......?
  • my orthodontist (when i was a kid) told me i swallow wrong...he called what i do "thrusting" it causes buck teeth because the tongue thrusts out against the back of the front teeth, creating suction for swallowing...he said "normal" people slide their tongue back across the top of their palate...he put a contraption behind the front of my two top front teeth called a tongue didn't work...some teacher say just swallow, some tell you where to put your's all so confusing...i get the best results when ignore "tongue-consciousness"
  • Hi Jeffrey,

    This used to cause me concern too. Clearing my throat, shifting around, itching, scratching, etc.... and in general I try to simply return to my breath when I'm getting caught up in that. I acknowledge then return to the breath, though sometimes an itch gets so intense I have to scratch it - I'm not there yet that I can ignore it.

    But in general, it feels like these things are some of the fundamental truths and manifestations of what you'll encounter in meditation. Boredom leads us to remain caught up in them.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    Yes I have been more adjusted to the blinking. Although I have started with 5 minutes with eyes closed to help relax a little before starting meditation. Where I am just releasing tension rather than following my method.

    Thanks for all your comments it seems many others have had similar problems and just pushed through them.
  • Unfortunately, what we resist persists. :o
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