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Do you think that Buddhism is an idea/theory or a religion?
Many people have different opinions on this, whats yours?
With metta,
I personally practice Dzogchen which has a different view of the Buddhas teachings then lets say, Theravada. I am a Mahayana practitioner within the Vajrayana form, so my lay practitioners precepts are going to be different from that of a Theravadin.
But, the Buddha said that his Dharma was defined by the experiential insight of dependent origination as this insight is the source of his teachings on the 4 noble truths and the 8 fold path, as relative in meaning as they are... they are based upon the first of the 8 fold path, "right view" which is opposed to "wrong view." So, it definitely differentiates itself from other traditions in that sense. Even though the Buddha himself did also teach forms of Brahmayoga via the 4 brahmaviharas for the sake of those without the capacity to understand dependent origination, but in those instances, he wasn't teaching the complete Buddhadharma, he was just helping people according to their particular needs.
You could see it as a testable theory. But if a theory works and proves itself to be true it isn't really a theory anymore. It just becomes the truth.
You could also see it as a religion, but for me the word 'religion' implies a faith or some aspect that is untestable. Also it usually explains the beginning of things or has a God or spirits or whatever that rules your life. And all of that is not what Buddhism is about so that's why I don't think it is a religion.
Its given me a greater sens of calm than any prescribed medication has done, not putting down Psychiatry here, I wonder if I'd have the clarity of mind to meditate without the medication. However learning to watch the mind and how it tricks itself is allowing to watch how the "mentally ill" thoughts occur and let them slide past without chasing them and letting them re-inforce themselves in a kind of negative feedback loop, if that makes sense.
However in my experience most people I know of Asian decent born into a Buddhist family, call it their religion. Western people who come to Buddhism later on in life, seem more inclined to call it a philosophy or some similar term.
I sort of break that mold though and consider it my religion.
religion |riˈlijən|
the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, esp. a personal God or gods : ideas about the relationship between science and religion.
• details of belief as taught or discussed : when the school first opened they taught only religion, Italian, and mathematics.
• a particular system of faith and worship : the world's great religions.
• a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance : consumerism is the new religion.
Countless times...
That's not to say we shouldn't be discussing it now....but I seem to recall that we've had equally diverse, yet 'correct' views before...No concrete or definitive conclusion has been reached, then or now....
It seems to be an 'imponderable' in that Buddhism seems to mean different things, to different people, at different times....
But in a most wonderful sense, they're all great 'different things'.... :thumbsup:
It has a founding prophet, holy scriptures, a metaphysical description of the universe, monks, temples, rituals, it offers its practitioners salvation .. the list goes on. As a result, in almost any reference work on world religion, buddhism is amongst those listed.
Of course, not all buddhists are fervently religious, many engage with it in their own independent way, just as many christians, muslims, etc. do with their religions.
To my way of thinking, it does nothing of the kind.
Salvation comes from nobody but you.
Buddhism shows the way, but offers nothing, other than that which you can glean yourself.
You are already "saved".
You just have no idea the door is unlocked.
As I said previously, it's the same as christianity - just because a lot of them don't go to church, doesn't mean it's not a religion.