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Kundalini Rising

zen_worldzen_world Veteran
edited January 2012 in Meditation
I guess this inner energy is called kundalini...
I have been having very powerful experiences of this inner energy lately.
It started when I focus my meditation to hearth chakra. The energy is something very concrete and it is almost part of my body that I can feel it completely and I can control its direction to some degree.
It is extremely powerful and blissful. I can carry it from my stomach all the way to crawn chakra.
When it hits the crawn chakra I am scared and let it spread throughout the body.
This method was working fine but the last couple of days I realized I am having troubles controlling it.
The extacy is almost irresistable that my body and mind gets too light and it doesn't have the power to control it.
When it reaches to crown yesterday night, I force myself out of bed and it caused some serious tension in my head and face.
I still feel dizzy. I probably slept only an hour or so since yesterday. As soon as I try to sleep, the extacsy comes back and I feel kundalini is rising again.
Because I don't have a yoga teacher, I do not know how to handle this...
Should I just let it go out from the crawn chakra?
Any of you know anything about kundalini yoga?
Appreciate your advice if you particularly have the experience yourself....
I heard it can be dangerous stuff....


  • Upwards from the front or back?

    If it gets too much ground your feet in the ground and bring energy to feet.

    Google microcosm orbit. This will help you a lot.

  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    Yeah, you shouldn't be encouraging this stuff without a teacher. If you can't control it, find a teacher. I've heard that it can be dangerous too.
  • Also start working out or doing yoga or some kind of physical activity. This will also help ground you. Get the prana flowing.

    You want a strong base. Bring your attention to the hara. Inch below navel. Its like a fist. Circulate energy
    Into hara and store it there.

    Relax and don't worry. Kundalini can't hurt you. Just let it do its thing.
  • hi taiyaki....thanks these are great advice....I like the micro orbit technique...It sounds interesting. I read it from wiki....I will do some readings....
    Interesting you bring it up....somehow I already discovered storing it around the navel area. That place is indeed very safe. No health complications whatsoever.
    But when it gets too intense, it is very hard to move it downwards...
    I think I should take your advice and research how to ground the energy...

    What do you think about letting it go out of crown chakra? is it even possible?
  • I've had like three experiences with the crown chakra.

    I don't remember the experiences but there is a kind of feeling like your brain is magnetically spliting apart. Lik the thirs eye meeting the back of the head with the quarter size hole on the top. Lol not sure what happens but its full of bliss :)

    But lately i've been placing all my emphasis on the heart, third eye and hara at the same time. Good balance with rigpa.

    Idk about letting it out via the head. When that does occur one enters an absorbtion of some sort. It has happened in deep sleep but i havent done it consciously.

    Another good book.

  • very interesting.....we have things in common:) my usual practice was third eye + hearth + hara and lately I switched to hearth chakra only and try to dissolve all the energy in the central channel...Then this issue come up...I agree the former one was much more stable and I had no issues before....
    thanks for your help ....
  • The chakras are directly effected by intention, thought, and breathing.

    So if those are clear then they should be good.

    Physical body, breathing, chakras, thoughts, potential thoughts, bliss body.

    Each level relate to each other and in turn effect each other.

    Also each chakra represents a certain aspect of being.

    :) just take care of yourself.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited January 2012
    It can go out the crown chakra, or it can turn around at the crown and move back down to the heart, and rest in the heart.

    Finding a teacher who knows about this is very difficult.

    Kundalini can hurt some people, but zen_world seems to have a grip on it. :bowdown: Impressive
    There's kundalini yoga, and there's also kriya yoga, which I'm told works with the same energy.
  • kundalini awakening happen in the 4th stage of vipassana (arising & passing away)

    i dont know if you are more into yoga and or controlling, manipulating the energy type of thing but if you are not and into vipassana meditation;
    i would see this as a great sign of progress and the way to deal with it would be to simply observe what is happening without trying to manipulate it.
    just observing inside, looking like you would do in a dark cave with a flash light.

    whatever meditation practice you are into, when you don't know what to do, it's a very clear sign that you would benefit from a teacher. Someone who have been there and know what to do.
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    I don't really have any experience or knowledge of kundalini. I know in tantric practice the goal is also manipulation of the subtle energy channels. I've read that doing these practices without the guidance of a qualified teacher can cause harm, I've read the same thing about kundalini. I've simply stayed away because I don't have a qualified teacher. There are plenty of other practices that I can do. Why tempt fate?
  • I agree with the others who note the dangers of Kundalini rising without having a teacher to guide you through. I'm not sure if you are speaking about vipassana practice solely, or if you practice Kundalini yoga in addition to meditation.

    I practice Kundalini yoga myself, and the kriyas are designed to ready your body and mind for Kundalini rising, but you really should have a teacher to guide you through the process.

    i read this book a couple months ago. i don't personally practice tummo, but it was just interesting read either way. i'd like to go see a teacher and get specific teachings and rites.

    here is more information on tummo or inner fire practices:​Tummo

  • Don't let this guy be your teacher :D
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited January 2012
    When it reaches to crown yesterday night, I force myself out of bed and it caused some serious tension in my head and face.
    All I know is you're not supposed to interrupt it in any way.
    I don't really have any experience or knowledge of kundalini. I know in tantric practice the goal is also manipulation of the subtle energy channels. I've read that doing these practices without the guidance of a qualified teacher can cause harm, I've read the same thing about kundalini. I've simply stayed away because I don't have a qualified teacher. There are plenty of other practices that I can do. Why tempt fate?
    I think most of us aren't ready to work with Kundalini, it takes years of preparation, normally. It sounds like zen-world has had a more or less spontaneous introduction to Kundalini, and is trying to work with what came up by surprise. It also sounds like his system is already free of the kinds of blockages that cause problems for most people, he's very fortunate. (Note that it's mainly bliss he's experiencing.) So he's somewhat of an exceptional case. Still, one should have guidance, this isn't something to toy with or experiment with one one's own, usually. Maybe some of those materials Tai has recommended will help.

    Let us know how it goes, ZW. I'm always interested in hearing about people's Kundalini experiences. I think this should be studied scientifically. I'd like to see someone like you get hooked up in a lab, so they can measure electrical phenomena associated with Kundalini, and brain phenomena.

  • I think meditation training could be helpful. Couldn't one practice calm abiding/insight meditation? Thus treating phenomena as impersonal arisings?

    i read this book a couple months ago. i don't personally practice tummo, but it was just interesting read either way. i'd like to go see a teacher and get specific teachings and rites.

    here is more information on tummo or inner fire practices:​Tummo

    thanks Taiyaki....I am reading the book Naropa's six yoga myself....the practice is called inner fire yoga. But thank you for these extra references...

  • I agree with the others who note the dangers of Kundalini rising without having a teacher to guide you through. I'm not sure if you are speaking about vipassana practice solely, or if you practice Kundalini yoga in addition to meditation.

    I practice Kundalini yoga myself, and the kriyas are designed to ready your body and mind for Kundalini rising, but you really should have a teacher to guide you through the process.
    I am with you...I need to have a teacher but finding a qualified teacher is very hard.
    Many Tibetan lama's go through these practices but you need to become their disciple for years before they initiate and teach you about these yoga practices.
    I cannot put too much hope on the so called yoga teachers out there giving yoga classess in studios. I heard that people who really know how this stuff works is very very rare.
    It is very hard to find an authentic teacher.

  • Let us know how it goes, ZW. I'm always interested in hearing about people's Kundalini experiences. I think this should be studied scientifically. I'd like to see someone like you get hooked up in a lab, so they can measure electrical phenomena associated with Kundalini, and brain phenomena.

    thanks Dakini...I will certainly let you know if I see benefits of such practices...

  • Yesterday and today I have been having experiences of absorption or black hole like experience in the heart center. It almost feels like a cold drift sucking both in and out of the heart chakra.

    I must say it is very blissful.

    Btw I am going to attend kundalini yoga classes so I'll tell you how that goes.
  • There is a web page in which they offer kundalini lessons for free. If you like you can have a look at the lessons.
    I also studied a three and a half years course about kriya yoga (plus about six months more to receive kriya 2, kriya3 and kriya4) with the Self-Realization monks. As I have already said in others posts, I also like buddhism very much. Kundalini is not dangerous is it is opened slowly and with the help of a teacher or even better a master.
  • There is a web page in which they offer kundalini lessons for free. If you like you can have a look at the lessons.
    I also studied a three and a half years course about kriya yoga (plus about six months more to receive kriya 2, kriya3 and kriya4) with the Self-Realization monks. As I have already said in others posts, I also like buddhism very much. Kundalini is not dangerous is it is opened slowly and with the help of a teacher or even better a master.
    thank you for the web link. I will check it out...
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