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Blasphemy for Buddhists

lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
edited December 2012 in General Banter
I had a wonderful tract about how blasphemy against ones former ideas of deity and the sacred was a necessary step for some indoctrinated Buddhists. All I can remember is it was something to do with clause 22 in British politics, which was a big thing in the acceptance of the rights of Gay people to educate the terminally homophobic in their godly cleansing . . .

If you believe that Jesus was the aunty of God, this may effect your capacity to meditate. You might be visited by the Holy Ghost whilst meditating on emptiness . . . :rarr:

There comes a certain time were we have to contemplate whether Father Christmas is more real than the Flying Spaghetti monster. Some of don't want to meditate or change our belief structure. What we want is to pretend . . .

The power of Buddha compels you . . . or maybe the dharma is just more compelling?
Will you be praying for me. Please do. :bowdown:


  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited December 2012
    I pray you become more attentive about where you choose to post these random thoughts.....

    Moved from 'B4B' to 'General Banter'.
  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    Many thanks Federica.

    Random thoughts . . . m m m . . .
    and there was me thinking it was a directed prescription . . .

    I am sorry if I have broken any rules in a way that needed your prayers and attention . . . many thanks for your efforts. Appreciated.
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    As far as I know, "blasphemy" entails speaking or acting wrongly in regard to some deity or belief system. Hence, in order to blaspheme, there must first be such a deity or belief system and thus any blaspheming must posit or elevate that which it opposes.

    I do not believe blasphemy is possible in Buddhism since, in practice, there is simply no footing for deities or belief systems.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    lobster said:

    Many thanks Federica.

    Random thoughts . . . m m m . . .
    and there was me thinking it was a directed prescription . . .

    I am sorry if I have broken any rules in a way that needed your prayers and attention . . . many thanks for your efforts. Appreciated.

    The problem is, when creating a new discussion, 'B4B' is the default sub-forum.
    When deciding to create a new discussion it pays to consider what the root of the pondering is... and locate the appropriate sub-forum.
    This by way of general recommendation to all members.
    No problem Lotus, no apologies necessary.
    Be well.


  • Slandering the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha creates very bad Karma that will send you to Avici Hell.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    @Metallica: Reference please. Thanks.
  • howhow Veteran Veteran
    Blasphemy is just a closed mind and only those fearing a loss of control seem to worry about it.
  • federica said:

    @Metallica: Reference please. Thanks.

    google? The fact you are asking me this is because you already have no faith in that idea, so I am wondering where have you been learning Buddhism from?

    Frankly no god doesn't mean no karma, and refraining from committing very serious Karmic offences are more important than playing the free liberal.

  • @Metallica

    What do you mean by 'slandering' the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha?
    Do you mean slandering to be like saying "I don't believe in it" or like saying "The Buddha is fake-ass bullshit" ?

    Because either way (or in any way, really) why would karma then come and "get you"? Because you're not a good Buddhist? Well, maybe you're not a Buddhist at all or maybe you're a secular Buddhist... so is that a karmic 'sin' dooming you to hell?
    Isn't that the same as a Jehovah's Witness saying Jews and Catholics go to hell?

    Karma (IMO) doesn't exactly work in such black and white, good and evil, perfection-only required way.

    What is your perception of Blasphemy?

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    Dear friends of the heretic Hindu and former Aritocratic Buddha,

    There is a zen story about a Western devotee who goes to see a Zen Master
    and says in surprise at seeing him bow to the Buddha,
    'I am surprised at your bowing, I thought you would spit at the image.'
    The Zen master replies, 'you can spit if you wish, I will bow.'

    Disrespect for its own sake is disrespectful. If it changes our perception of what we are doing and why, it may be beneficial. We are not talking about running into a Church and shouting, 'There is no heaven'. We are talking about chain breaking. Can everyone for instance, practice in peace if they believe Jesus or ceiling cat is watching them?

    We might have to place our former superstitions to the side for the present.

    Is it also ludicrous to swap one set of implausibles for another? I do not have to be a vegan, reincarnationist, nun to be a practitioner or follow a pet preference that works elsewhere . . .

    We just need respect for the real jewels, not the imagined ideals of the indoctrinated. We just have to be aware, where and who we are . . . :)
  • DaftChrisDaftChris Spiritually conflicted. Not of this world. Veteran

    What if you don't necessarily believe in the various hells or realms? Because I don't.
    Slandering the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha creates very bad Karma that will send you to Avici Hell.
    This almost becomes nothing in terms of "blasphemy". Yes, I think it would be disrespectful to purposefully slander the Buddha or Dharma, especially if in front of those who revere such things, but, to me, that would be nothing more than being disrespectful for the sole purpose of being such. It's still negative, but "blasphemy" it is not.

    To me, there is no such thing as blasphemy in Buddhism. While there are the basic teachings, beliefs themselves are strictly left for individual interpretation. As such, what would be blasphemous to one, may not be to another. This can go for any religion or philosophy, really.
  • lobster said:

    There is a zen story about a Western devotee who goes to see a Zen Master
    and says in surprise at seeing him bow to the Buddha,
    'I am surprised at your bowing, I thought you would spit at the image.'
    The Zen master replies, 'you can spit if you wish, I will bow.'

    There are moments that I think all “Buddhism” left in me is some vague notion that attachments are a pain in the back and getting over them is ”liberation”.
    (I admit it’s not a jewel of deep thought.)

    When I’m able to bow for everything I spit on; when I’m able to spit on everything I bow to; I expand my world; but I have no solid ground under my feet; it doesn’t say what is the right thing to do; that’s the downside to it maybe.
  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    When I’m able to bow for everything I spit on; when I’m able to spit on everything I bow to; I expand my world; but I have no solid ground under my feet; it doesn’t say what is the right thing to do; that’s the downside to it maybe.
    Seem about right.
    People revere, creating the karma for irreverence and other people are disrespectful creating the karma for offense. The Middle way is in a sense, in the ground between this polarity . . .
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Metallica said:

    google? The fact you are asking me this is because you already have no faith in that idea...

    No, I'm asking you because it is a prerequisite that when we make 'factual' assertions about something in such a definite manner, it is a requirement that you post reference/source/link. I am wondering where have you been learning Buddhism from?
    All manner of places, I'm open to loads of info, from many different directions. It seems you're more, shall we say, single-minded....
    Frankly no god doesn't mean no karma,
    ..yes, so? what's your point? :scratch:

    and refraining from committing very serious Karmic offences are more important than playing the free liberal.
    When I figure out what you're saying, I'll respond.

    ('is', not 'are'.... ;) )
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