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Doing something because you want to. Harder than it seems.

still_learningstill_learning Veteran
edited January 2013 in General Banter
Why would it be hard? It's something you WANT to do anyway.

Here's why it's hard:

1. Fear of failure
When it is some YOU wanted to do, it becomes YOUR responsibility because it was your idea. If you fail at it, there is no else to blame.

2. Fear ridicule.

You're putting yourself out on a limb when doing what you want. What if it doesn't match what other people think is cool? Then they will ridicule you.

3. Fear of the unknown.
Anything can happen in this world. If something pops up out of nowhere, you may freak out if you don't know how to deal with it.

I'm pointing this out because I've been noticing more and more people around me acting like this. Afraid to do certain things that they want to do.

I've been trying my best not to live like that. I used to have a strong fear of ridicule, but I've realized that I should not care what strangers think about me, since they are a very small part of my life. Fear of the unknown isn't too bad for me. I like surprises. However, I am struggling with the fear of failure. I think I'm smart enough, but I always feel that I'll get lazy and not see things through. I don't have confidence in my work ethic.

This is by no means definitive, it's just some things I've observed.


  • Nothing not bliss will happen in this world if you would to meditate and live healthily.
  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    I am struggling with the fear of failure
    Fear always requires an object. In tantra we find a representation of our fear and become/transform it. How easy would that be for you?
  • Doing what we want to? What is that?

    Mixed feelings are not the exception they are the rule; only in hindsight it looks like we knew what we were doing, like we had a clear plan and no doubts about it.

    We just do what our unconscious mind dictates and then our narrative thinking turns that into our (sensible) decision. Unfortunately some people are not so good at that; they never know they did the right thing; and I suppose they got that right; we don’t know.

  • Nothing to fear about. Be courageous like being vegetarianism. It helps the environmental health. Karmically link of being vegetarianism is longevity , prosperity, good health, not sacrificing animals for mere of your tongue, and if your siblings, friends etc of the past and prrsent rebirthef into the animals realm is not being cruelly and ignorantly eaten by you, liberating them by not causing harm to them. If other ridicule you for being vegetariansm, they are planting unkindness and bad example...
  • Try this; change your fear into curiosity. The first steps are the hardest, we crawl, toddle, walk, and then run in everything in life. Fear is concept that we should always keep in mind though; it rules and guides us and 'makes' us think of what we are doing., or going to do. But its always only those first two or so steps that is fear.

    Ridicule, ignore it. One's who ridicule those who made an attempt, are those who live in fear, and delusion of self importance.

    Fear of the unkown, change this to want of knowledge, the future is but a path that we never see the end of; the path least traveled. But, maybe for wisdom, take the path not traveled.
  • misecmisc1misecmisc1 I am a Hindu India Veteran
    Fear is a negative emotion. it arises because of attachment to 'I'. try to find the 'I' first of all inside you - if there is nothing which can be considered as self, then attachment will dissolve, since there will be nothing to attach to, then fear will also not arise as there will be no 'I' to be feared.
  • So many unnecessary obstacles! Doing what you want, and what's best for you comes naturally, doesn't it?
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