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What is 'posture'?

lobsterlobster Veteran
edited April 2013 in Meditation
Be interested in peoples thoughts, meditations and insights around the theme of posture . . .
Here is my usual rambling to get us started:

How long we sit or are imposed on by a sense of constraint is indicative of our need for a recognisable beginning and end. In a meditative frame we have an ease in arriving, being and leaving. Part of a continuity, rather than position. Being aware of our existing relationship to recognisable structures allows us to extend the inner landscape to an outer form.
Where do we go to not be? Most of us travel in, with and to distractions. We aim for stimulation, a goal, an obstacle and then a posture of experiential attainment. The movement, rather than stillness takes precedence. If we shift the position, so the stillness is a movement, we find both are still present.
Meditation is a clearing in which we formalise stillness. Movement occurs less but paradoxically this lessening allows an appreciation of interior moving. We facilitate and unfold the formality and its patterns and emergence feed back into an easier positioning.


  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Moved to 'Meditation'.
  • Moved to 'Meditation'.
    Glad to so move you into practice, I must almost be inspirational . . .
  • What is posture?

    When mind and body are in harmony ... that's posture.
  • howhow Veteran Veteran
    A posture is a position.
    I am not sure that harmony defines it.
    If your mind & body are out of harmony, have you no posture???
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