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Just for fun: the random, useless announcements thread!
@Shoshin1 it seems your island is quite clean! ❤
It's fairly clean as far as islands go @Kotishka , plus it is quite a small island with a population of around 9,000 which can quadruple over the Summer months... there are quite a few of us beach goers who remove waste from the beaches if we see any, sadly some people leave their dog poo bags on the beach, either they can't be bothered carrying it to the rubbish bins or they were meaning to pick it up on their return ( walking along the beach and back) but genuinely forgot to...
The weird thing is, for a tiny island we are the third most populated island of Aotearoa NZ (out of a total population of just over five million) and the most most densely populated island...It's so close to Auckland city ( around a 35/40 minute ferry ride ...which by the way is one of the most expensive short distant (around 20 kms to Auckland city) ferry ride in the world....around $60 NZ return for an adult during peek hours...(cheaper if you can afford a monthly pass)
Back in the 60s, 70s and 80s the island was home to mainly alternative lifestylers, like hippies, artists, musicians and people who just wanted to get out of the rat race...Only the tough and hardy would dare venture on the ferry ride, back then it could take 2 hours or more to travel over on the old ferry and it was rough going...Then in the 80s and 90s faster and more comfortable ferries were introduced...and now the ferries are faster more people can commute to work in Auckland city daily, and with the advent of the internet many can also work from home...and this is why more and more people want to move here...for its laidback, rural beachy lifestyle ....
Light pollution is severe in my city. It's gotten way worse over the last 20 years. BUT I just observed 8 globular clusters, a nebula, and a galaxy with ONLY binoculars. I know of no better way to approximate a spiritual experience than to observe the stars and contemplate the vastness of the Universe and our place in it. Look up, look up!
Walked into the village (did a bit of earthing via the beach along the way) got a warm greeting from a couple of excited dogs on the beach...coolish breeze but nice out of the wind...

Taking things nice and slow, no jolking for a while until I'm more stable on my feet...
I haven't been watching the news lately ....Wow I've just seen yesterday's news on the devastating fires in Hawaii my heart goes out to all the sentient beings humans and non humans affected ...
On this morning's walk I spied a Tui (not the beer @Bunks
) having breakfast...

I think on the menu for breakfast this morning was nectar...
For some reason there are lots of Tuis on this small stretch of road, and it's not as if there's no flowers elsewhere, the island is full of flowering plants...
...And on this afternoon's stroll...a pair of kereru just hanging..

Yesterday afternoon from my kitchen window, I spied a kingfisher resting on a twig...

People having a dip this morning,

...the temperature was quite warm first thing this morning, but there's a cold snap moving up the country...
On holiday in North Queensland this week. So nice to get some warm weather. Between 27c and 29c every day.
Looks lovely @Bunks ...Enjoy the break with your family...Whereabouts are you?
Townsville FNQ
Yeah it’s a good spot. Been bringing the kids up here on and off for a while now. It’s a great winter break.
Wow the last time I was in Townsville was in the early 1970s, hitch hiked up from Sydney with a friend ( back in the days when hitch hiking was safe), stayed a few days there on our way to the magical Magnetic Island...
I can remember a group of Thursday islander were gathered in a church in Townsville singing, really nice vibes, they remind me of Afro Caribbeans ...It's funny, when we were standing outside listening to the singing a white priest came out and asked if we would like to come inside...It turns out he thought I was a Thursday islander...
No doubt lots have changed in Townsville since then 😃
Have you been over to Magnetic island @Bunks ?
It’s an interesting town for sure. Quite different to the South of Australia. Reminds me of Texas a bit.
We will head out to Magnetic Island for the day on Saturday. My plan was to hire a car for a few days but realised when I arrived that I forgot to bring my driver’s licence. Doh!!!
I bumped into a friend in the supermarket after I finished work this afternoon, she said a friend had sent her a message to say that dolphins were playing in the bay, the same bay/beach I normally jolk along of a morning...
But by the time a arrived they were gone...There have been quite a number of sightings around the island over the last few months, pods following ferries and other vessels, or just cruising in and out the bays...
A pity about the license.... Enjoy Magnetic island @Bunks & family....
It looks like Southern California will be receiving its first tropical storm in over 80 years over the next few days. With everyone on red alert for brush fires, this is an interesting turn of events. Apparently the storm recently picked up an uncommon amount of speed and force which will now propel it into the region first touching down in Baja and maybe traveling as far as Utah. News says to plan for floods and strong winds.
While the rains will bring some immediate relief to the dry regions, it may cause an unusual sprouting and subsequent drying of extra growth leaving a thicker dry brush as a record hot summer progresses into traditionally windy fall.
From what I gather, in your part of the world a tropical storm is referred to as an hurricane, here it's a cyclone...Anyhow....
Stay safe @FleaMarket and heed the warmings...snatch bag at the ready, expect the unexpected..
Stay safe my friend! I hope everyone will be ok ❤
Thank you both. Not sure what to expect. I can understand the words of the warnings but have no experience to back it up. If there are any significant updates for my area, I'll share them here.
I was just checking on CNN and they said the storm would lose much of its power before reaching the US, at the moment on the ocean it’s a category 4 so quite a big storm, but by the time it makes landfall it will be a 2 or 1 according to the forecast.
Stay safe @FleaMarket
That may be news for this region @Jeroen. The hills are prone to some nasty mudslides when it rains and the valleys tend to be hard earth which absorb water slowly. The regions further north and inland could really use the water but it may not reach unless the storm stays strong.
The story of the farmer and the horse comes to mind.

was sent this on the modernisation of Tibet or whatever it is called now …
Better life for most local vajrayana practitioners now available 😌✅🦞
Hurricane Hilary touches down
My son and his wife are also in Southern California, at the moment visiting his wife's grandmother who lives near Malibu, then they are off to visit friends around the LA area then onto San Diego...
Take care Southern California folks....
It's lovely warm rainy weather so far. A little anti-climactic from anxious expectations. Water from the sky spooks us easy here.
Our 13 year old dog got an infection, was pumped full of antibiotics, had his teeth cleaned and scraped, and 10 incisors extracted. Now he's in varying states of misery, and won't eat, and I spend 2 hours a day cooking for him and following him around offering tidbits, 80% of which are refused. But he still rushes out barking fiercely when one of the neighborhood black bears is sighted - usually in the act of ripping down the bird feeder. I will be very glad when things settle down a bit.
Right speech: do not talk to a resentful person about politics, especially if the party getting roasted is the one they have voted all their life. Dumb, SUPER DUMB Kotishka!
Dogen does really like to call certain people "stupid". I wonder what the actual Japanese term he used was... he does change swiftly from a loving and caring teacher, to a poet, to a harsh father who, perhaps worried of his son/ daughter's future, decides to yell a few words because of crappy grades...
Found an interesting teaching on noble silence and I'm going to practice it for a bit. Be well, friends.
What a beautiful moon...
Once in a 'blue' moon ...
Rant against the media's coverage of "Pink", "Blue", "Super" - moons - deleted
If only I could've given you this beautiful BLUE Moon... @marcitko
LOL! For some reason, this evening I'm not getting triggered
Marcitko, why the rant? You didnt explain!
These 'special' moons (Pink, Blue, Super, TurboGigaWow) have no real astronomical significance - nor appear interesting when observed - yet reporters continuously report on them in recent years.
For instance, one of them just means that it's a second full moon in a calendar month, another that at closest approach the moon is 1% bigger than usual, and a third that the full moon occurs at a time when traditionaly pink flowers were harvested in China.
As an amateur astronomer I get pissed off that they report on these nonsensical 'events', when there are so many other interesting astronomical phenomena that the public could actually enjoy viewing and/or that have astronomical significance.
That is really interesting.
It was a beauitful moon still, no?
What other astronomical news did we miss then? I used to have a telescope... But it is gone for a long while.
I’ve never heard of a ‘TurboGigaWow Moon’, it sounds like something from an anime…
But seriously, you’re absolutely right @marcitko, even ancient festivals like the solstices are very rarely reported these days. People seem to only be interested in special moons and eclipses.
Bloody lunatics, if you ask me

..Hmm speaking of lunatics

The moon playing peekaboo through the clouds, last night...
Then spectacular ocean waves this morning
I want Marcitko to start an astronomy thread to keep us updated on what to look out for!
You are very kind @Kotishka. If a few more people like your comment I very well might do that - would give me a constructive outlet for my astronomy reading and might inspire someone to look up or just read something interesting.
Please heart/hug the comment so we can have our first astronomy thread! Zen buns and theravada candy and vajra pie will be provided.
Did you know that looking at newborn baby pictures is very soothing? It makes me happy…
This is why companies will use baby images when advertising...to soften up the potential buyers/consumers....
Hello, I'm back. You all are awesome by the way.
As for what I learned from the noble silence...hard to say.
I was up to see the Morning Star (Venus/Lucifer) with the Buddha, this morning. She pointed out it was rude to point [key note to the zenniths] … Pah! … meanwhile I was singing and dancing with Tantrists …

No more additional votes for this? I think the forum can do with an astronomy thread…
Now you're all bloody star-struck if you ask me

After all ....We are stardust

...so why bother with astronomy, why not just look within...
@marcitko ,

What is cooking up in the sky? Before my father became depressed we used to play with a telescope. I still have the manual book somewhere... My balcony has a south-east orientation.
It's just guts and stuff in there. Please don't make me.

Here's a cool telescope photo. Sometimes things get in the way of the moon.