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Documentary: The Dhamma Brothers
I wanted to share a link here for those who hadn't seen it.
Synopsis: 'The Dhamma Brothers' tells a dramatic tale of human potential and transformation as it closely follows and documents the stories of prison inmates who enter into this arduous and intensive Vipassana meditation program. This film has the power to dismantle stereotypes about men behind prison bars and also, in the words of Sister Helen Prejean (Dead Man Walking), "gives you hope for the human race."
Director: Jenny Phillips | Producer: Nicole Guillemet
watch until after you watch the OP.
Let's face it, men and women who commit serious crimes like murder and mayhem are 'damaged' people. I have at times asked myself what could ever be done with prisoners (and in prisons) that could truly help these people explore themselves, heal themselves, and change for the better. I think vipassana is the answer. The documentary was very inspiring.
I am responding before I've watched the documentary (my bad) but mayhem is often just what a protest march or social disorder is called.
Not that I think anyone gets to escape the damaged goods label.
Yeah, I kind of grabbed that word hastily... but to clarify, once you see the doc. you will note that this prison is maximum security, and these are murderers... but not just men who have killed from a distance with a gun, but who have committed 'mayhem' by virtually "slaughtering" some of their victims, (their actual words) and causing unimaginable grief for the families of those victims as well as for their own families (especially their own kids). This is not a regular prison which houses prisoners who've committed lower level crimes or political prisoners. But yeah, 'mayhem' was an 'iffy' word to use, I guess.
Buddhism, dharma works. No doubt. Guaranteed. Proof available.
Be inspired.
of ways. Really opens your mind and heart...doesn't it?
I would like to thank the crustacean that made this
sharing possible.
But just shows you, inner peace really does come from within!
Its not what you did in the past that counts, its what we do in the present...
Its just a shame that the people who they killed dont have a "present"...
But Like i said, Just shows you...
If the Cake (dharma) is there, may aswell eat it.. (practise it)
No matter who you are or what you've done!