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  • My decision not to click that link wasn't automatic.

  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran

    Ah, but how do you know it wasn't? :p

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited August 2014

    We are constantly being manipulated - because it's actually what we want.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator


    @cook99; You're lucky I didn't actually dump the thread: Posting links to sites, videos and articles without some kind of explanatory preamble, opinion or comment (other than in the title) is not acceptable.

    It has happened in the past that some have posted such links which have aroused sufficient curiosity to give an opening to trojans, and viruses.

    In future, when posting a link to an outside source, please provide an introductory explanation of what members can expect to find and what you are trying to achieve through posting.
    Thanks. :)

  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited August 2014

    This is where mindfulness comes in. To move our reactions from the knee-jerk to the conscious and deliberate decision. That is why we practice. To get ourselves beyond instinctive and emotional response. Meditation has been proven to be a method by which humans can override the autonomic nervous system, and conditioned responses.

  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran

    @Dakini said:
    This is where mindfulness comes in. To move our reactions from the knee-jerk to the conscious and deliberate decision. That is why we practice. To get ourselves beyond instinctive and emotional response. Meditation has been proven to be a method by which humans can override the autonomic nervous system, and conditioned responses.

    Yes, but how does this tie in with anatta and sunyata?

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    Kia Ora,

    If most of our decisions are automatic, who is in charge?

    Chaos . :coffee: ..

    Metta Shoshin . :) ..

  • VictoriousVictorious Grim Veteran

    Two words.

    Dependent Origination...

  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran

    So nobody at the helm then? ;)

  • HamsakaHamsaka goosewhisperer Polishing the 'just so' Veteran

    @SpinyNorman said:
    So nobody at the helm then? ;)

    No-self at the helm? How 'bout not-self at the helm. A series of not-selves, more like.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Oh yes. But it's just not who we think it is.

    Sorry to be an attention-seeker, but has somebody looked at my link? We're 'steered' in a specific direction and made to believe it's all our own doing.

    And I bet it doesn't just happen in what we openly recognise as 'Marketing' either....

  • @SpinyNorman said:
    Yes, but how does this tie in with anatta and sunyata?

    What do those have to do with it?

  • HamsakaHamsaka goosewhisperer Polishing the 'just so' Veteran

    @federica said:
    We are constantly being manipulated - because it's actually what we want.

    Wow :( .

  • HamsakaHamsaka goosewhisperer Polishing the 'just so' Veteran
    edited August 2014

    My sister and BIL operate a 'chicken ranch', comprised of six 'houses' that hold about twenty thousand birds apiece (when the chicks are shipped in to be grown).

    They look like cute yellow puffs when they are first shipped in. Within four weeks, they are ready for harvest due to genetic manipulation that has exploited an ability to grow huge amounts of muscle (your chicken meat) at the expense of every other system in the chicken's body. At four weeks old, the cute yellow puffs weigh about 5 pounds, are mostly featherless (makes the carcass more appealing), unable to stand or walk b/c of massive weight gain and lack of space, and so they just sit in front of the feeder at the mercy of their enormous appetites.

    When I lived with them for a little over a year, I helped BIL work in the houses. What there was to do was pick up the dead chickens. BIL went through each house two or three times daily to pick up dead chickens or finish off sickly ones (throw hard against wall).

    When it gets very hot, the mortality of the chickens rises and if they are near harvesting age, they are even more fragile. One must walk through several times a day and pick up dead chickens, who in the heat decompose VERY quickly, skin sliding off muscle and bone and making picking up a five pound mutant featherless lump of muscle a very distasteful job -- and there are two or three dead or dying chickens within eye shot.

    I haven't talked about the smell.

    No, I don't eat chicken, not even chicken flavored things.

    The pictures of the chickens on that video are a laugh, but that's OK I don't wish anyone to see what it's really like :(

    ETA: there are NO antibiotics used in the chicken feed or water, none are used. The food fed to the chickens (provided by the suppliers) is 100% VEGETARIAN. Chickens are omnivores, like you and me, but humans 'like' the idea of eating meat harvested off of vegetarian chickens, for some reason. It sells the meat!

  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran

    In emergence theory complex systems don't require anyone to be in charge, there is no conductor leading the choir. That doesn't mean that decisions don't get made or that everything is predetermined, the process happens sort of organically. I suppose the workings of the brain could be seen to be one of those emergent systems.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    @Hamsaka, that post - while pertinent to some of the content of my link - is a bit off-topic. The point of the link was not to necessarily highlight the plight of factory-farmed (or even intensely farmed) animals, but really, to expose how we're all 'sold' ideas, and manipulated into following specific trends, sometimes without realising.
    It's about the power of advertising, and how susceptible we actually are to suggestion.

    This is why subliminal publicity is banned. Because it manipulates people without their being aware of it.

    However, clever advertising does the same. It just makes us also believe it's because of choices we make, not about the hard-sell and subtle phrasing....

  • BuddhadragonBuddhadragon Ehipassiko & Carpe Diem Samsara Veteran

    @Dakini said:
    This is where mindfulness comes in. To move our reactions from the knee-jerk to the conscious and deliberate decision. That is why we practice. To get ourselves beyond instinctive and emotional response. Meditation has been proven to be a method by which humans can override the autonomic nervous system, and conditioned responses.

    Daniel Goleman's "Destructive Emotions" and Paul Ekman's "Emotional Awareness" deal with the issue of mindfulness and the Buddhist practice of meditation as being the cure to arrest our natural tendency to overreact at situations.

    I have commented this before but it bears repetition.
    Paul Ekman stresses that it is vital to "develop the monitoring to know that you are becoming emotional, so that you can choose how you enact your emotion."

    Developing this monitoring can be done through the practice of mindfulness and meditation, because they help us be more grounded in the heat of the moment and therefore be more aware of negative mental states as they arise.

  • HamsakaHamsaka goosewhisperer Polishing the 'just so' Veteran

    @federica said:

    Indeed, way off track . . . an interesting 'blind spot' for me how I got very emotionally carried off. No judging against myself just . . . interested, and more interesting in the context of this thread.

  • howhow Veteran Veteran


    Buddhist meditation clearly demonstrates that our decisions need not be automatic.

    The "who" that is in charge is always what ever you value most.

  • pegembarapegembara Veteran
    edited August 2014

    @Hamsaka said:
    My sister and BIL operate a 'chicken ranch', comprised of six 'houses' that hold about twenty thousand birds apiece (when the chicks are shipped in to be grown).

    They look like cute yellow puffs when they are first shipped in. Within four weeks, they are ready for harvest due to genetic manipulation that has exploited an ability to grow huge amounts of muscle (your chicken meat) at the expense of every other system in the chicken's body. At four weeks old, the cute yellow puffs weigh about 5 pounds, are mostly featherless (makes the carcass more appealing), unable to stand or walk b/c of massive weight gain and lack of space, and so they just sit in front of the feeder at the mercy of their enormous appetites.

    When I lived with them for a little over a year, I helped BIL work in the houses. What there was to do was pick up the dead chickens. BIL went through each house two or three times daily to pick up dead chickens or finish off sickly ones (throw hard against wall).

    When it gets very hot, the mortality of the chickens rises and if they are near harvesting age, they are even more fragile. One must walk through several times a day and pick up dead chickens, who in the heat decompose VERY quickly, skin sliding off muscle and bone and making picking up a five pound mutant featherless lump of muscle a very distasteful job -- and there are two or three dead or dying chickens within eye shot.

    I haven't talked about the smell.

    No, I don't eat chicken, not even chicken flavored things.

    The pictures of the chickens on that video are a laugh, but that's OK I don't wish anyone to see what it's really like :(

    ETA: there are NO antibiotics used in the chicken feed or water, none are used. The food fed to the chickens (provided by the suppliers) is 100% VEGETARIAN. Chickens are omnivores, like you and me, but humans 'like' the idea of eating meat harvested off of vegetarian chickens, for some reason. It sells the meat!

    That is a real eye opener. People too are at the mercy of their enormous appetites. The difference is they have the opportunity to be free.

    The Buddha said that food is to be taken only for the survival of this body.

    "And how is physical food to be regarded? Suppose a couple, husband & wife, taking meager provisions, were to travel through a desert. With them would be their only baby son, dear & appealing. Then the meager provisions of the couple going through the desert would be used up & depleted while there was still a stretch of the desert yet to be crossed. The thought would occur to them, 'Our meager provisions are used up & depleted while there is still a stretch of this desert yet to be crossed. What if we were to kill this only baby son of ours, dear & appealing, and make dried meat & jerky. That way — chewing on the flesh of our son — at least the two of us would make it through this desert. Otherwise, all three of us would perish.' So they would kill their only baby son, loved & endearing, and make dried meat & jerky. Chewing on the flesh of their son, they would make it through the desert. While eating the flesh of their only son, they would beat their breasts, [crying,] 'Where have you gone, our only baby son? Where have you gone, our only baby son?' Now what do you think, monks: Would that couple eat that food playfully or for intoxication, or for putting on bulk, or for beautification?"

    "No, lord."

    "Wouldn't they eat that food simply for the sake of making it through that desert?"

    "Yes, lord."

    "In the same way, I tell you, is the nutriment of physical food to be regarded. When physical food is comprehended, passion for the five strings of sensuality is comprehended. When passion for the five strings of sensuality is comprehended, there is no fetter bound by which a disciple of the noble ones would come back again to this world.

    A Son's Flesh

  • HamsakaHamsaka goosewhisperer Polishing the 'just so' Veteran

    Thank you @pegembara, it is eye opening and sickening. I went grocery shopping an hour ago, and Federica's link (meant to illustrate her point but making a completely different point for me) accompanied me during the shopping.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Yes, it puts a whole new slant on things, doesn't it....? :) .

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    Kia Ora,

    If most of our decisions are automatic, who is in charge?

    Who wants to know ?

    (I know it's corny but "I" just couldn't resist it . :D .. )

    Metta Shoshin . :) ..

  • Volition. Volition doesn't end when one becomes a Buddha.

  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator

    I think the difficulty in answering questions such as this is one of the reasons the Buddha tended to re-frame the way they're asked and/or explained them in terms of dependent co-arising (e.g., see SN 12.12). Our actions of body speech, and mind are conditioned by a myriad of internal and external factors, and there are many aspects of our conscious and unconscious mind alone that feed into this process. I don't think you can single out just one and say, 'This is mine. This is my self. This is what I am' (SN 22.59).

  • EarthninjaEarthninja Wanderer West Australia Veteran

    Every cell in our bodies reacts to stimulus so you could say every cell is in charge.
    It's a community effort! Haha

  • @Jeffrey said:

    this is true


    Volition doesn't end when one becomes a Buddha.

    this is not true

  • DavidDavid A human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First Nations Veteran
    edited August 2014

    That's about the end of volition? Maybe I'm missing something but isn't volition the same as free will? The ability to make decisions and put them into play?

    Unless we somehow decide not to make plans or decisions? I guess that's truly just going with the flow.

    Sorry about all the question marks, just trying to wrap my tired head around that one.

  • Volition is right intention and that doesn't end when we are a Buddha.

  • DavidDavid A human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First Nations Veteran
    edited August 2014

    @Jeffrey said:
    Volition is right intention and that doesn't end when we are a Buddha.

    Are you sure you are thinking of volition? Volition is the ability to make conscious decisions and follow through whether the intention is right or wrong.

    It means the same thing as free will.

    I do agree that Buddha must have been able to make some decisions so volition wouldn't stop upon awakening.

    The o/p is supposing we never had it to begin with.

  • ToraldrisToraldris   -`-,-{@     Zen Nud... Buddhist     @}-,-`-   East Coast, USA Veteran

    I'm in charge, now give me all your money! You can send it to my PayPal account... ;)  

  • howhow Veteran Veteran

    Step right up folks.

    Get yer genuine definition for any and all conceptualized states of existence.
    Don't be the last one on your block with no idea of where to be.

    Buddha/Nirvana/Enlightenment, always available with a full ego back guarantee !

  • What is this "who" of which you write?

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    Kia Ora,

    If most of our decisions are automatic, who is in charge?

    Thought's in charge of the thinking department-Hunger is in charge of the eating department-Tiredness,is in charge of the sleeping department-Anger is in charge of the angry department, the list goes on and on.. They are all in contact with each other and have turns at being the driver of the body bus...

    At times they might squabble over who should be doing what and when, but for the most part they manage to get on quite well together, ie work as a team, and as they say "There's no "I" in team !" ....

    Metta Shoshin . :) ..

  • @ourself said:
    The o/p is supposing we never had it to begin with.

    Yes volition can be for grasping and craving. But it can also be for compassion and so forth. So I agree with you @ourself.

  • @ourself said:

    Volition is the ability to make conscious decisions and follow through whether the intention is right or wrong.

    It means the same thing as free will.

    conscious decisions are conditioned

    free will is not conditioned,

    in other words

    if there is Noble Right View, one's decision is not conditioned, it is free will

    they are called Kriya Cittas (actions only) no karma (cause) and karma vipaka (effect) involved

  • BuddhadragonBuddhadragon Ehipassiko & Carpe Diem Samsara Veteran

    Bikkhu Bodhi said:
    "Kamma means action. For Buddhism the relevant kind of action is volitional action, deeds expressive of morally determinate volition, since it is volition that gives the action ethical significance. The Buddha expressly identifies action with volition.
    In a discourse on the analysis of kamma he says: 'Monks, it is volition that I call action (kamma). Having willed, one performs an action through body, speech, or mind.'"

    "The identification of kamma with volition makes kamma essentially a mental event, a factor originating in the mind which seeks to actualize the mind's drives, dispositions, and purposes. Volition comes into being through any of three channels -body, speech, or mind- called the three doors of action (kammadvara)."

    When we are able to distinguish which actions are kammically wholesome or unwholesome, we are said to have developped right view.

    BIkkhu Bodhi opposes the law of causation to determinism:
    "As it affirms that people can choose their actions freely, within limits set by their conditions, it opposes the 'hard deterministic' line that our choices are always made subject to necessitation, and hence that free volition is unreal and moral responsibility untenable."

    So, actions are a product of our volition, and as much stemmed in free-will as our pre-conditioning allows. Our actions will per force be the natural consequence of our biases, prejudices and educaction.
    The whole Buddhist Path is aimed at releasing us from the neurosis of this pre-conditioning.
    Though Bikkhu Bodhi describes actions as being mainly a mental event, we know that our skandhas make up an organic, interactive whole, so the process of volition is much more complex than that.
    And this organic whole makes up a conventional "Self" of sorts, which as we know, has no entity of its own, but as the Dhammapada (Chapter XII, verse 160, Buddhist Society version) has it:
    "Who else but the self can be master of the self? With self well-controlled, another master is hard to find."

  • "With self well-controlled"_

    means one is with Noble Eight-fold Path

    to be in the NEP one has to have Noble Right View

    Right View= we know what is good and what is bad

    Noble Right View = no more self view (get rid of self-view (skkaya dhitti))

  • BuddhadragonBuddhadragon Ehipassiko & Carpe Diem Samsara Veteran

    Yes, Mundane Right View is the forerunner of the Path. Our views condition our actions.

    Superior Right View is the one that comes at the end of the Path, through internalizing the Four Noble Truths, through study, practice and reflection.

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    edited August 2014

    If most of our decisions are automatic, who is in charge?

    Whoever wishes to take responsibility for the decision to be discharged.
    :wave: .

  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran
    edited August 2014

    We're not really in charge at all!

  • DavidDavid A human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First Nations Veteran

    What a relief. I can be totally irresponsible and don't have to own up to it because my decisions are made for me.

    Or is it that Jesus died for my sins?

    Meh, either way!

  • cook99cook99 Explorer

    Dependent origination?
    We are much more conditioned and influenced than we are aware of.
    How many of you think that iphone is the best?
    We are the product of all the conditions. We think we know why we make certain choices,
    but it is not as simple as that.
    How many of you will eat duck's liver?
    I will not touch it with a 10 foot pole.
    But the french say it is one of their finest culinary offering.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    No, they don't. They are referring to GOOSE liver - Pâté de foie gras - fattened liver pate - which always comes from geese, because duck livers are simply too small.

    Other culinary habits others find odd, is eating escargots avec beurre, persil et ail - and of course, a more obnoxious habit is eating Cuisses de Grenouilles - which actually, an enormous amount of French people are actively boycotting and protesting against. The method used to avail people of such a delicacy is barbaric....

    Who's making them do that?

  • DavidDavid A human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First Nations Veteran

    Our being influenced by the world should come as no surprise since we are not separate from it. That doesn't really mean our decisions are pre-made as much as we should weigh options mindfully.

  • howhow Veteran Veteran

    From the meditative perspective....
    In any given moment, that which is in charge is determined by what controls our interactions with phenomena.

  • goose liver sounds gross to me too but I had it once, my brother encouraged me, with a steak. Taking the bites together it was delicious.

    The thing with karma is that it happens from the side of the present and not just the past. At least that is the way in Buddhist conception of karma.

    In advaita vedanta Mooji said that there is choiceless awareness but until that realization we are served well by believing in free will.

  • @ourself said:
    What a relief. I can be totally irresponsible

    this is delution (moha) and this is the cause

    and don't have to own up to it

    'you' have to face the bad effect

    because my decisions are made for me

    whether 'you' know how Dependent Origination works but do not mindful of 'your' action, speech, and thought or you do not know how Dependent Origination works and talk, do, and think you can not say 'my' decisions are made for me

    everything is cause and effect until one reach or be with Nibbana (Nirvana)

    so best thing is try to understand Dependent Origination and do good and avoid bad until then

    First priority should be given to getting Noble Right View (Arya Samma Dhitti)

  • howhow Veteran Veteran
    edited August 2014

    everything is cause and effect until one reach or be with Nibbana (Nirvana)

    Do you realize that this is sounding like you are saying that Nirvana frees one from cause & effect.

    Cause and effect actually covers a much larger body than mere intent.

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