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Your healthy habits



  • HamsakaHamsaka goosewhisperer Polishing the 'just so' Veteran
    edited October 2014

    @federica said:
    I personally make a lot of my own kimchi, and while I have never come across Kimchi containing meat, I know that there are recipes which include raw squid or cuttlefish, raw prawns or Nam Pla - Fish sauce.
    These macerate and mature within the pickle during the fermentation process, and add to the pickle with no detrimental flavour or dangers...
    Utterly delicious stuff!

    RECIPE!!! ETA oops, see that you have already linked :buck: .

  • HamsakaHamsaka goosewhisperer Polishing the 'just so' Veteran

    @SpinyNorman said:
    I eat a banana every day. So there. :p .

    That explains a lot.

  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran

    @mmo said:
    seeker242‌, are you a Korean? I remember watching a Korean TV program which suggests some Kimchi are made of meat as well. I could be wrong.

    Not Korean. :) I just practice Korean zen at a Korean Buddhist temple with a bunch of Korean people. :) They make it by the pound. Like 40 lbs at a time, ha! Never heard of any kind of kimchi made from meat, it's made with vegetables by definition. Although, I'm sure some people mix it into meat dishes. Not at a Korean Buddhist temple though. Some other kinds are made with beef stock and some is made with fish or shrimp. But finding pure vegetarian kimchi should not be all that difficult. I've made it myself in the past but it's never as good as when the Korean people make it. This kind is in the local stores here, it's good. :)

  • ToshTosh Veteran

    @mmo said:. But I will definitely run later. :clap: I try to like the green juice after watching some youtube video. It was really different and I need to get used to the taste. I have better luck with carrots juice though :D . I heard that epsom salts bath are relaxing for muscle aches after physical exercise, which might be useful for runners.

    Just be careful and take it easy. You don't want to be so tired when you finish you're like "I'm never doing that again!".

    Couch (potato) to 5k is very good; I'm currently on week 5 of it with my daughter:

    A bit of gentle stretching when you're finished is helpful too.

  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited October 2014

    I am eating a bar of dark chocolate that is 85% cocoa. It is a 100 g bar but there is only 5 g of sugars. It does have 18 g of fat, but that isn't too bad and they are discovering that fat isn't so bad compared to sugars.

    The reason it is good for me is the dark chocolate is good for the eyes. I have genes from my grandfather for an eye disease of macular degeneration.

    For reference 5 g of sugar (amount in 100 g bar) is about a tsp of sugar and believe me this bar is so intense cocoa that you just work on the bar over a few days.

  • Jay Kordich known as the Juiceman and author of The Juiceman's Power of Juicing would recommend mixing carrots with the green vegetables when juicing. There are lots of interesting recipes in the book. I prefer the straight greens but always would add ginger,garlic and lime to the mix.

  • HamsakaHamsaka goosewhisperer Polishing the 'just so' Veteran

    @Jeffrey said:
    I am eating a bar of dark chocolate that is 85% cocoa. It is a 100 g bar but there is only 5 g of sugars. It does have 18 g of fat, but that isn't too bad and they are discovering that fat isn't so bad compared to sugars.

    The reason it is good for me is the dark chocolate is good for the eyes. I have genes from my grandfather for an eye disease of macular degeneration.

    For reference 5 g of sugar (amount in 100 g bar) is about a tsp of sugar and believe me this bar is so intense cocoa that you just work on the bar over a few days.

    I'll bet LOL! It sounds almost as uncomfortable as eating a lemon (I like lemons). That's an unusually low amount of sugar, barely enough to make pure chocolate edible. I am shivering at the thought of it, and wanting some too.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited October 2014

    @Hamsaka said:
    RECIPE!!! ETA oops, see that you have already linked :buck: .


    Actually no, there is no link, but there are as many ways of making kimchi as there are people making it... So many different recipes online mean you are bound to find one you're drawn to, and in the end, you'll put your own slant on it anyway....

  • The stronger dark chocolate bars are most likely an acquired taste. I have gone as far as the 90% cocoa. Lots of info on the benefits of dark chocolate online. A few squares with coffee is very tasty. Better I think than a whole bar of the sweeter stuff.

  • BuddhadragonBuddhadragon Ehipassiko & Carpe Diem Samsara Veteran

    @mmo said:
    My main food is basmati rice. Doctor recommends eating brown basmati. But I am not sure.

    I use brown basmati rice, @mmo, and I love it.
    I don't use a rice cooker, just the dear old boiling method.
    With plenty of lentils of different colours: red lentils, caviar lentils, green...

    And my healthy habit is green tea, green tea, green tea....

  • @mmo. A good question to ask is why brown rice may be healthier. What is removed from the rice during processing to produce white rice. Once you have satisfied yourself that brown rice is better then any dietary change proceeds from a solid foundation. On the way to good nutrition and healthier living I had to leave behind many of those comfort foods so beloved by the family.

  • Having arrived at cardiovascular disease, I have had to give up comfort foods as well. Like instant noodles, pop, Nanaimo bars, litres of ice cream.

  • mmommo Veteran

    Thanks for the link @Tosh‌ . I walk like 2 miles a day during weekdays, except it isnt by choice :D . @grackle, I am not normally into chocolate before, it was only after some people from work bring some out of generosity, I start to eat some after lunch. Thanks for the link. I used to have afternoon coffee, but have some sleeping problem and train myself to turn to black and green tea. It gets better after i switch luckily. @DhammaDragon‌, I will definately look into switching to brown basmati. As grackle points out, i will read more and let you know if there is anything interesting about it also. Thanks everyone.

  • anatamananataman Who needs a title? Where am I? Veteran

    Beetroot - ¼ of a root
    ginger - ½ inch or more if you can stomach it
    carrots - 4 or 5
    apples - 2
    celery - 1 large washed stick
    cucumber - about the size of an apple
    spinach - large handful

    rocket another large handful

    just juice it and gulp it down in one go then let the flavours blow your mind!

  • edited October 2014

    Sure mmo, change your profile photo so I look like a pedaphile with my comments instead of just the animal I am.
    thanks a lot... :)

  • mmommo Veteran

    It is not a kid, it is just a cartoon :D .

  • mmommo Veteran

    It is a cat now.

  • @lobster said:
    Hamsaka‌ be kind to that hungry confused animal. I spent two years on an extremely strict diet for health reasons. Things that seem mundane, do become delicious. I was allowed to eat protein and fat for calories but carbs were mostly out and sugars, even fruit based were out (anti candida diet).

    It is amazing or maybe not how what we think is very directly linked to our diet. :) .

    Ugh I am currently on an anti-candida diet.

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    It is amazing or maybe not how what we think is very directly linked to our diet. .

    Ugh I am currently on an anti-candida diet.

    It is amazing. The physical effects the mind. They are one.

    Good luck with the diet. Garlic and probiotics. I also found coconut oil if you can get it very helpful.

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