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is there any home rem-ides or ideas for when someone is sick ?
i know someone the will not take medicine unless doctor said so but she has a fever right now and is sick like a dog any home rem-ides or ideas.
This may seem a bit naive but is there any way she can, you know, talk to a doctor?
It's kind of hard to suggest home remedies when all we know is that someone is sick.
Otherwise I suggest 3 pounds flax.
Best thing is for the someone to talk with a doctor.
she refuses to go
tell her aspirin comes from a willow tree. It's true.
Nobody should be giving any kind of medical or remedial advice.
And I'm sorry, @HollyRose1, but you should not even be asking, either for your own information, or on her behalf.
We're not doctors, and we're not psychic.
To say she has a fever and is a sick as a dog, tells us nothing clear about her symptoms, or what in fact is the precise problem, so to offer advice - be it regarding natural remedies or otherwise - is both extremely risky and downright foolish.
If she refuses to care for herself, then I'm sorry to sound harsh, but - that's her decision. She doesn't want to go to a Doctor?
Fine. That's on her.
But anything she chooses to do, is her privilege to choose, and no matter how much you may want to help, if she refuses to do the most logical and sensible thing, then I'm afraid you'll have to let her get on with it, and not interfere.
@federica - I am in complete agreement - As a doctor I advise this: her choice is her choice. If she is withholding life-giving treatment from another - she is culpable in his demise,and and must act and live with that that decision forever. FOREVER!
But as an online resource - i must retire now !
Well when the kids have a fever I try Alvedon or Ibuprofen long before calling the doctors. These are prescription free in Sweden.
Me and the spousy too.
But not for more than three days it says on the bottle. After that you gotta see a doctor.
I did read what you wrote but there is no real option. Medicine that works or the doctor.
If E is Buddhist then tell E that the Lord Buddha prescribes medicine when sick.
It is true. It is in the scriptures. Not taking medication in time is seen as unskilfull action.
I am sorry but I totally disagree with previous (2) speakers, a fever ridden, sick person is not always capable of making good decisions.
Take E'm to the doctors or call emergency services and ask for advice. Pronto.
@ HollyRose1
My advice is to bring a medic to her house, to do the consultation and prescribe the medicine to be taken. I know, it might cost something, but at least you make sure someone ( hopefully ) qualified in the art of healing will do the right thing.
'As sick as a dog' is not a good description of a patient's condition.
I've read some posts on this thread and ibuprofen and aspirin were mentioned. Indeed , they have antipyretic action ( meaning that they lower the fever, so to speak ), but they should not be given on an empty stomach . Do not abuse of this kind of drugs. Also, most fever cases are caused by infectious agents and some of these might require antibiotic treatment, that can only be prescribed by a medic. So, again : if your friend can't visit a doctor, bring a doctor to 'visit' your friend.
Any medicine taken 'by the ear', can have serious consequences on the patient's health in the future. Acute , infectious diseases might 'evolve' into chronic problems in time, if treated poorly. So call the medic.
Ok if we are speaking of a cold/flu virus, she could boost her immune system to help fight it naturally by taking 3000 mg Vit. c, oil of oregano (3 drops, 3 times per day), or Olive Leaf (as directed).
You haven't been specific enough as to the reason for her fever.
Am closing the thread for now, as @HollyRose1 has not returned for further input.
Will very happily reopen at her request.