There are some great blogs available.
The recording of experience, such as @Jayantha, @Jason illustrate, are I believe examples of right speech as they are both personal and inspiring.
Much better than my efforts:
However whatever our level, I feel we have questions, experiences and outlooks that can illuminate, say the right thing and connect. Often by stating the obvious.
Are you blogging/journaling your path?
I'm trying to......
Like most of the "right"/"complete" suggestions made in Buddhism's Eightfold Path, I have difficulty with "right speech."
One of the small practices I think is useful in attempting to fulfill what seems like a good suggestion (right speech) is to substitute the word "I" on whatever occasions I feel inclined to use the word "we" or "one." Not perfect, perhaps, but an improvement, I'd say.
This my blog.
It's not about Buddhism. At All.
It's about an Alternate Route.
I try to write a page of drivel each day...but it is certainly not "right speech", more a method of emptying my mind.
Is "right speech" a concept meaningful for words that are not shared? I reckon least for my journaling (such as it is). But my drivel-joural is surely a reflection of my path.
Two words: Elephant trunk. I laughed.
good joke!
I still remember the first rude joke my dad told me, as well, and yes, the "shock" factor was much the same as yours, for much the same reasons....
I would suggest emptying (a path stage in Sufism) is important but as you say its sharing might not always be considered skilfull.
Interesting question. .
I feel you are exactly right that it is reflective and therefore has an important revelatory potential. It is in a sense true that all expression is an outward manifestation of our inner condition.
Monkey mind, gossip mind, farcebook twittering even dharma bantering may not be right speech . . . but it can be . . .
Perhaps it is a question of what we choose to share, how and with who . . .
@genkaku those are actually great little tweaks that lead to awesome results!
At a tutoring program in Cleveland they had kids read the writings of some successful people, Richard Branson is the name that comes to mind, and they asked them to count the occurrences of words like "we" vs "i" .. it's astonishing how few times "i" shows up and how many "we" shows up!
There is definitely something to that. We're lucky to have you around!
My blog if anyone is
Boys and their cars...
Right Speech... first part of the path that goes down the drain when I get all worked up... :facepalm: ..
Yes, and the women who love them both.
Cars, especially performance models, can do that to people.