Well the new year is here ( for us in the Southern Hemisphere), and it's wet and windy in my neck of the woods...But yesterday I saw this auspicious sign...A rainbow halo around the sun
So what's your NY's resolution ?
Or like me, you don't have one ?
HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!.... and may it be a wholesome one
Just save more money, take life less seriously and study harder for me.
Happy New Year!!!
2016 What have you in store?
Happy New Year all, ours is 45 mins away.
May 2016 be a happy, healthy and peaceful one for you all.
Hurrah! I hope everyone gets all the ice-cream they can manage, and then some!
A whole New year to have a resolution about doesn't really resonate for me.
Tonight is just a veggy dinner with friends and a few games of wizard where we all behave badly and might set off our marine flares and bear bangers which are getting too old to rely on (one of only two times of the year where that doesn't attract the police).....& probably going somewhere with little light pollution to check out the Northern lights as a sizable solar storm is destined to hit Earth in a few hours.
Happy new year to all my fellow Dharma pilots.
12 minutes from new year for me and just going to bed. Just did another sitting. Pain in my head is less. I see tomorrow just as another day. I do have a few resolutions and They are to meditate every day. Harness mindfulness in everyday activities and to speak less and listen more. Very excited about attending a Buddhist class with a sangha on a weekly basis!
The new year is still five hours out for me, officially. But I'm celebrating it now, as did my more recent ancestors, since the sun's gone down already.
I wish everybody a happy, prosperous, and healthy new year and pray that everybody will be free from torment, anguish, and unhealthy compulsions.
I now know why it is auspicious...In 5 weeks time the Chinese NY will be welcomed in and 2016 is the year of the monkey...It's our year monkey people...
Clinging & grasping seems to be the bane of our pesky monkey minds which more often than not could lead one to get caught up in a number of unpleasant situations of ones own making ....

Perhaps the resolution (if making one) should be to learn to let go ...just drop it
Well I'm sober and I intend to stay that way in 2016. Just spent thirty minutes sitting facing my anger and resentment at my childhood experiences. Probably the best new years ever just sitting facing my darkest heart!
Still a few hours away here. Just went out for dinner with Mrs. Walker, and we're going to have a quiet evening at home.
Tomorrow we're going to my brother-in-law's place for their annual New Year's Day celebration. Lots of finger food and we do a white elephant gift exchange, which is always a lot of fun.
Happy New Year everyone, all the best for 2016.
@Shoshin, that baboon flick was triple awesome!
BTW, I typically eschew the @usersname function, as some pretty petty stuff sometimes comes out via this vehicle —but when I don't use it for you, my "chellspecker" always changes it to Shoe shine. And I would NEVER insult you (Especially on New Years').
of course, I will be doing nothing of the sort - the party part -- got vodka in the ice box but I probably won't even touch it - well who knows -- gonna be a year for monkeying around, eh?
@Lonely_Traveller, it seems like a bad thing, but since I've 'come to Buddhism,' and practicing my mindfulness, I, too have been facing the dark stuff - seems to come out in chunks - perfect word for it. Some things I could never even begin to face, finally able to 'see/feel' it and then let it go - but I don't let it go except it is in a slightly different form. I feel like Principal Skinner in his 'dark visits'.

I'm watching the semi finals of college football. 4 great teams. Happy New Years.
Happy New Year to all! May 2016 bring happiness and peace to you.
@silver The first meditation teacher I visited told me meditation is an adventure - you never know what is going to come up. In this mornings second sit it was completely uneventful except for my usual habitual anxieties and pain in the knees.
Every day is the beginning of a New Year
As always:
The wisdom to know when to hold on and when to let go.
The courage to take action.
Now where did I leave that hot chocolate?
Peace to all
Outstanding. Inspiring. Bravo.
'Happy' just moved up a notch. Being prepared to sit soberly and placidly with anger, resentment, fear, anxiety ... whatever, is a developing maturity. Eh Ma Hoh. How wonderful.
... just so you know ... Boddhisatvas of a Tantric persuasion welcome and can make use of negative as well as positive dedications.
In other words, come forth arisings, feast and be happy my little demons ...
Happy New Year
Take good care of yourselves.
May all be healthy, wealthy, and wise!
Happy New Year!!!
Well, as far as I am concerned, 1 out of 3 ain't bad, and is good for starters....!
My meditation may last for moments only...it's really more of mindfulness 'practice' - and I combine it sometimes with NLP and/or EFT. Without the mindfulness, along with everything I've been exposed to here at NB, I would never have been able to look straight on at things I pushed aside or down...to know that there is no judgment or shame makes me free to do so. I guess that's why I said it's like a miracle.
Reminds me of that old saying: "Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life"
Eeek, something else to worry about!
Berkley Breathed: "We should treat each day as if it's the last day of our lives, because so far it is."
I'm going to try worrying a bit less. I'm better than I used to be. Got a long way to go.
Happy 2016!
It won't be until April that I celebrate the new year. That's when spring comes around and it's always made more sense to me that way.
This is still coming around to the end of the year for me but I'm a weirdo.
Happy new year to all of you!