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Wisdom from elsewhere

Some of us follow in part other religious insights and smart teachings. For example I love the yin and yang from Taoism, the kind green politics of Pagans, the worship of everything and anything of Hindus, the humility of lion fodder Christians :3 and so on ...

Anything you find beneficial from non Buddhist wisdom traditions?



  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator

    I think they all (at least those I can think of) have something to offer, if we can stay open to what the wisdom is in each of the traditions while refraining from using it to judge others or to defend our beliefs/views. I spent some time in Paganism because of the focus on nature, and I kept some of those traditions because I love what they represent. My kids love to hear the stories about various holidays from the Pagan point of view, because they are more about traditions that make sense that fear and other scary things. With Halloween upcoming, they always ask to hear the stories of Samhain and we talk about where the traditions of candy and jack o'lanterns come from. At Christmas we make and burn a Yule log, which has become a favorite. I like the connections to the more traditional, rural, folksy things.

    Native traditions are another that speak to me. I live in a very historic Native American area and a lot of those traditions are still practiced. I enjoy going to watch Pow Wows and so on.

    I learned a lot about Ramadan and the benefits of fasting for spiritual practice from Muslim friends. I've learned about different interpretations of Christian teachings and it made me wish I had learned in that way when I was young. Perhaps the aversion wouldn't have developed so strongly.

    It can be hard to separate the wisdom tradition from the interference of people who sought to control it. But when you talk to people who are connected to that flow of intelligence, it's very obvious and different than when the ills of man have attempted to corrupt it with control.

  • Tara1978Tara1978 UK Veteran

    I love the beauty and peace found in almost any temple/church/cathedral and happily sit absorbing the energy from centuries of worship. I care not for the leaders or those who seek to control, whether buddhist, Christian, Muslim, but the heart of all these is compassion and that is my religion.

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    I love nature and the lessons it teaches us as it flows <3:)

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    Great stuff everyone, appreciate your share of insights <3

    I particularly liked what @federica said. I would like to combine that with @Shoshin and @Tara1978 insights and in typical lobsterian fashion suggest a little tangent :dizzy: some of us can become aware of ...

    In the Masonic tradition that I was rightly excluded from for being too unhinged, there is a stage or degree to use their terminology, where:

    • everything is a direct message from cod God. Direct to us.

    Now of course most of us are atheistic Buddhists BUT everything can be seen as having a message or medicine for us. How so?

    It is a question of being aware of our associated meanings and exploring them. Everything has a message, a meaning, an expresssion of being. From colours, to shapes to kitchen utensils. We can learn from everything. A wisdom book surrounds us ...



  • I get a lot of jewels of wisdom via my granddaughter.
    The rest, outside my practice, comes from everywhere, including this site.
    You're right @lobster, great stuff the crew, you too.
    Thank you for opening the discussion. (Bows in respect to the clawed one.)

    Peace to all

  • I like the Atman Brahmin equation.

  • Tara1978Tara1978 UK Veteran

    Thank you @lobster , interesting stuff to think about, I do firmly believe there are messages everywhere, we just need to be open to receiving them.

    I put my faith in cod =)

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran
    edited October 2016

    @lobster said:
    Everything has a message, a meaning, an expresssion of being. From colours, to shapes to kitchen utensils. We can learn from everything. A wisdom book surrounds us ...

    We are on the ultimate 'trip" but for the most part are unaware that we are tripping ...The six sense gates are constantly being bombarded with amazing sights, sounds, smells, sensations, and so forth...they explode onto the mind's eye, which quickly throws a spanner in the works, by trying to cling & grasp at/to the experience....

    I'm reminded of what we at the Buddhist group recite after's part of a "Red Tara dedication"

    "And may I clearly perceive all experiences to be as insubstantial as the dream fabric of the night and instantly awaken to perceive the pure 'wisdom' displayed in the arising of every phenomenon !"

    I'm somewhat partial to Sufism and the words of Rumi & Hafiz and the mesmerising whirling dervishes ...In fact I wouldn't mind giving it a whirl :)

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    Where to start... I spent a number of years in Osho communes as a child, and one of the things he used to do was discuss the wisdom of other spiritual traditions. So at age 13 I got lectures on everything from Christ, to Socrates, to Sufism, to Taoism. All seen through the eyes of a (possibly) enlightened Indian guru. Then I became a scientific atheist for twenty-five years :)

    So I think you know deep within what you need to spiritually fulfill you. Even if that is a fallow period where you just do the normal things. Then I had a breakdown combined with a spiritual crisis, which eventually led me to revisit and reclaim my past. Since then I've listened to probably a hundred hours of Osho lectures.

    Eventually it led me to the thought, if you only partake of a tradition in little sips you will never know it's depths. And so i decided to leave Osho behind for a while, and look more deeply into Buddhism. It's something I haven't regretted, it has been very beneficial to me and those around me, as I am always looking to spread what wisdom I acquire.

    In the end I think you have to listen to your inner, guiding self. It knows, you know where to go, what nourishes you. To stay in one place for too long is not useful, it is good to look at different traditions and see what impacts you. Only by seeing other traditions can you find out what you are drawn to, what will encourage you to grow and deepen your being.

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    edited October 2016

    More choice cuts guys ... in a vegan sort of way ... <3 Many thanks. <3

    I put my faith in cod =)

    The fish is one of the 8 auspicious symbols in dharma, along with the sacred umbrella and holy sea shell ...

    In other religions we have sacred cubes (the kaaba) and Pythagorean metaphysics. In occultism even lobsters are signs of the gods, being a star sign.

    So practically anything from food, 'Do you want bread and wine with that' Eucharist style, to cleansing materials is sacred. Down to each word ... as in Kabbala.

    ... and now back to the fishing and net prophets [sic] ...

  • Your question, to me, relates to the difference between dharma and Buddhism. , or set of

    Buddhism is an organised religion, or set of.

    Dharma is the universal truths and actions on which Buddhism is based. You can find Dharma throughout the world's teachings. It is in the Tao, Christianity, Stoicism, Hinduism, New Age, Pagan....

    These central themes of oneness, interconnectedness, virtue and vigilance are all over. Some obscure, some blatant.

    I don't think you need to become an expert on the great teachings, but it is a fascinating path.

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    As well as my unsuccessful attempts to be a Buddhist heretic, I do like to follow unconventional sources for example:

    • I have discovered politicians have developed right speech to an art form. Experts at saying nothing ...
    • 'Not believing' is seeing.
    • Bad teachers, in fact worst cult gurus can illustrate how 'not to think'


  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran

    @lobster said:> Anything you find beneficial from non Buddhist wisdom traditions?

    I am a closet nature-worshipper and tree-hugger so love Paganism, though I don't do nudey dancing in the woods these days.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    .... * shoulders drop in disappointment... *

  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator

    I think one reason (perhaps a small reason :lol: ) people skinny dip is for that connection with nature with no barrier. It's actually quite freeing to just feel the breeze on your body, or water. Thankfully our more remote location makes this much easier, although being naked isn't really an odd thing here. I think because most people are Finnish and taking family and friend saunas without bathing suits is an every day thing. Granted, I had to take sauna with my grandparents when I was a kid, I insisted on a bathing suit, they did not. Eek. But anyhow, it's a wonderful thing to connect with nature in our natural forms :) Just be cautious of poorly located bug bites.

  • WalkerWalker Veteran Veteran

    ... or poison ivy

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    Nature displays the naked true :)

  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran
    edited October 2016

    Near where I live there is a nudist beach which is populated in the summer by overweight middle-aged men, they look like beached seals but not as elegant. Even seagulls avoid the area. :p

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    "....Nah," sez one, " don't bother..... the sausages are tiny and the baps are huge....."

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