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What are your favorite horror movies?
Its dark and cold outside and not much to do,
so what are your favorite horror movies?
Super Size Me
My mother (bless her!) dropped me off at the cinema as a 9 year old with my older brothers to watch a sweet little film called American Werewolf in London.
I was scarred for life.
Can't stand horror films!
You like horror movies, eh, @Namada? I'm not much into them. But I do like the TV series, Grimm - which has more than its fair share of violence. This year (or was it last year) was their final season - they had 6 altogether. It was really good (TV) theatre.
Do you have a favorite?
Im not a big horror movie fan, but I did once see the Japanese original version of Ring and thought it was quite good.
I dont like all the violence of todays horror movies, the horror movies with no blood, and are more like Psychological thrillers are the best ones. Also the atmosphere from 70s horror movies are very good.
Some of my favorites are, Exorcist, Carrie, the ring (japanese version), psycho, Requiem for a Dream (not actualy a horror movie).
Also children television old school "pompel og pilt" and "mumi" was scary when I was a kid.
"Pompel Og pilt" many norwegian kids got tramutaised from this tv show.
Tucker and Dale vs. Evil
The Addams Family
Monsters Inc
I watch horror movies pretty often, though not a big fan of the slasher types of shows. I also prefer psychological thrillers. I've watched a few older ones lately and enjoyed them all over again, Fallen being one of them that particularly creeps me out. If you have Netflix, their movie "Before I Wake" was quite creepy and the ending was unexpected. I have 1922 on my Netflix list, which is based on a Stephen King story but haven't watched it yet.
Honestly, of all the shows I've watched in the last few years, Black Mirror is probably the scariest. If you haven't watched it, it's worth a month of netflix by itself. There are 3 seasons, each is about 6 episodes. Very Twilight Zone-like. Not horror genre in the typical sense, but close enough. The fictional possibilities of the near future of mankind based on technology and trends. Scary stuff there.
I'm not that into horror either but two that I've seen recently that I liked were The Girl With All the Gifts and Get Out.
Also, @karasti the 4th season of Black Mirror came out recently. I highly recommend the show too.
Black mirror yes maybe I will give it a try! But my problem with series I need to know what happens next and I cant quit! So I prefer movies, 1920 from Stephen King I will check it out
I have no favourites, I don't watch them. I really don't see the point.
The ones staring Donald Trump as the US president

Well it's more so one of the scariest
@federica You dont see the point? You learn a lot.
In exorcist, do not become a priest and dont play with a ouija board.
Carrie - be nice with everyone, it can be some of them are a witch and will burn you alive.
Rosemarys Baby - dont have sex with anti crist, your baby will look kind of weird.
Ot don't expose yourself to anything bad in the first place, then you don't need to avoid anything.
true that
The Shining
Black Mirror is an anthology show like The Twilight Zone where it's all set up and resolved in each episode.
What is it like inside? A lot to be done? Not much ... nearly there?
I recently watched http://www.crazywisdomthemovie.com/chogyam-trungpa
The first time I only managed to watch one hour of this horrific self indulgent film. Recently I gritted my teeth and watched the whole thing. Much as suspected the last half hour showed the real depravity of some 'gurus' and their zombie followers.
Lots of talks by Oslo, Oh-shoo, Osho, fake-news-buddha (whatever he is called now) available on Youtube for horror fans ...
I feel dark mirror is tame by comparison
I like the Conjuring series. The first and third Blair Witch, too.
What is your favorite horror movie?
My first marriage......
Ha ha!
Here we go....the past 15 years for my beloved Carlton FC!
Anything with Trump in it.
@Namada Yes, like person said, you don't have to worry about following a story line from episode to episode. Each one is an entirely new character lineup and storyline. They are stand-alone. I found I could never watch more than 2 in a day because digesting them took some time.
@person yes, thank you, I had forgotten the most recent was season 4. I watched them with my college son when he was home for break. I wish the seasons were a bit longer!
So do you think that one’s fears should be faced in order to acclimatise oneself to them? That might be a reason to do meditation on the gross parts of the body, or death meditation.
i HATE horror movies. (BTW, I remember as a child having some cognitive difficulty with the word. "Hour" and "horror" confused me.
Please see:
Frankenstein AKA Trumpenstein