Dear Friends,
As we know theoretical dharma will take us
nowhere in practice until practiced.
The teaching that most dharma has is the importance of regular meditation. I say regular because irregular is unskilful, lazy and unfocussed. Who guessed?
However some new Buddhists may be at the study/interest/preliminary stage. They may find chanting, walking around in cycles, Practicing virtue, ethics, sila, precepts, basic goodness sufficient.
I would suggest that more is required for us cushion squatters too ...
My other practice is ... well being ...
Here is the Shaolin/Batman practice ...
What more do we do?
Hmm a bit too batshit crazy for my liking ....But each to their own I guess
Are they wearing woolly slippers as replacements for the cushion? It does seem like an odd pose to meditate in...
My other practice is a Porsche.
Hey, they're just hanging out
Many moons ago actor, goon and Freemason Peter Sellers considered himself a yogi because he 'meditated' in the headstand. This was not uncommon.
My other practice at the moment is yoga but I add in tai chi and artial arts exercise as I see fit.
Be patient when learning to meditate. It will take many sessions before you are able to control your thoughts.
Boddhidharma Save Us!
Health, clarity, and the ability to kick someone's internal organs into hash are obviously vital skills
I'm screwed.
That is probably a better daily exercise

Keep up the good work.
I dunno about martial arts, but I am trying to master marital arts. Or is it partial arts? My wife probably thinks so.
Compared to marriage hanging upside down from a pole by your toes is EASY
One of my favorite Rita Rudner jokes "men who have a pierced ear are better prepared for marriage. They've experienced pain and bought jewelry"
that shit looks hard.mind over matter? mad respect to shaolin
Hmm just a thought
If one thinks about it (pun intended= thinking =movement confined to the brain) the mind over matter thing is interesting... ... all that we do is mind over matter ( try doing something physically or mentally without mind's involvement) but for the most part we are unaware of this simple truth...

However through meditation we train the mind to change the matter and in doing so the changed matter then starts to change/train the mind...
Ah this psycho-physical phenomenon call the self is an amazing piece of cosmic equipment....To be handled with care
shoshin,grooovy thought.i love it.and that bundle of energy is magnificent .you know me,i like art ,is natural like fart.just being silly. my brain is lit,the usual suspect,coffee,smokes and suugar.
However ... the neo-buddhists of the developing Western Dharma are a new breed of extremist. At the moment quite often, alien culture and outmoded 'truths' are being recombined and experimented with until the fourth jewel, Western Maitreya flowers ...
Many extreme and deserving of 'mad respect' teachings exist. For example:
Somewhere in this flux that @Shoshin illustrates so well, we take refuge in three diamonds:
Ye olde Buddha
Ye olde Dharma
Yo Sangha
lobster thank are a wealth of information.
maitre -yay flowers in the west sounds promising and beautifull. we waite and see how it blooms .as the saying goes,beauttiful in its own time.
Not sure of headgear or footwear ...
If my central heating breaks down, I may have to learn Tumo from Hof ...
Mind over body. Discomfort or body dukkha is lessened by relaxation and acceptance.
Funny, my father actually met Wim Hof and did a course with him, he was enthusiastically doing ice baths in all kinds of circumstances. Of course that didn’t stop him from some years later developing a heart arrhythmia, these things may be entirely coincidental...
I'd like to know how he gets away with having 'invented' a system that has existed for a very very long time. Yogis and have been doing it for themselves, melting snow, drying blankets, yadiyada.......
By re-marketing it under a different name, and so bypassing people’s prejudices against yogic wisdom, and also giving it a veneer of scientific accuracy by working with university’s to investigate it. Much the same as mindfulness’ path into western respectability...
Ahhhhh, that's cunning. It's all in the spin. Sorry about your dad's heart condition @kerome, ice baths not advised! Do these wisdom merchants have a conscience I wonder?