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Looking into laziness

JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matterNetherlands Veteran

I loved this article by Pema Chödrön in Lion’s Roar, really connected with it...

I think she’s got the basic starting point exactly right, we all have the instinct to eliminate our flaws, and she has seen the different types of laziness very well. It’s something I am quite familiar with because the last few years I’ve had more of an opportunity to be lazy, and I’ve felt quite connected to being comfortable and easy on the soft cushions of my couch with my iPad. So maybe this is a wakeup call, to live more consciously.

Recently I did a kind of in-house meditation retreat, where whenever I would remember I would spend time being in the present moment, focussing on my out-breath. And I would be surprised that I couldn’t muster the same meditative energy as I usually do, my limit for spending time like that was a paltry 10 minutes without diverting the mind with some kind of internet content.

So you may find when you start looking into your habit patterns that making the switch to meditative living is not so easy.



  • FosdickFosdick in its eye are mirrored far off mountains Alaska, USA Veteran

    I have no shortage of the 5 hindrances myself, and sloth seems to be the most prominent right now. Energy arises from meditation, but if that energy is not channeled into something, it ceases to flow and becomes a blockage. Perhaps the easiest place for energy to go is straight into old habit patterns.

    So what is the solution to that? You can use the mind to figure out someplace to apply the energy, but my own mind is frequently not up to the task - too many options, too much confusion. I find that the best course may be to meditate again, and when the mind drops away, a course of action will present itself. Just my experience.

  • DavidDavid A human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First Nations Veteran

    I was going to look into laziness...

    but I got too busy.

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    From the article, which I feel is very useful:

    In the West, he observes, laziness frequently manifests as speed. People rush from one thing to another, from the gym to the office to the bar to the mountains to the meditation class to the kitchen sink, the backyard, the club. We rush around seeking, seeking, seeking comfort and ease.

    Being mindful, meditating to break out of the patterns that @Fosdick mentions, is the Buddha plan. So for example lazy lamas need to apply it to their patterns. Still believing in their abusive mentors, mantras and even quoting them ... tsk, tsk ... :p

    Here we have to resonate with Right Effort.

    Be Kind to:

    • 'Too Busy',
    • '10 minute mindful man',
    • 'Wonder Woman'

    and anyone else we may be or know (especially me) :3

    Here is the well tanned-trick or Tantric Way


    Follow the Buddha Sun

    I love it when a plan comes together
    Lt.Col. John "Hannibal" Smith

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    In the West, he observes, laziness frequently manifests as speed. People rush from one thing to another, from the gym to the office to the bar to the mountains to the meditation class to the kitchen sink, the backyard, the club. We rush around seeking, seeking, seeking comfort and ease.

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