As we know some live in the hell realms below the human world of samsara. Mental or physical health problems.
I have two immediate family, one has Alzheimer’s, one mental health issues.
What can we offer? What hope is there?
Perhaps an app?
Surprisingly there is much that can be done with diet, exercise and herbal medicines. This along with Western medicine has proven effective not in treating Alzheimers but in alleviating the decline.
Bramhi, Triphala and recently Tulsi are helping.
Gratitude meditation is something I’m trying right now.
I was cautious of doing it previously, in case it seemed contrived. But it doesn’t. I find after a depressive episode, I usually have an upswell of gratitude. I think the two mental states are related.
There is a lot that can be done for alzheimer’s sufferers with lifestyle and nutrition. A lot of herbs and food supplements can do good things in these cases, it’s more of a question of knowing where to find the information from good doctors who have looked into these things.
I’ve heard that turmeric, kurkuma are good, that exercise and music help, that basically anything that keeps the body and brain active can work against the decline.
I've also heard good things about turmeric. I heard as a preventative measure against Alzheimers. I put it in oatmeal or tea or cooking.
Thanks for the turmeric reminder.
It seems like low-level inflammation is a trigger for a lot of health-related ailments. I’ve been hearing a lot about how it makes us more vulnerable to our particular genetic weaknesses.
In the Beginner's Class (given by a Tibetan Buddhist monk) the teacher asked what was the best way to help others.
After several suggestions, the teacher told us the Buddhist answer:
To attain enlightenment, and the continue to be reborn in the human realm so that we can help others attain enlightenment.
In other words, to the Buddhist, the way to cure others is to first cure ourselves. Only then can we truly help others to cure themselves.
The First Noble Truth tells us that suffering happens, and the only way to escape it is through enlightenment.
It is good to feel compassion for others .... both for their sake and as an aid to our own spiritual growth. But, ultimately, there is no cure except enlightenment.
Crosswords, "brain teasers" and hand-eye coordination activities are very effective for brain conditions (like mine) and alzheimers too.
@FoibleFull that enlightenment is the healthiest solution individually, collectively and long term is the plan.
Inflammation that @Kerome mentions is countered by Cool Blue Medicine Buddha ...