I read on some encyclopedias that there was a historical school that had the Mahaparinirvana Sutra as its main text and was called Niepanshi 涅槃師 or Nieh-p’an-tsung/ Niepan zong in chinese and Nehan-shu in japanese (est. in the 4-5th century). On the wiki page on Korean Buddhism its written that there was a school called Yeolban (涅槃宗). It seems that it faded away and got extinct at some point and absorbed into other traditions.
Now where can I read what their rituals were and which sutras they used in their liturgy? There has to be information (historically) about their beliefs, interpretations, their patriarchs, lineage and commentaries. Is there any scholarly work?
If anyone here knows it might be @Vimalajāti . If you want to try digging deep yourself, this site has lots of free books online that delve into scholarly and historical subjects.
Is this research for an academic reason, or just curiosity, @manoman ? Why the interest?
The internet isn’t always such a great source for more scholarly research. My guess would be that this kind of material is to be found in Far Eastern universities if it’s anywhere, and often scholars there have access to magazines and databases that aren’t generally accessible through Google. Perhaps it would be wise to look into finding a scholar at a Buddhist university who is willing to help answer your question.
Try here
Also find out if Buddha-L forum still active. Many scholars there, used to be run by Professor Richard Hayes
I was hesitant to respond, because I had nothing to offer beyond the responces the OP got on other forums this inquiry was posted on.
But I did find this, which I don't think you
(the OP) have yet: Venerable Dàoshēng's (a Nirvāṇa School commentator) commentary on the Lotus Sūtra
https://books.google.ca/books?id=fslSW2tBG8UC&pg=PA66&lpg=PA66&dq="nirvana+school"+commentary&source=bl&ots=AYcWCPTY0n&sig=ACfU3U1kGvdCJc3w3kL66XKJiDGiS4YSlg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwio04yT1_zkAhXJY98KHYEDBjIQ6AEwAHoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q="nirvana school" commentary&f=false
I haven't read this book myself. I just happened to find it.