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First, Train in the Preliminaries

personperson Don't believe everything you thinkThe liminal space Veteran

I'm slowly going through Chogyam Trungpa's Training the Mind on the lojong training. I think it will be helpful if I put forth the points for discussion to help gain a better understanding, not only for myself but for anyone following along.

First, Train in the Preliminaries:
Reflect on and maintain an awareness of
1) The preciousness of human life and the conditions that allow one to learn and practice the buddhadharma
2) The reality of death, and that it can strike anytime
3) The entrapment of karma - that whatever you do, virtuous or otherwise, serves to further entrap you in the chain of cause and effect
4) The intensity and inevitability of dukkha yourself and all others

The short chapter then goes on to say that with these in mind, look to your guru (this is guru centric TB, IMO looking to the teachings in general is comparable) for the light leading you to a better way. It's about contrasting Samsara with Nirvana.



  • I've also seen in these ideas included "you are the heir to your deeds" so sort of the potentially positive side of entrapment by karma.

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    I’m a fan of the use of slogans, which I believe the lojong was all about, but when you look at it, they are so short that it begs the question what do they refer to? Each slogan is shorthand for a teaching, but unless you know the teachings the slogans are not going to help.

  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran

    @Kerome said:
    I’m a fan of the use of slogans, which I believe the lojong was all about, but when you look at it, they are so short that it begs the question what do they refer to? Each slogan is shorthand for a teaching, but unless you know the teachings the slogans are not going to help.

    Good point. If I continue to make more of these, I'll be sure to add explanations and links explaining the slogans.

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    You might want to take a look here...

  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    edited August 2020

    @Kerome said:
    You might want to take a look here...

    Thanks, that might be handy to compare to Trungpa. I'd have to subscribe to Tricycle though to see all the links. If it wasn't clear, I have his book on the slogans that explain them all.

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    I luvs a slogan or Buddha catch phrase ...
    For examples the link that @Kerome posted.


    • Method not madness (improved cognition, reasoning, behaviour etc)
    • Uncook (recipe not cook)
    • Release the catch (wot ... let the fishy go?)
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