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Rest in Peace Tina
Simply the best

My sister, dated someone in a band who used the same promoter that Tina used.
I got to see Tina perform 54 years ago in a small bar club in Vancouver as a 14-year-old, where the management said I could only attend if I sat near the back kitchen door, in order to skedaddle through & out if the cops came in, because I was underage.
I didn't fully understand the full complexity of what I was witnessing at 14 but the undeniable electricity of that performance can still put a smile of remembrance on this guy's heart today.
A great entertainer
A great human being
A living treasure
A Buddhist proving Buddhism in action
Let’s not forget those great legs! 😍
Her second marriage and love story has been so sweet to watch.
I just went to her Museum last year, here in TN.
❤ Tina ❤
Thanks @aboud, I enjoyed the video.