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Waking up the world

JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matterNetherlands Veteran

I was reading Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now, in which he talks about how necessary it is for people to awaken to a new way of being. That book, which sold millions of copies, was published in 2005, and Eckhart has been talking incessantly to audiences around the world since then.

Yet, is the world any more awake now than it was? Arguably with the ‘phone zombie’ phenomenon people are less aware than before, and half the United States is still voting for Trump. There still seem to be many places where people are not spiritually awake.

Towards the end of the book there is a section where Eckhart talks about surrendering to what is, by which he means giving up any inner resistance to the present moment. This invites a spiritual dimension into your life. This made a lot of sense to me, that we can live in surrender while doing what is needed.

In a way the world is in the grip of primitive egoic patterns. You see it in politics, in business, in warfare, in the media. Take the Olympic Games. Everyone watches only the sports where their athletes have a chance of a medal. It’s very nationalistic, like the Football World Cup, and focussed on winning.

Being in the Now, living in surrender, means one is not caught up by the mind’s patterns. Relationships are different. One’s view on entertainment is different. One responds consciously, rather than being part of the minds reactions.


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