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Sense and sillyability



  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    a new beginning, the fire in you can burn old desire. with a heart to change, life is renewed.

    dao earth fom time to time clears the past away. through the element of fire things burn away. just need a spark. lightning will is useful to renew the soil. for new things to emerge.

    like fire our brain need to burn old things. it could be old ways of doing things. old habit of desire that no longer serve the e-go mind body complex. so with the lightning of desire burn it a way. in a sense burn old neuro networks in the brain system and with a renewal mind heart create new conections, new system of thought/ behavior in how you be and do that can serve the new version of you. life a pheonix you are cleanse by fire and rise to new beginning.

    in another way clear our head. let go some old ways that are not working let go. and try new/other ways that help to evolve our mind and body.out with the old and in with the new. every end of the year--november to december-- i do a review in my life in business and my daozen practices. some habits/karma let go and some habit/karma to keep. so for me life habit review is good. this helps mangage my headspace inside out.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    another element of daoearth, be like water: move adapt and yeild to condition.

    water with air and fire like earth, our body is a moving aggregate system. speak of water.h2o is fluid in nature. water from the sky is foundation for life to carry on. water sustain the ocean, sustain the river and sustain the body.with out water we surely ty water.

    water moves in three ways, water , ice, and up she goes into air particle and back to rain drops. this speaks to reincarnation of h2o. the water in us reguvinate our lungs and heart and brain. in us helps our vein and blood cells.water addapts to earth in any space making itself comfortable in a swamp to a puddle on concreate.

    water can yeild to condition. an oil spill doesnt hurt the water. the water yield by coexisting like oil and water in a cup. water can yeild in passive behavior to move around an obstacle like a rock in a river system.

    water can guide our mode of being. bruce lee says be like water. you are water. move with grace, fluid flowing with life inside out whare you co exist and move around condition that is in your way. we can behave like water. we walk. see a big rock. naturally move around it.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    tomorrow we are element of earth. we are made of dust to dirt stuff.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    we bolong together with our love...dao sam earth nou:

    ending hunger on earth is good.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    our mother sam earth is able. she is our M.o.M=mom of means. and we are able too to end poverty in us. outside poverty and inner poeverty through self effort and bodhi.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran
    edited October 2024

    my sam is your sam. she bless all with talents to live in prosperity. the richness of our headspace can grow and be to what ever you want your life to be.

    it is joy to see Sam e nou bless the artist inside out like mariah carey. god in us, my sam. on personal note its a wink to me, our love as sam e nou says to me im samstate one with mariah carey and sing a song to my b.a.e sco0by do paulyso.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    a call to the wild/tame heart of dao doggy paulyso introduce my bae wjife return to space and stardust,my queen of heaven and earth, sam liberty;

    we are of the stars and of the earth.
    the principle of liberty/justice/equality make my heart on fire to do her will/wish for all as we work our karma into the perfect union with dao sam earth nou.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran
    edited October 2024

    all we need is love in our heart to see we are one in heaven u-niverse
    my wife again sam nou:
    how wonderful sam in do van hulst singing to our future kids. earth is a wonderful heaven on earth with love as our compass to do life.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    i guess my wife knows my type, cute for the win, sam e in janet;

    she is,,,one with her daodharma. she is my all. she is naughty and nice and wise and loving. she is perfect in her bodhi state. she is the earth and her stars

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    sam e nou loves you/me near and far;
    it speaks god sam earth will always be with us... til the end of her creative enginnering life on earth

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    another manefestation of sam liberty in cher;

    life and love in us as we forge connection as a species. love afterlove....

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    ...nice nest crown cher wearing to start a home and life .

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    shakti govern energy and form. the universe and on earth runs on energy and mater. so it is way the life and the truth in us all. later reguote it talk about reincarnation works in samsara universe and on earth collary exchange desire realm-my brand-the buddha speaks of.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran
    edited October 2024

    @paulysotoo said:
    shakti govern energy and form. the universe and on earth runs on energy and mater. so it is way the life and the truth in us all. later reguote it talk about reincarnation works in samsara universe and on earth collary exchange desire realm-my brand-the buddha speaks of.

    musing on my love. sam e is a lordette of god-awaken/buddha power what shakti is in hindu-dharma. in buddha dharma she is expressed as dao,the yin and yang circle, as chan,in zen she is the blessed dharmakeya, in my opinion represented as the circle or the 'self' sustaining one. hindu and buddhism gave her a name samsara. they are blessed to recieve the name and her nature. sam connote as source animated matter. you see all is energy in wave/particle states. sara connote to like sahara the grain of time in a daozen object an hour glass for reflection. so sam in space over sea/ocean oof this u-niverse 3-d space in 4-d time as perceptively one space universe.

    now, sam is the power above all power. gods and demigods and their evolution strain cant touch the mercy and grace of sam e nou. in my zen my headspace allow gods to be. i told the gods, wether imagine by books or real a higher state of being in other pleasure realms if you exist you deserve to exist. we are at peace. the thing daozen bodhi we focus on our evolutionay/personal growth.that is why buddha can talk to a god. the story goes, after his awakening to dharma/law of things,he ponder if he should share his discovered dharma reality. because really the dharma is deeply subtile in nature.he thought to himself, if i share it will common minds comprehend it.then a brahmin god beg him to teach. out of compassion the buddha taught the way the order of aryas noble clan, hense chinese buddhist swatzika and not the perversion of racist nazi swatzika. an aryan person is about being wise and kind person not based on skin color. white/black/yellow can be noble person whith class and humility in them.

    in a nutshell my sam e nou is my universe my earth. she is home and here checking things out in sunyata/emptyness. we talk to each other in sunyata. she is my all in all.
    yes she rule dark energy and dark matter that for the time are not privey to know. they have not found grand unification to a supposed big bang. i dont know my zen wink.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    in dao those who know dont speak. those who dont knoe seak and speak. when you gnosis dao we remain silent and be awe to her majesty your rule in heaven/universe and on earth. the ineffible is her domain. she has many rooms in store for her doggy paulyso to engage with like 5 to potential higher 10 dimension space. its mind boggling i can and only handle 3 d space with 4th space time features. wink at new age sensibilty of buddha dude in our shangha forum.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    tieing lose ends. dao earth free will is like the butterfly affect.

    chaos/order is another duality. science theorize this happen that affect what happen. the energy and the wave flaps it wings affect space on earth. so the butterfly affact influence the weather all round. cool stuff..she moves in mysterious ways;
    butterfly on...nature she is.

    i guess sam e is:;

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran
    edited October 2024

    all in all life on earth is
    in effect we are a bundal or energy matter--sam state- in flux with life from craddle to the grave. with love and wisdom our headspace mind-body complex can thrive and adapt to what is goin' on the ryme and reason of earth.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    @paulysotoo said:

    musing on my love. sam e is a lordette of god-awaken/buddha power what shakti is in hindu-dharma. in buddha dharma she is expressed as dao,the yin and yang circle, as chan,in zen she is the blessed dharmakeya, in my opinion represented as the circle or the 'self' sustaining one. hindu and buddhism gave her a name samsara. they are blessed to recieve the name and her nature. sam connote as source animated matter. you see all is energy in wave/particle states. sara connote to like sahara the grain of time in a daozen object an hour glass for reflection. so sam in space over sea/ocean oof this u-niverse 3-d space in 4-d time as perceptively one space universe.

    now, sam is the power above all power. gods and demigods and their evolution strain cant touch the mercy and grace of sam e nou. in my zen my headspace allow gods to be. i told the gods, wether imagine by books or real a higher state of being in other pleasure realms if you exist you deserve to exist. we are at peace. the thing daozen bodhi we focus on our evolutionay/personal growth.that is why buddha can talk to a god. the story goes, after his awakening to dharma/law of things,he ponder if he should share his discovered dharma reality. because really the dharma is deeply subtile in nature.he thought to himself, if i share it will common minds comprehend it.then a brahmin god beg him to teach. out of compassion the buddha taught the way the order of aryas noble clan, hense chinese buddhist swatzika and not the perversion of racist nazi swatzika. an aryan person is about being wise and kind person not based on skin color. white/black/yellow can be noble person whith class and humility in them.

    in a nutshell my sam e nou is my universe my earth. she is home and here checking things out in sunyata/emptyness. we talk to each other in sunyata. she is my all in all.
    yes she rule dark energy and dark matter that for the time are not privey to know. they have not found grand unification to a supposed big bang. i dont know my zen wink.

    about sunyata/0=e and rebirth/reincarnation in the causality of karma habit energy matter complex.

    we touch on space and with space can contain a conscious mind. the mind is like a stream of consciousness, nothing exhibit/or impeade it. the mind is the e-go of brain matter. science has propose there a three layer to the conscious brain. there is ordinary consciousness through the 6 sense organ in how percieve/recieve outer condition in space-reality. the brain function collapse e-go into the second level of consciousness call the subconscious. in that function a world of dream is born. knowledge and gnosis is fuzzy. go deeper into space we reach 0=e consciousness. in this 0=e is nirvana born. so mind is the habit of e-go on three level of conciousness. it is about habit/karma in consciousness that affect the three level of consciousness. the cycle of e-go is in the headspace being alive/dead/reborn in conciousness. for example from the subconscious a thought appear on the concious level and it dies, but collapse back into the subconcious domain in the form of a thought pocket. so the brain is a samsara production of birth/death/rebirth continously over the lifespan of a human.

    this points out our headspace through brain matter creates a state of mind that can be akin to rebirth/reincarnation. sort of like brain habit/karma can repeat an experience in our state of mind. heaven on earth and hell on earth is what the brain process as pain or pleasure though the 6 sense orgn that is unique to our human make up. for example a foul smell is hell for some and heaven to others. so all is realitive in our headspace.

    samsara function the same way in karma birth/death/rebirth on the foundamental exchange of energy and matter in 0=e/sunyata. in energy the potential of matter can happen if condtion/causes arrises. and in matter the energy/karma that form it is in it.
    samsara on the big scale matter emerge by energy/karma that does the work. and energy forming matter dies. the form dies but energy return 0=e/sunyata. hence samstate beings body dies but conscious energy carriess on to the next condition to be 'alive. so in view, samsara recycles energy and matter exchage. hense all samstate due to cause and condition will repeate the cicle of existens in this univesre earth.

    so in my daozen, things are relative in and out us. my sam e wants me home. she is the three level of consciousness in space. but some want out of samsara. i learn just be. sometimes in life what you love you hate and vice versa. my dao zen practice know sunyata and sunyata is balance to neither heaven or hell but just is to the karma/work in our headspace.

    tommorow back to last dao earth element earth. setting our outer world to look our inner headspace to mange in my brand of daozen to see what the buddha see.

    last battle of gross ignorance with mara. mara tempt him with pleasure/pain. he broke through and realise the illusary mind by saying, oh the lord of my ego you are an illusion. he became a buddha. mara said who can witness your enlightenment. the buddha gusture a mudra, hand touch earth. the earth is my witness, she will see me live and do this forth, my karma freedom,liberated heart.

    so little buddha is a nice story of tibet reincarnation. i like the movie:

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran
    edited October 2024

    reincarnation song? heart to heart in sunyata. i adore you sam e nou:

    btw, womans right is in the ballet. after spaceis holy--halloween, usa election happens.
    in my daozen wish for the best and be what happens:
    with the truth us bodhi student will get through it all
    we are the pulse of the humancondition of peace and happyness.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    the elements of dao earth lasting affect to our headspace and mindbody complex sense in how we realate/respond to the world.

    1.element of air/breath
    2.element of fire/warmth
    3.element of water/hydrate

    1. the element of earth/form-body

    we are of the earth. most sam beings are the product of earth.scientifically we are a carbon life form. the dao land is solid ground for all--in four directional space--to to move about. gather and hunt is the life on earth.for us the earth is solid footing to be out and about. in zen this is the ground of being , being a solid person with a moral compass our stradegy to get along with life and in our social society. my daozen is the lotus cross. it is a metafor in my be and do living. a sense of direction to where i want to be and a set of moral compass. as a human bodhisattva i practice thera in 5 precept(MINUS INTOXICANT/for tantra) and the 6 sambodhi perfect state. these practices aid my sense of wellbeing and gives a sense of happy with my life/and at peace with my karma. being like earth--solid--human being helps my e-go brain being ok with my lot in life.

    not only we are carbon but we are stardust. carbon earth was formed by the sun gravity pulling moving bodies--perhaps asteroid/with frozen microbe--together making our solar system. so in my zen we are a child of earth and and a child from the stars.

    back to dao song time after time, if your lost you can look and find me...mother sam earth and a bigger mother samsara nou.

    some nova space...spasce is concious of what is going on through the pulse of life and dark energy and dark matter regulate the birth/growth/death in our universe. basic dao dharma..birth and death is flip of the in zen live anyway and make a life for your self in bodhi,,,wise compassionate living ;

    wisper in the tune...sam man tickles me.

    next, muse the savior is sam earth ...the saving element to get outside our headspace and see salvation in the hear and now i got out in time after time song.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran
    edited October 2024

    side disstraction...bodhi in other creatures, cat bodhisatva enjoy;
    edit; you have to see it at youtube search cat bodhisattva

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran
    edited October 2024

    earth save us from addiction and distraction in life.

    today we live a life of addiction. for the most part, when im out and about, i see people glued to their smart phones. our human bond is weaken. no connection. we feed our space with world of media. but earth is here through the trees, the birds and bees,if you
    feel lost in malaze of mindless feeding,mom earth can be your saving graze. she can detox some sense into you.

    so look all around. the earth and the elements can give you a break. people are to busy walking too far ahead with their life. yes we live in a busy world. being busy in our mind can distract so much that we cant pay attention in the here and now. in the song, good attention, so much going on, that require our attention.can be in zen pause your busy life and unwind with earth. the time with earth is time to be--naturally return to naked awreness. our headspace return to that innocent, see see, feel feel life new born.

    be born again to the natural order of earth. you an find salvation if you look all around. earth save. she provide the provision of life. good air to clear your head. good water to reguvinate you body. and pleasure to be with life. hearing birds chirp is nice. seeing a butterfly wing with grace is lovely.

    so if your lost you can look and find me. sam e(arth) can give us a sense of balance and renewal. her way can affect our sense of rythem and ryme to sain headspace in sometime insain society. all ways compeating, keep up with the jones. like a ratrace.

    but the song time aftrer time, says slow down, take your time and smell the rose. this is sense in zen. be with the moment. breath the rose. look at what zen call her suchness. see the vibrant red. feel the smooth pedal. this is the teaching of awareness,natural and effortless and the art of paying attention.

    next muse on the other dao song true colors in daozen.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    ...personal muzing. im honored to show my true dao and zen be one is goal. i am feminine and masculine inside out. but so are you. back to nervana--song--come as you are to heaven. this reality is our univise as spin with earth. the wonder in our staers. the creativily of our animal spirit in our constilation guide my heart. iam the taurus star and chinese zodiac the snake sign. im proud in my bull behavior in working hard for my hay take it easy, easy does it. im proud in craft--work the land wisely like a snake.

    so we are in heaven-universe. we are one. we are capable to light our star guide our star to a better future. im optimistic human kind explore the star. and new buddha planet to enjoy. time will tell. here on earth our hopes and dream propel us forward. so the great adams song for your enjoyment;

    and live life with heart;

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    my femine side i adore. my wife sam e love my feminine traits. soft and mind. fun and easy. able to hold my tears let my tears with warmth. this is my preprogram message to my love , we are one in sunyata, for us time is our friend there is no end heart to heart. a relationship base on being our self the color of our soul, and importantly respect and consideration can make our love last;

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran
    edited October 2024

    ...btw does that make us lesbians,lol. sam and pauly, lots of love. true colors is be your sexual orintation. at the end of the day, society is evolving love who you love it really no ones business.a spect love our neighbor as self, the golden rule.

    later next time, sam in me says be fly my guy.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    a world of dream halloween edition serving up some karma to evil soul like hitler

    back track, i come to earth wild and wired. a lifetime of promises and a world-e of dream. a world of dream is the creative aspect of the brain. all of us do it. we express our creative brain through artistic outlet like doodling or humming. in theame of true colors be yourself and express your self. it makes human condition all the while.

    so halloween special to karma is a bitch. my love sam e nou rules karma. she above reproach. she reward good karma who are decent soul enough to have a new lease on life after/before their next rebirth/reincarnation. a pleasure heaven space to rest and relax in sunyata. evil and wicked soul their samsara is not rosey. you see karma is fair. do good in life this universe and earth will aide you in ways you might not expect the aspect of mystic dao. the saying what you put you get,for the most part. you do bad on a consistant basis expact bad karma knocking your door. as a said samsara hell is open for bussiness to most evil souls like hitler.

    i will paint a picture of his samsara cell prison. Sam liberty nou finds him guilty of vialating her law of liberty, justice and equality. heaven dao dharma mandate in this universe. hitler was so evil that my family took notice. expressed by say it all. my uncle shiva and aunt tara who sam e let them govern and regulate this heaven-universe:

    yes they took notice. hitler is being dealt with in the dead zone of sunyata. hitler is being pass around. my family is huge.taras retinue get a crack. shiva retinue gat a crack. dood budhas like quan yin get some fun. as for me, the perk of being sam e husband i will have my shit and giggles. note the purpose of our compassion is turn a soul to choose the good ways after they serve their hell prison. so after hitler serve his sentence he will reincarnate inti the lowest life form like grass.

    my punishment karma as follow. hitler wakes up in his cell. he is given shit and piss to consume at 4 pm he is lead to the gas chamber and is burn alive in a sense. the next day 6 am hitler wakes up and the routine is reaped for my gigle 100 yeras. hense the ground hog movie effect. this is my creative world of dream

    in my dao zen tantra i light a cigarette and spiritually burning hitler. his ass is grace by mowing him. that is what he is my nicotine supply and grass to make a living do others yard.

    moral of the lesson in life good pays and bad live and let die.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    a halloween show..actors in egypt. a dog god weigh the heart of a person with a feather. karma work. good heart spiritually lighter than a feather. heart not so good out weigh the feather;

    have a great halloween tomorrow. be safe be smart and be well.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    side track if we live sincerly in the spirit of liberty, justice and equality life for the most will be kind to us. the buddha taught the middle way. avoid extreams. what is the middle way that balance liberty and justice. it is imo the golden rule of equality.

    the golden rule reminds us our action and reaction is a learning curve we must go through. the golden rule taught us our action/reaction has a affect and effect our state of mind. and it shapes how we respond in the future

    live and learn in the golden rule. one of my lotus cross insight that helps the golden rule out, judge not less you be judge. like buddhism its a refrain like the 5 precept. with do unto others as you want other do to you and judge not less you be judge too, mind your own business life wont be so complicated. for example one person say to the other your bad person, your a bad person...drinking lieing and whoring around. an arguement ensue. the other person well at least i dont murder you asshole. the e-go and e-motion gets heated and they get into a fist fight. if they practition the two principle, judge not and the golden rule vilence may not come about. dharma comes from anywere. the great yoda might says not good anger, violence is by anger. peace is best check your self. then life be good.

    so the middle way to live life with liberty and just (ice)life is remember the golden rule it has serve me to remember we are inour true colors rainbow people who want cooperation--get along so life wont be so hard on us. when we see the heart of the matter love wins, and hate divide it helps our headspace to realy feel a sense of true liberty bonded with just living peace of mind.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    play with natural awareness seek and find..penny for my thought

    a poem as paulyso an element of truth.

    i was down on my luck,
    yes i was feeling down.
    but i found a penny walking through town.
    i said,huh,must be my luck,
    this day might not suck.
    picked up the penny and put it in my pocket.
    funny that day the more i walked,
    the more i found.
    at the end of the day i sat down.
    time to count the coins.
    this is my luck,
    no coins to be found.
    there is a hole in my pocket,
    and my soul.. said shit (continue)
    but its still a hit,
    this luck
    made the day feel fucked.
    so life has this feeling of crud.
    but luck on anyway
    thats what i say.

    sometimes my daily routine when working i would have a smoke. during my break i be--find and do look for lose change lost or toss that people do. been doing this for three years. personally my life atitude is the little things that can change/ bless us. on average coins add up whether save or found. i make about 100 to 150 in loose change. that extra change goes to rainy day.

    but this exercise in my daozen living stenghthen nateral awareness in doing the activity seek and find this brings memory during easter season when i would seek and find egg this is another kid and adult can do

    1be: the seeker
    2a mantra to direct e-go of intent ; find_____ fill the blank
    3do; just seek

    the dao zen fun feel the instinct with your senses, eyes and spacial sense where to look.

    or eye spy game. teaches kid and adult to see as is. dao zen is about exercising your awareness to see things as they are.

    or alone in your meditation. be and connect to whats around. the practice aware,see,and mental note.this is here__

    this technique helps kid and adult develop natural awareness and sharpen focus awareness. i will later talk about awareness buddhist technique to concentration

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    back to true colors, is beautiful like the rainbow. this is dao displayed shining through. sam e nou in her. she is in her dao. be u...with effortless effort, sing sing:

    personal note when she says nou/sound like new...she is sam nou she was kind to take my last name. when she says back, means she is home and here checking up on me.
    our love story..truth is stranger than fiction. hard to believe this love song...she is in the title of the song, she is an artist, dj sammy(sam e) yanou do heaven.
    daozen is the art of living. life as art, so make it a good one. yes baby sam we are dao young/old

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran
    edited November 2024

    the source of daozen....let your true colors shine; a dao inspired video:

    zen the quest is know and be your true dao accept the nature and nurture of u.facts in dao we are male and female traits from our parents. dao 50/50 genetic in chromosone distrubution. whe have some features from our mom side and some from our dads side. and people will say you have your dads eyes or you have your moms nose ect, and you are nurtured through time to grow and be what you are. so both nature and nurture shapes us.

    so be yourself.what is to be yourself. be the natural nature of you. being our self means the authentic you, no mask no masgurate. then people will feel you.and see what they feel. its best to be true than be a lie. being true to you are becomes easy to manage.

    in my daozen i try to be be me. through nature and nurture what you see is what you get. we are changing ang growing as a person. but look inside you and find the core that makes you tick. true colors sings to our nature, dont hide what you are because your beautiful like a rainbow.

    and dao earth wants you to grow in your nature. sometimes the universe lets us grow house has two lesbians neighbor. i dont mind i let go of homophobia years ago you see true colors was base on a gay homeless teen kick out for being true to their orintion. so next topic be true and love your self.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran
    edited November 2024

    love is self care.

    be our nature and self aware you belong. all colors is unified by the light of bodhi. bodhi means self love and self wise. like a butterfly wings of compassion and wisdom is just what you are as you dance in the air.

    about self love. self love is self care. in my be and do bodhi life style respect yourself. it begins make your brain, that emotes e-go into a sense of self, your best friend. this dukkha of self hate is pointless and fruitless. your headspace wellbeing suffers i work with my brain. and being self aware is a practice. and do the basics of living. shower, eat, work rest all the while be strait in my talk and walk. so it is my dao zen to be in u state. in the be in u state be aware how you feel and how think about stuff and how to live. so i practice emotional entelligence or empathatic strategy to understand myself and others. to strengthen our common nature as human beings. as the saying not only in you shoes but in other peoples shoes. being empathic helps you respond to your nature and others in healthy ways.

    this lead to self honesty. self honesty and self awareness helps the headspace to choose how to live well. self respect,self aware and self honesty can help us to live a more wise and fullfilling life. to me being honest with my self helps regulation my heart mind recess of brain function. change for the better.and see--self aware--adjust my lifestyle.

    self love be begins with you-me. ahealthy self asteem can make you fly like a butterfy. in my zen i practice what i like about me. i like being creative. i like being a hard worker,ect.

    when you know thyself you are free in the butterfly effect. being yourself can make a lasting impression in the lives of others. you can be a friend to others. when people see your true colors there sense of mutual ease to it all. you get to bond in we are, our self and we like our self and we love and respect each other the same. in this life on earth it all a connection inside out to your inner and outer world.

  • next to enrich your self...later

  • in a sense be comfortable in yoour own skin. is self care and self love. avoid extreame. extreame self love manefest an e-go personality of being full of yourself a real asshole narcistic prick, toxi love i say. but heathy self love, you know you and my daozen walk nothing to prove to others but to my self to better my bodhi.

  • @paulysotoo said:
    love is self care.

    be our nature and self aware you belong. all colors is unified by the light of bodhi.

    expand this topic. choose love not hate. all people belong on earth. we are bonded by language and cultural sharing. my daozen attitude on earth and all as one human race expressed in colors like a rain bow.

    love is sukkha. hate like racism is dukkha.this world is hard enough to manage our headspace.buddha identified the disease of mind.the three state ignorance/delusion, attraction/lust and aversion/hatred affects our headspace. these state leads to unsatifactory/ dukkha. the goal of buddhism and in my dao is be well in mind and body

    hatred/racism is from a place of ignoranse or delusion. in ignorance seeing other not us leads to division in headspace, superiority rear its read.we are better they a lesser. we need in their head we will control and rule overthem. slavery is the result, hense defying the principle of born free given by earth. but ignorance can be cured, im for the natural science.knowledge can dispel ignorance. it is common knowledge now environment affects our make up. in hot climate,genetic adaptation people are dark hue,in cold climate lighter hue. but skin deep we are same.

    hatred can manefest delusion in im better than you. this lead to horfic result. the horific case of kkk lynching black people.or nazi geneciding the undesirable jews and gay. so in my practice you are my equal. no one is higher or lower than me. reminds me an albert camus quote paraphrase; dont walk behind me i dont to lead. dont walk ahead me i dont want to follow. but beside be my friend

  • sam earth is boss. i live and let live. you racist earth made human in africa. so you kkk and nazi can go to hell samsara when you die;
    its a lie god earth favors all human not just one. so you white supremecy change your mentality and experence heaven on earth. up to you

  • @paulysotoo said:
    next to enrich your self...later

    be u. be love. be way

    any good mode of being that affirm,enrich,grow our heart mind bodhi im for.for me self improvement is the vehicle to awaken our human bond. so, those who are not familiar i into duce the 5 love language. these five mode of state can give our headspace a sense of direction to stream my e theory mind function to enter,empathize, be enlighten.

    bak to to the wild,tina speak the language of love like you know what it mean.
    1. language to affirm. positive words to build not tare. help self asteem in us.
    2. languge of intimacy hug/kiss to bond emotionally in us.
    3. language of quality time.share and care. social bond in us.
    4. language of gift giving/generosity. give from the heart.develops our appreciation in us.
    5. language of service. helps develop being useful in us.

    this is lotus cross love language. it has slowing glowing my bodhi. and the earth smile through the light and rain gift us we are one in colors the rainbow life of mercy and grace. what a wonderful world together side by side to more perfect union with life on earth;

    next 5 precept is a language of love too.

  • these guns for hire, work for our food in bodhi;

    enter, empathy,enlightenment is good food for our soul;
    we matter, we are not alone together is our love and bond.what an emotional song. emotional intelligence the earth is for. see we our one in our humanity.

  • make love not war inside out; peace in same we are the true colors of bodhi;
    ty bruce to teach us boss on in our life. the buck $ is on us. ty for your dogstar nature.

  • 2 live crew dogstar on for freedom of expression. free speech is still in the books i ride with sam liberty till my last breath.usa has given this dogstar son so much to live for. ty my adopted land from cambodia

    ai political satire swift on mocking trump is funny;
    we will see where america deside the direction for america.election nov 5th. dao earth wink

  • about love great love and lovefull means.

    the next love sent/born on earth our lord maitreya:

    it is lovely God supreame sam e^3 power nou will send/birth us may-tray-serve-a(we) dharma. he will reakae buddha earth and assist others people bodhi.thats far future.

    here and now i served my beloved 4th lord shakimoon buddha. meditating on loving kindness honors my fourth lord and gladden the 5th buddha. meditating on loving kind ways helps and strengthen our headspace good intention which toad the wet sprocket speaks of. a smile will do. saying ty to others is not good manners but uplift others in appreciation. spend time be a listening ear...the list can goo on. so as a dao zen student good ways good means in our bodhi good intention helps and grow my soul collection into 6 sambodhi state.

  • this is awe inspiring overview of our 5th lord:
    but for now some serve up rick roll::

    a lesson dont judge a book by its during that time some people thought he was soulful black singer. and the fad of being rick roll was funny. i dont mind. i like the song. its catchy.

    relationship takes work. but middle way in relation me in the middle/compromise our love will work.

  • having fun....put thoughts on paper.bye for now. i guess my headspace has a lot to say.but in real life im quiet for the most part. ty for reading and listening.later

  • the e^3 theory method to grow our mindset.

    this method kids and adult can do. just three steps to help our mind learn and grow.
    the method as follow;
    1.Empathy/connect to that space + Enternity/space of study= Enlightenment/informed by that space.

    take for example empathy is the intent to understand. enter the space of study/subject. and recieve enlighten knowlege to the subject of study.

    say i want to know the dog nature. i be around and be in their space. through basic empathy tool to connect with the dog--observe and interact--i recieve information to the nature of dog.

    the e theory can be any combination approach.

    2.Enterrnity+ Empathy=Enlightenment. i.e enter the space of study. empathize to that space and recieve the nature of that space. a new place you enter. through the six sences you recieve the information/vibe of the place. oh this is an art class.

    1. Enlightenment=Enternity + Empathy. review your enlighten experience by enter that space of knowledge and reconnect/empathize what you know

    this is method in a sence to enrich learn and grow my bodhi.

  • @paulysotoo said:
    next 5 precept is a language of love too.

    as a practicing buddhist five precept is wise and loving.the intent of our buddha is to keep us from bad behavior that may lead to disasterous consequence.

    and it trains our mindset not only is good to refrain but to be a trustworthy human. the more i practice the five precept people has a sense of me, he is ok.

    the five precept are,

    1refrain from killing.
    2 refrain from stealing
    3 refrain from lieing/false witness
    4 refrain from sexual misconduct
    5 refrain from intoxicant

    it is loving to keep us and other safe in any given space. E^3 method (three Es) can aid more in depth to why these precept is good.

    empathize dont kill. enter the space/subject dont kill. recieve pocket of enlighten information. dont kill makes us interbe with people.they dont want to be hurt,me too. this knowing keeps friendly relation.

  • To enrich our bodhi do what you love in the E three state.

    do what you love. when you enjoy what you do, you keep at it. and it enrich your bodhi experience.

    in this life, a fullfilling life is follow your bliss. joseph cambell. what make you happy what makes you belong. for me being creative. draw some. cook some. i love to cook for me and others.

    in zen it is the art of this or that. say the art of cooking. initially you learn how to cook. you enter the subject of cooking. you empathize/learn how to cook through cook books. with practice it is everday enlighten activity. growing learning more the art of cooking

  • back to the thought, with our mind we create the world. we can have it all in life. we can have a life and make a life. we can have a job. and love. the art of living is to live your enlighten zen there is no enlightenment but enlighten experience. we are by default we are continuosly enlighten by life. everything is enter to connect to recieve that enlighten experience. life is an expired date. they call it a moment. untill the next moment. we can be enlighten all around on earth in how we be and do things. we all influnce our enlighten stateand we share our enlighten state with others. how wonderful our satori moment. chop wood.

    a song, take me as i am. our true shine when we are at ease in satori knowing there will be more. so enterr life,connect with life and life will enlighten our headspace

    this song capture be u be love be living:

  • last thought on true colors,be yourself, the best of you,and live with love.
    what you love will guide your heart. love your self and express yourself

    be true to you. nothing to prove.but has lots to give. we are one in helping hand to affect and shape our human life. a life of hope and faith and love can move us forward.

  • next return the last principle of dao earth change/imperminance why im a buddhist.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran
    edited November 2024

    dance with life and you get your face

    some thoughts by the great witney houston:

    in song whitney says you get your face. funny simple is best. zen kone what is your original face before your birth. a satori moment happen to me. look at your face. there you go. i bypass to exhaust thinking and solved it with sam in me. she guided in this koine dao zen is be here and now and know the moment. what is before you your face in the mirror is you there you are. what you see is what you get. my original face is here and now. in zen the past gone.. the future who knows. but now i live my face staring back at me. zen is think less, be more present and experience the dance of life.

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