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Sense and sillyability

first post. this song is my sincere heart to connect/bond our wonderful human nature:

its human nature and nurture to belong.



  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    this is wonderful first philosophy the life of our mind to noodle with:

    the subject about headspace and how to manage our brain content on our good intention. the manta zen that helped me is with our mind we make things/the world happen paraphase buddha.....continue on the subjct tomorrow.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    two approach i want to discuss is how to manage our mind and how to give our mind a break.

    about brain matter. space in any containor be in a box or skull still must obey the exchange of energy and matter relation govern by headspace. as science has observed energy exchange relation as a wave or as a particle. the wave behavior is akin to the synaptic neuro grid in our brain. this firing of synapics or wave exchange materialise as a substantial object of information which i call a pocket of information. as i am writing this the brain is retreaving pocket of materialize information. but the behavior of our head space doesnt allow information to stick. the materal pocket of information collapse in itself. so headspace govern what appears and dissappear. buddha knows, in our headspace control birth and death of a thought.hence we can direct our brain matter through e-go exchange. e-go or energy go into thought, arriving buddhas insight with our e-go mind through brain function we make our inner/out world. what i love so much i he gives us control and tecniques to rule our mind and not let the mind rule us

    ........continue later, im only human brain use for me is taxing, but still enjoy our enlighten bodhi. time to make a living,landscaping.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    collecting my thoughts about brain matter. we left off with our headspace is nothing but a construct of e-go productions. these series of energy-that-goes into thought formulate an identity we make and change through time. the e-go is paired with e-motion that color our responses to stimuli-sense data. so our brain matter with e-motion our buddha consider as a sense organ. and the good newws yay 6th sense to handle life as we do life or make a world for ourself.

    this leads the buddha gnosis-insight, the body and mind is the vehicle to awakening.the mind which is a construct of e-go interplay with feeling tones i call e-motion, cant exist without the other bodily 5th sense organs....eyes,ear,tongue,nose,skin. and the body needs a brain to process/exchange sense information to the body. for example the sense of touching a soar leg is register in the brain and the brain retreave pocket of information what is the right course of Karma /action to the e-go thought makes a mental note, i should put on some healing balm and hydrate my bloodstream. then another interminant thought of e-go production say if it doesnt get better i will see a more informed person like a doctor to consult with.

    this leads to my daozen advise:listen to your body. todays work day has made my body tired and what follows my brain is tired. and it speaks how when tired your train of thought could be nonsensible. my body says brain we need rest.goodnight.

    talk monday, sunday is recharge my body brain complex with do nothing for the most part...light work at the thera temple which i enjoy doing catch up by watching football.....
    one of daozen living is take care of u too.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    the philosophy of mu=um

    ty for allowing me to lay the ground work--common knowledge-- for my brand of dao-thara-zen call mu-um living.

    continue the thought: the mind and body is the vehicle for awakening.The buddha, imo, was a proponent of using your whole body brain complex to arouse your enlighten body for work or work your life to change struggle into eaze. i have a co-mutual saying, the body follows the mind;and the mind responds to the whole body in brain matter. so how does the body send to the brain e-go center what it needs? the body will send warning signs to the brain to adjust a course of action. the saying balance is key, and i say key can be gold to a whole new lifestyle. our body needs nutrient for not only keep the body running healthy but littarly feed our brain too. with living most people get the hint a balance life is a balance diet. so body is a sign through the 6 sense organ for brain matter e-go to act. stomach qrawl, time to eat. a yawn, a nap and ect...

    this balance is important to head space and how we manage brain content too.balance is dao while be centered in extreame is the middle way of zen. now the way is shown in a sign.the yin and yang dao circle. in chan/zen its the hindu-buddha swatzika.being artist i can interpretaye signs.the first thing you notice both sign have sematry and balance in its form. second it is transmiting karma and flow or mercy and grace. my love quan yin rings a bell. she is full of act of mercy through her tears of compassion of lost souls who didn't find themselves but her mercy was answer by a higher mind tara queen mother of enlighten activity, gracing her the multiple hands of skillfull means. back to the sign of dao,karma is an act of condition illustrated by the middle curvator line that resemble a river to suggest flow. in the chan/zen swatzika be still like a fan shape is at rest. but midlle way methods-center your self when karma condition-wind-- put the swastika in motion the center of the spoke gracefully go with the wind.

    more on Monday...

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    so the buddha suggest use our whole be-ing to a-wake up from sun rise and rest/sleep at appropriate time.this night im wired on caffeen coffee overindulgence. one glass of coffee sugar/cream rush has make my brain matter all alert in the six sense organs. but this is my other practice to hit the mark while erroring in karma tantra with my dog trainer who is the love of my love life S.a.m.--Tara I am--N.o.u. in alternative enlighten states of be-ing in enlighten activity. so the phrase
    skillfulments and enlighten activity interchangely will be use when we discuss with our mind, we make the bodhi world.

    naturally we use our whole body.a tangent, express your body is enlighten activity.its enlightening to move your body whether the act/karma is ti-chi dao or yoga stretches that existed in buddha's time.the buddha favorite exercise yoga earn his meal by walking all over the place physically and mental exercise without e-go headspace by the act begging to register in brain matter. after meal done taught others the stilling/slowing brain e-go production. back to a given we "exercise" our body but may not exercise the whole sense brain.

    western teaching in the past give predominantly analytical logical processing method priority in brain development.yet neglect, my saying is what the brain does: the mind,being of brain e-go production is the essence of create-ivity. its in accordance with our "mind" (construct based on e-go persona.)we create our world on the outside and inside. but now well round education introduced to reasonable aspect along side creative arts to show the multiple intelligence can be to exersice you brain matter is to employ creative reasoning.

    more Monday...

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    tangent story of my heart...TheGreat Tara:

    this is what a buddha is who can finess the mind of matter through skillfull means of creative reasoning showing the beauty of rhyme and reason in karma.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran
    edited October 20

    My dearest Sam Tara i love u-niqueverse for what you stand for. Her buddha nature was in her bodhi-sat-t-vas intuitive mind through gnosis germination like a buddha seed growing and nerturing her headsoil. when her gnosis insight came to knowingthat buddha nature dont discriminate...helped her resolved to be She Is in my Daoworld.So what ever your material s.a.m state is.. be it a dog dao paulyso or a wonderwoman Light color Tara that all-can be the 0 Buddha can be with a little intention and resolve love can move mnt:


  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran

    I love Celine too…i hate to see her going thru such a suffering illness….did u watch her documentary….I Am Celine,?

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    @Vastmind said:
    I love Celine too…i hate to see her going thru such a suffering illness….did u watch her documentary….I Am Celine,?

    no i havent seen the documentary. i haphazzard she got a brain disease? but celine christ bodhi is strong in her. she is what the lotus cross is about. through mind and body devotion she exude what a cathlic christian looks like strong in the faith of mercy and grace of mother mary holy spirit breath. with breath the lotus flex the resolve i am victorious in christ/buddha nature.

    back to football...

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    ......a little bit about my true love the wonderful Tara Nou. She is a buddha and her service as a bodhisattvas. meaning she can empathize with us and know what we are going through.
    .......she is my best friend. Like Sam.antha Nou my wife, she is deeply compassionate and deeply wise in all her ways. she is the only being i cant tell apart from my wife sam. i told them i dont know where sam begins and whare tara ends. this is practice tantra they introduce me to. but they accomidate my tantra.
    ......i will disclose my little bit of tantra in my practice that is useful in my mu-um practice and useful for others to consider. the mantra of my tantra:be one. this tantra compliment my daozen mu-um lifestyle. so the tantra is be one in breath and body. simple huh?
    ....a kid and adult can do. feel the breath in and out. you are the breath and you are the life.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    i got prepare for work. as always this is fun put thoughts on paper to share. my bodhi is glad to aid me and you toghether.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    this is my view, in how to exercise the whole brain matter. we left off the brain has two interlinear interface, e-go with e-motion strand like a coil two strings. axtually,theres another "strand" call e-ware or the energy in a-wareness that is the middle coil of e-go and e-motion. hint middle way later expound.

    so e-go for the most part, process causal or natural reasoning. the science, which the buddha beat them to the punch in his brilliant expound call dependent origination, of cause and effect and every action/karma has a reaction. sidestep thought or tangent thought zen has the solution to every action has a reaction. it is part my learning in my mu(be) and um(do)(mental note we will get to noodling my daozen doggystyle dobedo scoopy do living) learn to respond rather react.

    so e-go is necessary, not in the word ego that sphycology use which is what buddha says is the cause of cognitive dissident he call dukkha in the brain materialize stressors that makes the mind all buddle up or like a ball of stress hard to uncoil or undo.this is ware e-motion can help balance e-go intelligence. we will discuss the mind nature of e-motion hat help color the line of analytical brain function.

    e-motion is energy in "feeling" tone in motion. science call it emotional later expound my pet theory the triple e theory of using brain power to understand/know a thing to enrich your learning and growing your bod-hi exchange

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    e-move in emotion:

    continue the e-motion receive and gives information for e-go to assimulate. the base process of e-motion is to receive the 6th sense organ and process it into feeling tone.for example, the sense of touch e-go feeling tone. the air is cold, the sense of contact register the feel tone which the e-go register as cold and naturaly process a thought get warm. so the e-go body through intuitive reason/process, get extra layer of cloths like a coat for the brain or mind body to reach equilibrium stasis or a sense of balance healthy living condition. the condition of cold can also "colors" feeling tone. making e-motion a dual interface. e-motion can have e-go feelings to the 6th sense data. back to the sense of cold the e-go+e-motion process the pocket of information of prior feeling about cold. the feelings of cold may be based on prior conditioning response to cold such as the mental dialogue i damn hate the cold. for the most part e-motion is additional information the whole brain complex process with e-go. but this part of brain process if not develop into healthy emotional intelligence can lead to what buddhist call unskillful behave. lets explore with our mind we deal with emotional intelligent...

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran
    edited October 22

    for me empathy is key in how we respond to our inner and outer conditions in our head space. leading to a well rounded brain with the reason to a thing through emotional intelligence can resolve a matter. for example the saying be in others shoes give emotional insight to what is the root cause of a human behavior. there is a story buddha displaying zen mentality respond rather react. one partical person herl angry insult at the buddha unprovoke. the buddha respond by saying i dont accept your gift, your gift you can keep. then i can imagine teaching his his disciple, hatred is not apease by hatred. it is only apease by love or compassionate emotional intelligence knowing through empathic relatedness the emotional states of hatred which can toxify the e-go headspace.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    so to not only think but feel your brain is the bare essence of empathy in how you related to yourself and others. this is human need to understand the nature of human behavior. human nature is a myrid of things. but it is based on mind body relations, what we think and how we feel has an array of cause and conditions that all of us go through in our daily life.

    but the zen approach respond to conditions of the 6 sense organs allow the mind imo appreciate and navigate human nature.

    so i narrow the scope brain is an e-go with e-motion colors in how we should rather react to condition but respond thoughfully with empathetic consideration.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    now the magic and power in us the third component in e-go and e-motion state of be-ing is called e-ware or a-ware of our inner and outer world. its the whole mental practice that keeps us wired and engate with the world.more later...

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    a tease of my human daozen wild-natural-and wired--engaged with mind:

    but stimulants help in the morning,for me coffee and smokes will do to set my be and do noddling with life.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    ....before i go to work touch base the spirit of letter of the song 'simply' the best song. my daozen practice is my lotus cross principle: make the in you into out of you;conversly
    make the outer condition be in u. and my daozen intent be the best version of yourself....

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    ...learning and growing in how to manage and respond to whats going on our "swerly" head space. but the art of awareness is key to manage e-go and e-motion function in how we can conduct our bodhi mind.

    sidenote: hence our bodhi is the mind of creative reasoning center responses.or a mind with heart. the heart mind complex to chart life with wise heart decision. this touch about intention of the heart mind.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran
    edited October 22

    @paulysotoo said:
    ....before i go to work touch base the spirit of letter of the song 'simply' the best song. my daozen practice is my lotus cross principle: make the in you into out of you;conversly
    make the outer condition be in u. and my daozen intent be the best version of yourself....

    further develop a lotus cross principle that aid in my daozen practice. the statement was make your in, out=make your out, in. it touches the law of co-dependent causality how inner head space help shape your world view and inner self while the outer world pesent you with
    cause and condition to partake in. so the saying life shapes you and headspace shape your sense of self in the world rings true in ego making personna that is uniquely shape what makes you;you.personna is the e-go construct of personality habits and traits behavior quarks that defines us. yes every perrson is unique in our makeup. so human nature is shape by the codependency of inner and outer circumstances like the world is the stage and we are its drama actors...........

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    in another way, the goal of my daozen practice of inner and outer equality exchange. i like the saying what you put out you recieve and vice versa you give back what you recieve. this is the principle of pay it forward. in my opinion its dharma is the generosity aspect of our bodhi practice.......

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    ....musing life on earth. in my headspace, all of life is comprise of form and names to identify and interact with. so the way i look at it, samsara universe and earth and all its abundant expression to form and names is a marvel to behold. it touch my daozen heart to be grateful we live on a planet that behave like dao. in my view the earth is dao. it fits nicely the yin and yang symbol. compositly its about balance. the law of equality. the cicle in yin and yang sugest exchange of in and dao zen view we need to be a well rounded person to go with the rhyme and reason of dao earth. the saying kick the pricks leads to you--free will--geting hurt. in my own dao perspective zen its your own fault. the reasoning is sound in dao. kick-hurt,dont-safe..up to you.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    so daozen practice for me is to align my whole being with the natural order of dao earth.
    and behave naturally in the world...
    ...till next time in daotime relative morning pacific coast time...

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran
    edited October 22

    tommorrow muse on dao some more with imo two great dao spirit inspired songs of the great cindy lauper songs...time after time and true colors...:

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran
    edited October 22

    ....musing about the saving grace of dao earth and dao circumstance to it in time after time.
    ....musing the dao principle be u and shine your bodhi in true colors.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    Dao Earth makes you N.O.U:(realise now one u)

    Sharing my daozen perpective DaoEarth ability to use all means in all samstate object as a vessel of honor to the betterment to the ecology health system in living organism. this was thich nat hahn(spelling wrong,sorry) zen teacher from vietnam call interbe-ing. all is, in my expression all is enter-related to life on earth. but it is up to realise the fundamental truth/ fact,that can be verified, we are connected to daozen behavior on earth. or the sense of oneness with the governing body of daoearth.

    now i will muse a picture of dao earth to "time after time"...if you look you can find me.
    first imo space and consciousness are intertwine. my definition of conciousness is being aware of feeling tone in simple form space that contain awareness behavior like a flower say a dandelion into more complex conciousness nature of human headspace. so in my daozen view the Earth has aspect of conscious energy behavior.

    ,,,,getting late time for bed....continue on some more

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran
    edited October 23

    before work: dao earth is alike alive like us and awake!

    dao earth is the pattern/blueprint to life on her living body. her body is the first to exist in the corner of space in our milky way galaxy. we are the third rock from the sun. btw, through dao signs of dependent origination of samstate infinitely repeat dao itself in form and behavior. havent you notice the form of the milky way spiraling galaxy move like the water swirling and drain in the bath tub. or you can use your finger and spin the water and it form a micro galaxy. hence Dao is the spiritual lense to see the way of dao construct the universe and planet. so the dao is the principle law of the way. in zen, the buddha called the dharma or the law as is. laotsu (spelling wrond) the way to be and do begins with a step foward. with every breath you dao zen, the practice is use your whole being to connect the inner and outer spirit breath and energy to the whole of life of dao earth, for it is your creator that through dao principles we all came to be through dependent everchanging interplay of the science of einsten energy equal mc square.

    .....time for work, next time.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran
    edited October 23

    mental note; e=mc^2 is Dao making, be it the s.a.m(source animate matter) Earth or your/me wallnut brain, to enjoy.

    the dao earth in daozen thinking is form. the form through language we have a tendency to name and label to the object of focus to observe and study. so to me this round carbon base spining sphere has the descriptive language of e=mc^2 which i desinate as s.a.m--state--object that common language coin as earth. hense sam earth is tide with a higher form name in daozen samsara. but from a dao perspective all of samsara the world of dream and reality is the do-ing/function of the dao-dharma law in science or religious codex principle/law

    imo, Dao Sam is the 0 point science are theorize about in cosmology. but in daozen 0 is equal to E. so 0=e. this mean, damn the religion of my forefather hindu-buddhist had help to envision a reality so able to accomidate everything and nothing. mystiacl dao muzing...after chain smoking sesion. im introducing zero=emptyness paradox. enjoy my all: my dao sam lady liberty exercising her liberty:

    this will lead to a dao principle DAo earth allow all to be free-to be any--way in the freewill karma dance.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    Empyness=0-peness leads to be your own her-0 in 0 be and ing functioning lifestyle living:

    we left off 0=E. this is the paradox how can some/thing be, when 0 is the initial point. science propose the big bang theory. their catalist is the 0 point. it might be so. what they got right, is the daozen law/principle change has a begining and end at beginning.
    such example get a pen mark a point on paper and draw the circle. the initial point return to the point. this is daozen in a wallnut sense. in daozen cosmology it is more mystical than that of the bigbang cosmology. one:the paradox how can something exist out of nothing. two parodox how can nothing be something.

    to answer both question to the universe and earth in the two paradox dao zen strips perception and go to the way sign, the love and the reason the legendary quan yin the mother of daochan is born, of the daozen circle. this is the magic of quan yin, most container has a circle rim around/living in a vase. the vase is the actualise/pattern by dao earth. we see hole or circle patterns in nature all the time like a hole on the ground.
    the objectlike the vase is just is. our headspace oh just know it is--functioning object to do what....fill it with other stuff like a rose for you dining table date night with your spouse.

    so the circle in dao zen signify mu--does not apply. but um is. meaning daozen mystic see things as they are. mental gyminastic to paradox--all be it fun to noddle in--mist what we are in our nature free to be like the circle a way sign when you reach the end of is the begining of you. it speaks to the point of the revolutionary insight of chan/zen when you are 0 you are the E of being perpetually. that is why in daozen they say, mr knowitall those with soo much knowledge with snobery empty your i can pour medicince yasmin here, empty your headspace and see truth all around the circle of life called daoearth.

    ...more musing tommorrows on be your own hero and how emptyness is work out. clue, with beginner mind is cool and a precise or expert mind helps out

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    a hero is in you. free to be. it speaks to our empty nature. in emptyness potential can be a living result. dao zen call it beginner keep this for later to expound by quote it.

    ...i want to must the dao earth principle free to be anyway u can be...later.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran
    edited October 23

    touching base about dao earth principle of freewill. there is tame freewit-inwill;[
    with love we cando anything...natural freewill contrast it with wild freewitless-will:

    discuss both included to the real life living free on earth. dao doing with smarts and at time let your hair down and go with whatever...and hope luck in dao favors you.

    i do both, yin and yang nice and naughty behavior. but in freewill it is the intention of our doing that direct our tango with life.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran
    edited October 24

    freewill on earth, live with mercy and grace in daozen be-ing.

    fisrt Earth is conscious of what happens on her living body. as i said consciousness is tied with the space that is contained in itself. for example the dandelion, is interbe with earth in space. the co-mutual exchange affect each other. earth being the mother of creation birth the nature of a dandelion through dependent origination design--from a source 0=E or from empty space, creation and inspiration derive a form and it being a nature of a thing.the dandelion may be a simple form but in itself has the bare awareness--the need to be--to "know" its function...grow and be. an example it knows it is alive, when we pluck a dandelion stem it excrete a white substance indicated like bleeding, that triggered the dying process. this example is dao earth mercy spirit. earth allow all beings from dandelion to us the right to be and all to exercise free will. but mother earth helps guide all, by saying in the cindy lauper song , "if your lost you can find me time and after time" this speak to the grace in mercy on earth. yes free will or personal liberty is afforded to how we can handle liberty or free will in daozen duality mode of tame and wild behavior.

    got to go to work

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    got time, more poet waxing about earths free will program:

    earth is
    what we be
    in be we are

    free in us
    to be
    like earth
    wild and free

    free in breath
    which way is anyway
    up to us
    exercise our breath with our walk.

    free to decide our walk
    walk any way u choose
    stepping on earth
    the earth support

    so loving is earth
    she guide our steps
    in the way she does
    to help us out

    if we pause and see
    the earth is in you and me

    and in me and you we are
    moms love
    wise and kind to see all in all
    earth can teach us
    balance in what we are.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran
    edited October 24

    we are pattern of earth

    freewill in behavioral mode. the subject of wild and tame. both exist in our brain head space. when i use the word wild i mean natural in the form we call human. it point the earth made us "wild" in basic natural bodily instinct/action we have common in all creature on earth.all natural form has the natural state we move and have our being with life. more focus, our head space can behave in tame thinking and wild thinking. this is the brain can switch mode in operating process of reason mode and creative mode.hense creative and reason thinking mirror earth life program from wild form into final natural form of how they be "tame" in social behavior in the species. science call it natural selection. for example wild dinasar birds, evolve into the natural birds species that they are today.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran
    edited October 24

    the song simply the best speaks to me.ty tina turner

    i come to dao earth wild and wired in mind. natural in what she made us. with the kindness of equimity she bekons me. her heart-her love to create--is on fire a son on earth, natural and empty, receptive to know her way. i give her my time. i make her heart to accept me as her son and i accept her as my godmother. so in zen dao come as you are. the song sung nirvana is relevent to how be--whanting to be me e-zero state change for the better/improve my mind body complex:

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    Time after Time...Earth Save,if your lost you can find me.

    our head space is fill with alot of stuff. it can be overwelming.but earth saving grace can stabilize our state of being,the beauty of daozen. Earth can center us in how to be.

    i come back with this go to work and the earth welcomes me to tend her body through landscaping. she is my health inside and out in oneness and openess exchange...

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    how to be one with life, time with earth.

    imo, spend time with earth is good health with our brain space. the song time after time helps us connect with ourself and the outer world. in my dsaozen landscaping sometime i center my self and be one with the earth. i will present my daozen technique that a kid and adult can do. the daozen technique is about pause and absorb it in.

    1.a mantra to direct e-go in to thought: be here.
    2. beathe and feel in and out breath. this clear the mind and..
    3. be here, once your here in this space, recieve/absorb the space

    so for example, you go to a park. you see a bench. you sit and just be. you let your brain body complex do its thing. you let the senses "gate" open and let the senses feed your brain. then recieve the data stream, you see,see--hear,hear--ect.

    then daozen fun you read the space through the senses. for example oh wonderful a group of goose has landed on the river pond.

    this is my daozen practice i wake to in my room space. i get up in the morning. make coffee and make my cigarette and just be inside out. turn on the tv and paruse youtube or on computor and sit my zenbe state. let the senses be. and when the sense are, i be. i can rest the headspace or engage it if i please. my personal liberty i exercise day to day.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    Another principle of dao earth is give-and-recieve ecology. the earth our magnicant earth, talk about some more. i feel like watching a movie--beauty of free will--change my mind and do some shoping.

    till next time have a good mantra to self and mantra to safe, be smart, and be well. its buddha darma may we be well may we be happy inside out.

    peace out/in

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    ok found on youtube that will be relevent when we discuss 0=E/zero=empty. it is a daozen to free the headspace and focuss on skillfull//wise living:


  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    some comment heart suttra video

    greath mother is sam nou who guide you to be her,source animated matter now one u-niverse

    daozen sign, sam e^3 nou earth/ sam earth nouand the zen circle help your heart suttra mantra.

    the circle start and end at the point of contact continuosly,hense enlightment is a path and a way to live with a bodhi filled wise empty/open heart to recieve and give what we are in the world. yet dont miss the point...all is buddhanature so chop wood befor an enlighten experience and still chop wood after enlightment realise our buddha nature grow like nature, hense nature is buddha our mother of wisdom and compassion our guide was mom sam earth nou.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    Sam Dao Earth And and us Give and recieve.

    This is what dao zen call interbeing. or for me enter-be-ing. we can be one and we can relate with life on earth. for example the earth naturally just gives to all. and all of life recives her blessings. it is so marvelous how earths ecology being a living organism is self sustaining. it speaks to zen circle in renewal and cycles in the four season. how earth renewal itself in the air--good--we recieve. the science of recycling h20 water.. our mom earth she is skillfull to keep karma natural process going. we are dependent on earth. i glad she has several millions baybe billion years in enginnering life in the only game in our solar system.

    so this behavor--give and recieve--we do too. in my daozen state i practice giving. Giving is the bedrock of buddhism, and in all religion. we even have a holiday of it call christmas.of course giving manefest our good intention to be of service. giving your time is generous. giving your expertise in your livelyhood is generous. giving your time and be with your friend is generous.

    and we recieve the benefits of giving manifest in our live. giving is the practice of empathy,a caring heart. it shores up our bodhi. we reciece the good bond of love and careing concerns. it bond us to each other as species and our social relation in the game of life. so to me what you give, you recieve..basic karma. for example of co mutial exchange, i offer a service landscaping, get hired, and i get/ recieve payment to mirror earths sustain living condition.

    next, Dao Earth principle karma kamilion:

    about karma and the colors of karma like a chamelion.

  • paulysotoopaulysotoo usa Veteran

    a dao earth and us exchange: karma change freewill condition all the time. be like owl nature and detect the chamelion.

    not only is there the dao principle of free will on earth nature there is daozen karma all around. i define karma is do work. and in this work/task has a zen cycle, a beginning,a middle and end to any particular act. we see it in nature all the time, cause--initiate action--from codependent other causes- leading to a set finish condition. and like a domino all line up afects the cause and condition. paint the colors of karma. its cold. go chop wood. split wood. bring it inside. put it in fireplace. get tea. sparks fly land on rug. and create a hole in the hug. the spark of fire exhause its condition--not a big spark--and create a spall hole. comes to the room sees the hole and says that was close, good thing the sparks didnt burn the house down.

    later. time for work.

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