I think I ate something bad Sunday, or had a stomach virus or both. Felt pretty nauseous and threw up my dinner, still felt nauseous the next day and had to force down a very small amount of food. Slowly I was able to tolerate more food as the days went on. It was this thing where if I only ate a little I felt very full. I haven't felt hungry or much of an urge to eat at all this week and aside from the discomfort its actually been rather nice, not thinking about wanting something to eat and all the subsequent thoughts about diet and how much to eat, etc.
Its like Nagarjuna's stanza
There is pleasure when a sore is scratched, But to be without sores is more pleasurable still. Just so, there are pleasures in worldly desires, But to be without desires is more pleasurable still.
I also noticed a sense of boredom. Like what to do now, that I'm not worrying about eating.
I think I felt a hunger pang today, so it seems I'm coming back to my normal. I'm thinking about how I may incorporate this experience into my life going forward.
That sounds very positive, @person. It’s interesting how a bad experience — feeling ill — can also have good sides when you are observant. I have also been looking at my relationship to food. I have been listening to the body more, lately. And part of that has been not eating when I do not feel hungry. I’ve been eating one meal a day some days, other days skipping dinner.
I found it surprising how little food we actually need. Three square meals a day seems like an excess to me now, maybe a farmhand or a manual labourer might need that.
Great advice from @Jeroen
You could celebrate Ramadan or just do intermittent fasting?
I just learned how to make humorous houmous (thanks spell checker). Had it for break fast. Simply delish!