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As someone who is well past their sell by date, I just learned about thanatophobia (fear of not being/aka death).
As you know before being conscious, we was dead. Did not concern us in the least, much the same will occur on death.
Whilst here I will use my time WELL.
- Laugh at death, demons and Buddhists (as a starting point)

- Be kind to (in order of importance) me, you SA (a country of hypno-chondriacs or is it hypochondriacs), WE (Well Everybody)
- Meditate on the Meaning of Life, Love and Laughter - 3 L's or 'ells for beginners
What is your favourite part of Death?
Interesting, with Thanos from Marvel
That its so egalitarian... 😏
That no life lives forever
That dead men rise up never
That even the weariest river
Winds somewhere safe to sea
...well I suppose some of us, all of us maybe, are here to protect against unnecessary death?
and now back to the deadly hallows...
I'll let you know when I get there. Maybe it is like being born, or growing up, or getting old - a rebirth, a whole new set of reference points to navigate. Or maybe not. Perhaps the uncertainty is the best part.
This is still theoretical for me in a lived sense, but my favourite part of death is that once we lose the fear of it, we lose all - at least chronic - fear. And can finally really live.
A quote comes to mind:
"A mystic is someone whom - quite fundamentally - you can't scare with death" (Allan Watts)
A couple of videos I enjoyed from Zen Confidential about aging and death.
and now for a musical interlude
I won't have to read your utterly ridiculous musings anymore! LOLz.
Death is life without all the distractions.