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  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited August 2010
    always :D
  • sandysandy Explorer
    edited August 2010
    My day yesterday was nice and calm. I finally feel like I've caught up on sleep, too!
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited August 2010
    I went on holiday. I got drunk, gambled, lost money, learned my mother and father had affairs, found out one of my cousin's real dad isn't my uncle, found out my mum had secret sisters, my dad and his girlfriend slagged my nan and two of my cousins off, my dad's girlfriend's bratty children slagged my favourite cousin off, had to cook my own meals and was neglected by my dad's girlfriend. I'm only 12. Not the best of holidays.
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited August 2010
    Have you considered early retirement, Nickki?! Oy vey!

  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    I should travel Europe, I'm always obsesed with some Europian country or other, first the Dutch, then the Swedish and now Germans :lol:
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited September 2010
    First you might consider getting a new family! ;) But I would suggest at least laying off the booze. You really are too young for that. If I may offer a bit of old-'uns advice!

  • ThaoThao Veteran
    edited September 2010
    I hope you are joking orange jellybean. I once wrote a story that I didn't think anyone would believe because it was a joke. i said my apartment caught on fire, I grabbed the bird cage and my cat and tripped on the stairs on my way out and the bird got out and the cat ate it. it was a long involved story, but someone actually believed it.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    No, that was actually what happened on my holiday. Although gambled was an exaggeration :lol: but the rest was true no joke :-/
    And I will listen to your advise Palzang, as you are a very wise old'un ;):D I don't won't turn out like my friend Tai who smokes, gets drunk on a nightly basis, smokes weed and lost her virginity to a 17 year old :( Which is really bad, and I told her the 17 year old business was plain sick. I wouldn't lend her any money either because I said she should save the money she gets instead of blowing it on marjuana :-/
  • ThaoThao Veteran
    edited September 2010
    How sad to have learned all that love 'm' peace. How horrible to have learned all of those things. Of course I have learned all kinds of things in regards to my family members but it all didn't happen at one time.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Thank you very much Jessaka, but it was the highlight of my holiday. I'd rather know those things than not.
  • PadawanPadawan Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Hi all, I've been away a very long time, I realise- It must be a couple of years now, I think. The last you heard of me, I had just finished putting in my garden, and after that' i kind of got tied up with offline life, so I didn't find the time to pop in and say 'hi' to all my friends. I notice there are some new faces here, as well as some old friends, so I hope to be able to make some new acquaintances as well as re-establish some old friendships.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Welcome back Padawan :wavey:
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited September 2010
    LoveNPeace wrote: »
    I went on holiday. I got drunk, gambled, lost money, learned my mother and father had affairs, found out one of my cousin's real dad isn't my uncle, found out my mum had secret sisters, my dad and his girlfriend slagged my nan and two of my cousins off, my dad's girlfriend's bratty children slagged my favourite cousin off, had to cook my own meals and was neglected by my dad's girlfriend. I'm only 12. Not the best of holidays.

    Just read this,L'n'P. What wonderful material for your first (and probably subsequent) novels or plays!
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    *looks up the word subsequent* Em... thank you? LOL, but probably not my first novel, for the present is a sort of fairy tale mash about a boy who lives on a newly-risen, marshy, volcanic island connected to Scotland in the year 2110. The world is pollution torn and the huge, smoking sky scrapers rise up from the melted remains of Iceland. The boy lives in one of the ten little houses lined in front of the swollen, flooded seafront of the marshy island attached to Scotland. The boy's parents are members of the KKK/Nazi allience and he is a dissapointment to them, unlike his brother and sister. I'd like to do some more discription of the seafront but long story short he finds a magical world through a portal in his book shelf at finds himself in a forest (which is quite a shock for the only tree for miles was a withered old willow, weighed down by scabby crows) and then I start mixing together some of my favourate fairy tales to make a hopefully awesome story. Inspired by my favourite book The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly, although my tale is an entirely different one in an entirely different world.
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited September 2010
    LoveNPeace wrote: »
    *looks up the word subsequent* Em... thank you? LOL, but probably not my first novel, for the present is a sort of fairy tale mash about a boy who lives on a newly-risen, marshy, volcanic island connected to Scotland in the year 2110. The world is pollution torn and the huge, smoking sky scrapers rise up from the melted remains of Iceland. The boy lives in one of the ten little houses lined in front of the swollen, flooded seafront of the marshy island attached to Scotland. The boy's parents are members of the KKK/Nazi allience and he is a dissapointment to them, unlike his brother and sister. I'd like to do some more discription of the seafront but long story short he finds a magical world through a portal in his book shelf at finds himself in a forest (which is quite a shock for the only tree for miles was a withered old willow, weighed down by scabby crows) and then I start mixing together some of my favourate fairy tales to make a hopefully awesome story. Inspired by my favourite book The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly, although my tale is an entirely different one in an entirely different world.

    And you don't see how your own experience is informing the story you tell?

    What books do you like reading?
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    I'm certain my own experiances have and will form themselves into the tale and the personalities of myself and the people around me will shape the characters.
    I like many books, although the quirky, scary and even romantic and occasionly funny tale John wove made the most pleasing, inspiring tale I've ever read, and it's helped me discover aspects of my own personality.
  • TreeLuvr87TreeLuvr87 Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Glad to see that everyone is doing fairly well! Nikki, sorry to hear about your holiday - I'm glad that you're finding out more truths but feel a lot of compassion that you're being exposed to so much suffering. Looks like you're doing a great job at keeping your spirits lifted!

    I went to Florida for a vacation and had a blast! I didn't do very well with my meditation while gone but was happy to sit for a session last night after some reading. Things are going well!
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Glad to see you had a good holiday, and thanks :)
  • edited October 2010
    Just thought I'd assuage my bruised ego a bit by bumping a thread with this:
    Got a call today from the job I really wanted to get - I didn't make it past the group interview. Grr. Cuss and bother. I've been in a bit of funk all day because of it! :D
    Still, the other job I went for, which isn't so bad and might allow me to work alongside a good mate, is promising; I made it to the one-on-one interview. (It's just a till monkey job, though :( )
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Very good little boy, I'm proud. Got up and ate some soup, I went to the school today and started with English where we went on the computers and had to write a newsagents add trying to make Out-With Concentration Camp sound nice. After we had art and we're drawing a house. In break I had a cereal bar. Next I had badminton and stayed in the same league. After we had gymnastics which was even better. Me, KJ, Swinny and Owen got in a group and had a lot of fun :D After we had dinner, I had some pasta, a yummy cookie and some pineapple juice. Then I went up to the library and read Living With A Willy with my friend Rory. After we had maths where we were doing angles and I didn't listen so pretended I'd forgotten LOL. Then we had ICT and made graphs on test scores. After I went home and read Plague. Then I went up to my nan's and finished off Plague. Then I had a quorn burger and started answering my emails :D
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited October 2010
    LoveNPeace wrote: »
    Very good little boy, I'm proud. Got up and ate some soup, I went to the school today and started with English where we went on the computers and had to write a newsagents add trying to make Out-With Concentration Camp sound nice. After we had art and we're drawing a house. In break I had a cereal bar. Next I had badminton and stayed in the same league. After we had gymnastics which was even better. Me, KJ, Swinny and Owen got in a group and had a lot of fun :D After we had dinner, I had some pasta, a yummy cookie and some pineapple juice. Then I went up to the library and read Living With A Willy with my friend Rory. After we had maths where we were doing angles and I didn't listen so pretended I'd forgotten LOL. Then we had ICT and made graphs on test scores. After I went home and read Plague. Then I went up to my nan's and finished off Plague. Then I had a quorn burger and started answering my emails :D
    A life crammed with incident indeed!
  • zider_redzider_red Explorer
    edited October 2010
    LoveNPeace wrote: »
    . Then I had a quorn burger and started answering my emails :D

    you're making me hungry :D
    I'm making a quorn chilli con carne for tea tonight :)
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Yum, I'm having Pizzzzaaaa :D:D:D
  • edited October 2010
  • Invincible_summerInvincible_summer Heavy Metal Dhamma We(s)t coast, Canada Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Got my mind blown by being introduced to the concept of the Trichilocosm in my Buddhist studies class.
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited October 2010
    So now what the heck is a quom burger, or quom chili con carne, or whatever? Why don't you-alls speaks Americun!

  • GuyCGuyC Veteran
    edited October 2010
    I believe it is a fungus-based substitute for meat.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited October 2010
    QUORN is a micro protein fungi containing free range egg and onion. It's high in protein and fibre and low in saturates and fat.
  • zider_redzider_red Explorer
    edited October 2010
  • edited October 2010
    LoveNPeace wrote: »
    I got drunk, . I'm only 12. Not the best of holidays.

    Stay away from the bottle LNP!

    let this be a lesson to you!
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited October 2010
    LoveNPeace wrote: »
    QUORN is a micro protein fungi containing free range egg and onion. It's high in protein and fibre and low in saturates and fat.

    Urp. So let me get this straight, is it something you would slaver Vegemite over? Oh, my poor stomach! I'm going to hurl...again! Urp!


    PS Where's the hurling smilie? I don't seem to be able to locate it!

    We're happy little Vegemites, as bright as bright can be,
    We all enjoy our Vegemite for breakfast, lunch and tea,
    Our mummies say we're growing stronger every single week,
    Because we love our Vegemite,
    We all adore our Vegemite,
    It puts a rose in every cheek.

    Quorn is a very handy word, useful in all circumstances. It is not, as some would believe, a meat substitute for vegetarians, but rather, a much needed word for every member of today's rather "quornish" society.
    "you see that guy over there.. what an absolute quorn!"

    "what are you quorning on about?!"

    "to quorn, or not to quorn. That is the question."

    My mum told me off for looking at some quorn on the internet the other night. I mean what is her problem, it's only a tasty meat substitute for veggis!!"

    Quorn: An edible protein that is not animal or vegetable based, developed in Europe. Quorn is a fungus and therefore not animal or vegetable, although bichemically similar to animals on the cellular level, so is a good source of nutrition. The organism from which Quorn is harvested is a batch-grown form of the tinnea fungus that causes athletes foot in humans.

    Please sir, may I have more?
  • Invincible_summerInvincible_summer Heavy Metal Dhamma We(s)t coast, Canada Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Palzang wrote: »
    Quorn: An edible protein that is not animal or vegetable based, developed in Europe. Quorn is a fungus and therefore not animal or vegetable, although bichemically similar to animals on the cellular level, so is a good source of nutrition. The organism from which Quorn is harvested is a batch-grown form of the tinnea fungus that causes athletes foot in humans.

    I believe the same fungus is used in making certain types of cheese.. Oka?
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Yeah, toe cheese! :p

  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Stay away from the bottle LNP!

    let this be a lesson to you!

    :wtf: It was less than a bottle, it was probably me just thinking I was and acting shameless as an excuse :lol:
  • Invincible_summerInvincible_summer Heavy Metal Dhamma We(s)t coast, Canada Veteran
    edited October 2010
    So my gf is wanting to break up with me. Not a good day.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited October 2010
    :( Aw, I'm sorry mate.
  • ZaylZayl Veteran
    edited October 2010
    I recently came down with some sort of sickness. Needless to say my entire body feels horrible, my throat is killing me, my sinuses are clogged, and the fever is beginning to affect the way I think.

    Needless to say it has put a stop to my meditations. I still sit the same amount of time every day, but I can never focus.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Zayl wrote: »
    I recently came down with some sort of sickness. Needless to say my entire body feels horrible, my throat is killing me, my sinuses are clogged, and the fever is beginning to affect the way I think.

    Needless to say it has put a stop to my meditations. I still sit the same amount of time every day, but I can never focus.

    That's what Thailand Tom used to say. Poor old Tom :bawling:
  • TreeLuvr87TreeLuvr87 Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Sorry to hear about the less-than-stellar days going on around here. I'm in a glum mood, though I think it's mostly just from the same deep-rooted seeds that I've been trying to stop watering. So today I will send out well wishes to you guys and work on some tonglen to cultivate more compassion. I've been feeling drained of compassion lately.
  • Having the most painful day of my life. I've never experienced a feeling so intense as this pain. I dont know what I'll get from writing this down but it might make me feel better, if only for a fraction of time.

    Yesterday I made the biggest mistake of my life. I let go of the most amazing girl I will probably ever meet in my life. Why? Because I'm a coward who is too scared to express his true feelings. Now, I might not see her ever again. The biggest regret is that I never made my feelings known to her. If she had told me to get lost, today I would be a happy man. I would be happy knowing that at least I let her know how I feel. I didn't give myself that chance though. I was in fear of experiencing regret, and regret is what came to me.

    Its not the first time I've experienced regret, because I've failed in the past too. Failed to be a real man. Once again, I failed. How many more times? How many more times will I fail?

    Im not the type that wanted to settle down early. However, when you meet the right person, everything changes. No matter how confident I am, what kind of spell did this girl cast on me to make me unable to even look her in the eye? Unable to say hello. What did she do? Or is it just me?

    Plenty of fish in the sea? Is something I would always say, but it has no meaning now for me. It means nothing. Because beauty is common. The other night I was in a club, beautiful girls everywhere, and I didn't pay them any attention, cause all I thought about was this one girl. They were sitting right next to us. They might think I'm gay, but I don't care.

    Yesterday two more girls showed interest in me, but I didn't even look at them. Not because I couldn't. If I wanted, I could ve walked right up to them, looked them dead in the eye, and started talking. Because they were just good looking girls who meant nothing to me. Nothing. I could only see one girl. At that time I still had hope, that I would be able talk to the only girl that I was interested in. This is the one I couldn't even look at. I couldn't be a man.

    At the end of the day, she was looking at me almost as if she was waiting for me to step up, why didn't I do it? Because I'm a coward. What is it that I'm afraid of? Or am I punishing myself? How do I get rid of this pain? If I had one more day to live, if I knew I was going to die, would I then be able to live my life without fear? Or would I still be a coward? Why does it have to take death to make on make the most of ones life? Why is life so cruel like this?

    Sometimes people say that they like a girl because she's not just good lookin but also classy, funny, kind etc, but that's not why I'm crying for this girl. I'm crying for her because she gave me a feeing that can't be described in words. A feeling more intense than the one I experienced when I had that high school crush. That's how intense it is. I haven't been able to eat properly these past few days, because was thinking about her and how to ask her out.

    This pain is not like the pain of a high school crush. Its a pain of regret. Like I said, if she told me to get lost, if she told me she was out of my league, if she told me I wasn't good looking enough for her, today I would be a happy man. It hurts so much that she seemed waiting for me but my cowardice did't allow me to do that. I may have ruined two lives because of that.

    Yesterday I had one final chance. She left our group after saying a final goodbye, with a sad look on her face, and was heading home. I waited a while, thought about it, and chased after her. She was already gone. What if I hadn't hesitated? I searched one direction and couldn't see her. What if I had searched the other direction? Could I have found her? If she was here now there is so much I would say to her.

    I have created a life for us in my mind, but can this dream now be realised? Maybe this girl is on facebook, maybe there's some way to get in touch, I hope. what love is? I didn't even think about this girl in a sexual way. I just want to hold her, and never let go.

    I was looking forward to Christmas, new years, and going away on holiday. These things mean nothing now. How will I put on a false smile? How will I do that so I'm not miserable company?

    I will try to meditate later today,but can this heal regret? Can it make me a man? Can it give me enough courage to live the rest of my life without regrets? Or will I fail once again? I was feeling like a King, then my confidence turned to optimism, which turned to hope, which turned to fear, which turned to despair and pain. I am empty inside. My heart has been ripped out and I have no one to blame but myself.

    Is there a way for our paths to cross again? Can love make it happen? Can I talk to her without being in contact with her? I just want her to know. That's all. The tears won't stop.

  • Having the most painful day of my life. I've never experienced a feeling so intense as this pain. I dont know what I'll get from writing this down but it might make me feel better, if only for a fraction of time.

    Yesterday I made the biggest mistake of my life. I let go of the most amazing girl I will probably ever meet in my life. Why? Because I'm a coward who is too scared to express his true feelings. Now, I might not see her ever again. The biggest regret is that I never made my feelings known to her. If she had told me to get lost, today I would be a happy man. I would be happy knowing that at least I let her know how I feel. I didn't give myself that chance though. I was in fear of experiencing regret, and regret is what came to me.

    Its not the first time I've experienced regret, because I've failed in the past too. Failed to be a real man. Once again, I failed. How many more times? How many more times will I fail?

    Im not the type that wanted to settle down early. However, when you meet the right person, everything changes. No matter how confident I am, what kind of spell did this girl cast on me to make me unable to even look her in the eye? Unable to say hello. What did she do? Or is it just me?

    Plenty of fish in the sea? Is something I would always say, but it has no meaning now for me. It means nothing. Because beauty is common. The other night I was in a club, beautiful girls everywhere, and I didn't pay them any attention, cause all I thought about was this one girl. They were sitting right next to us. They might think I'm gay, but I don't care.
    Matters like this demonstrate the truth of attachment and how it causes suffering. I experienced a similar experience myself when I was younger. There was a girl I loved - one of the few times I felt true romantic love. It wasn't reciprocated that way, and we never ended up being together. It crushed me for two years. I went through a period of speaking quite monotonously and she was all that was on my mind.

    Last year I've been speaking to her again and she expressed interest. It was different this time though. Although showing interest back, I didn't create expectations around it. I wasn't attached - I didn't dwell on it. And lo and behold, it's looking like it won't work out.

    It sucks being in a position where you feel inadequate, like a coward, making the wrong moves, etc. But it's created by creating these mental outcomes and feeling the need to obtain them.

    Keep your mind on the present and my best wishes go out to you :)

  • Today I got up and fell down the stairs. I was really shocked - I sat there for a few minutes, worrying the kids, but it was because I was in shock.

    I have weak bones and a joint disease so I thought I might have done myself serious damage, but I think I'm OK apart from a few bruises. But the effect on me psychologically is bad: I felt over-protective of myself and nervous of moving about. After the accident, my knee gave way and I almost fell over again.

    Thankfully, my practice has enabled me to notice this instinct in myself, and therefore to compensate for it. So I went out for a walk with my carer and the dog. I was wearing my special boots which keep my feet straight, so it was quite safe, but I really can't let myself be housebound by a fear of falling. I've seen it in others all too often. :(
  • dont recommend the Green Hornet.

    It was an alright movie at best, probs 5/10. the trailer make it look alot better then it actually is.
  • Dear Brothers and Sisters,

    Greetings from Dublin, Ireland. I hope this message finds you in good spirits in these troubled times. We are a small group of friends who are interested in finding peace and liberation through buddhism. Feel free to join us for friendship and discussion on our Facebook page We call ourselves the Free irish Buddhsits. We would like to make links with other buddhist groups and as we are quite new we woukld also be interested in some teachings. We can also be contacted at Wishing you peace and happiness now and forever.

  • Perhaps I should have mentioned that my full name is Paul Hayes. In fact you can called me Dr. Paul if you like, just graduated with phd last Wednesday :-) Please free to contact me anytime on my personal Facebook page (!/profile.php?id=718369471)or else at Also, if any of you have a spare 100 billion dollars it would go a long way to paying the national debt of Ireland at the moment, thanks to our banks and politicans. Anyway, looking forward to chatting with you. Best wishes from Ireland.
  • BarraBarra soto zennie wandering in a cloud in beautiful, bucolic Victoria BC, on the wacky left coast of Canada Veteran
    We had an earthquake drill today. The whole province, apparently (British Columbia). I was on the couch knitting when it was announced at 10 am that we had to dive for cover. I figured it would not be safe to roll off the couch and get trapped between the (heavy) coffee table and the couch, and in a real earthquake the floor would be littered with shattered glass (from the art works which need to be hooked on to a locking catch) so the safest thing would be to curl up on the couch and put pillows over my head. So thats what I did! Lived through it, too!
  • BarraBarra soto zennie wandering in a cloud in beautiful, bucolic Victoria BC, on the wacky left coast of Canada Veteran
    Nobody has anything to report? or does somebody have nothing to report?
  • Nobody has anything to report? or does somebody have nothing to report?
    Yes, aq brilliant day, I found you all!
    Hi all!
  • Great day here on the Central Coast of California. The sun is shining and I'm going to the park for lunch.
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